April-June 2007 |
Vol. VI - No.3 |
In This Issue
The Samaritan Update, is a Monthly Internet Newsletter, a Division of The-Samaritans.com. Subscription is free via E-mail only. ----- Editor: Shomron Co-Editor: Osher Sassoni Staff Writer: Staff Photographer:
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In Planning Stage SES: In University of Papa/ Hungary in 2008. organised by Dr. Joseph Zsengelle'
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Feasts & Fasts, A Festschrift in Honor of Alan David Crown
Available from www.mandelbaum.
New Samaritans- A DOCUMENTARY on Samaritan brides from the Ukraine
The Samaritan Passover Sacrifice took place on Mount Gerizim in the late afternoon Monday on April 30th, 2007. Menachem Kuchar Enjoy them `````````````````````` Videos Watch a viewing from witnesses of the Passover on youtube.com Samaritan Passover Part I - Ron Cantrellhttp://youtube.com/watch?v=HWefPAMv1c8
Samaritan Passover Part II - Ron Cantrell http://youtube.com/watch?v=rwcG-YfELOI http://jerusalemthroughmylens.blogspot.com/
Samaritan at mount Gerizim from DavidBenGurionhttp://youtube.com/watch?v=KEpb0ff6tqg
the smaratian's priests at passover sacrifice, mount Gerizim from DavidBenGurion http://youtube.com/watch?v=07QSrb6v7Og
Samaritan Priest from elchananmhttp://youtube.com/watch?v=sxSTEH0ha3c
Passover Articles on the net
Passover on Mount Gerizimhttp://www.oligopistos.com/oligopistos/2007/05/passover_on_mou.html
Ancient Samaritan sect marks
Passover sacrifice near Nablus
LA(h) Confidential http://lahconfidential.blogspot.com/search/label/Samaria
Samaritans honour rituals of their 3000-year-old faith from Ed O'Loughlin
The Samaritans' Passover sacrifice Amnon K'fir http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-3394699,00.html
גלי תיבון, "עלייה לרגל" http://www.ynet.co.il/articles/0,7340,L-3390568,00.html
Ancient ritual slaughter unites enemies for a day from brisbane times
Samaritan Passover 2007: the Good, Bad, and BloodyLive Animal Sacrificehttp://www.weirdmeat.com/archive/2005_03_01_archive.html
The Samaritans of Nablus http://www.arabisto.com/p_blogEntry.cfm?blogEntryID=401
Samaritan Passover http://www.cjnews.com/viewarticle.asp?id=11732
Face of the Dayhttp://andrewsullivan.theatlantic.com/the_daily_dish/2007/05/face_of_the_day_7.html
The Wire - Tuesday May 8, 2007 http://blogs.columbiatribune.com/photo/2007/05/the_wire_tuesday_may_8_2007.html
The Samaritan Passover Sacrifice (photos) http://www.photoshelter.com/gallery-show/G0000hRf653wXqwU/ `````````````````````` The Link to the updated website of the Samaritan Museum on Mount Gerizim. ```````````````` THE ORIGIN AND HISTORY OF THE SAMARITANS by WAYNE A. BRINDLE Grace Theological Journal 5.1 (1984) 47-75 ```````````````` SIR ROBERT ANDERSON An example was
the "assured result" that the Pentateuch was a Jewish work of a
comparatively late date. A really strong case might be shattered by a
single fact. And if the critics' case against the Mosaic books were as
complete as it was faulty there was one fact which would explode it. That
fact was the Samaritan Bible. The C.I.D. story of the man who bought a
false moustache was here requisitioned as an illustration, The sacrosanct
Scriptures of the Samaritans were limited to the Pentateuch. The standing
feud between them and the Jews was a matter of common knowledge. Yet the
critics would have us believe that the Scriptures which the Samaritans
held in such special reverence were literary forgeries compiled by the
Jews after the separation from them of the Ten Tribes, a considerable
portion dating from after the return of the Jews from the Babylonian
captivity! The critical case, however, rested, on Professor Driver's own
showing, only upon "plausible arguments, grounds of probability" and the
like. ````````````````````` Samaritan PentateuchThe British Library Board This is one of the most significant manuscripts in the British Library's collections relating to the Samaritans, a sect of Judaism that split off from the mainstream over 1600 years ago. It reveals the Samaritan descendants of the Israelites who were not exiled by the Assyrians in 722 BCE. You can see this item on display in the British Library's Sacred Exhibition until 23 September 2007. Find out more http://www.bl.uk/onlinegallery/sacredtexts/samarpent.html ````````````````````` Rare Judaica By Shomron In early May, the Baranovich staff, requested some information concerning a Shomroni (Samaritan) document in which they wanted it described or translated. Benyamim [Benny] Tsedaka was also contacted on the subject. Benny informed me of the article; 'They were not rally interested in the translation of the document as they were interested in its description that I willingly gave them. It is a phrase song written by the poet Abraham b. Marchiv Tsedaka Hatsafari in 1910 that sanf by the few Samaritans in 1910 in the welcome party the Samaritans made for the donor Elkana Warren from Oak Tree Michigan who granted them to help establishing a new Samaritan School in Nablus903 - 1916. This is an original document that written in several copies by the author held in the hands of the singer when they sang it before Warren and his fellows.' I was unable after requesting information from them on the auction date and location! ````````````````````` The Samaritans from Israel and Nablus The Samaritan Singers in the UK http://www.spiroark.org/samaritans/4522530998 ``````````````````````
Archaeology Lecture "Woman of Caesarea: Jews,
Pagans, Samaritans and Christians" ``````````````````````` LATE ANTIQUE ARCHAEOLOGY 2007 The Archaeology of War in Late Antiquity
To be held at the
and Non-Conforming Jews |
Thank you! |
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