Jan.- Feb. 2008 |
Vol. VII - No.3 |
In This Issue ·
Festivals ·
Sergio · New Book · Review · Translation · Biblio The
Samaritan Update, is a Monthly Internet
Newsletter, a Division of The-Samaritans.com. Subscription
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Samaritan Studies and Related
Conferences: See this issue In Planning Stage SES:
In organised by Dr.
Joseph Zsengelle' SBL 2008 call for papers Important Links Samaritan
Museum on Mount Gerizim.
Plan on buying a Book? Buy through us and support our main website: www.the-samaritans.com
Have you
purchased your book lately? Feasts &
Fasts, A Festschrift in Honor of Alan David Crown Available from www.mandelbaum. New Samaritans- A DOCUMENTARY on Samaritan brides from the Ukraine Finnish Arabic Dictionary by H. Shehadeh here for article in Arabic |
Upcoming Festivals Passover: at sunset on April 19, 2008 Festival of Unleavened Bread: tarts
at sunset on April 19 to sunset April 26th First Pilgrimage: early morning of
April 26th Pentecost/ second Pilgrimage June
15, 2008 Festival of the Seventh month Sept.
29, 2008 Day of Atonement: Oct. 8, 2008 Festival of Booths/ third Pilgrimage
Oct. 13, 2008 Festival of the Eight Day: Oct. 20,
2008 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Prof. Sergio Noja-Noseda Submitted by Prof. Reinhard Pummer
It is with shock and sadness that I learned that
Prof. Sergio Noja-Noseda has died in a car accident
on January 31, 2007. As you no doubt will remember, Prof. Noja
organized the Fourth International Congress of the SES in An
obituary in Italian is included, although it concentrates on his work in the
field of Arabic studies.
Giuliana Malpezzi* Lunedi'
4 Febbraio 2008 Il 31 gennaio
2008 è scomparso, in seguito
ad un incidente stradale,
Sergio Noja Noseda, uno dei massimi
arabisti italiani e internazionali ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ New Book to look for November 2008 SAMARITANS' PAST AND PRESENT:
Current Studies (Hardcover) Product Details
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Book Review From the Editor ABRAHAM'S CHILDREN: Race,
Identity and the DNA of The
Thank you Jon Entine for writing this book! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Update on Benny Tsedaka’s Torah Translation The first English translation of the Samaritan version
of the Pentateuch was submitted to Logos.com for publication in January 2008.
But do not expect it out till the end of this year. This is just part of a
mega project that Logos and Benny Tsedaka are working on. In the mean time
Mr. Tsedaka has contacted another source to print the translation in hard
back book form. We hope to see it for sale soon. In the mean time, here is a
short section of a commentary from Numbers 16:22 from page 68; ‘And they fell
on their faces and said, Il, Eloowwi of the spirits
to all the flesh, shall the one man sin, and you will be angry with the
entire congregation.’ Commentary: ‘”The spirits to all the flesh”=
Upon these words is based the special Israelite Samaritan tradition that
before coming to the Next World, after the Almighty decides if entrance is
deserved, the spirit of the person is entering a mid-world of souls and
wandering there till the End of the days [Gen. 49:1; Num. 24:14; Deut. 32:29].
From this world of souls the Almighty is giving a soul to a newborn. When
there is a newborn, the priest greets him by a special hymn where he is
described as a new comer from the world of souls. In the world of souls there
exists both those who have already lived on earth
and then their body died, and also the souls of those who have not yet been
born ever. The Israelite Samaritans do not believe that a soul of someone who
has already lived on earth can reenter the world as a newborn. They do believe there is a divide from the wicked souls
and the righteous souls. Shiyyyla (Sheol) means deep in the earth. Other foreign traditions have
understood it as hell. But it means deep under the ground. With Karah and his community the fire of the Almighty followed
them deep under the ground to burn them completely without a chance to be in
the next world of souls because they acted directly against Him [See Deut.
32:22].’ This is just a short interesting morsel of what you can
expect from Benny Tsedaka work. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Biblio The Samaritan Liturgy V2
(1909) (Paperback)
by A.
E. Cowley (Author) Book Description: Text Is In English And Hebrew. In Two Volumes. Product
Details Paperback: 540 pages Publisher: Kessinger
Publishing, LLC (November 3, 2007) Language: English ISBN-10:
054869723X ISBN-13: 978-0548697238 Product Dimensions: 8.8 x 6
x 1.4 inches The Ancient Languages of
Syria-Palestine and Editorial Reviews ,Product
Description Product Details: Paperback: 240 pages Publisher: Reconstructing the
First-Century Synagogue: A Critical Analysis of Current Research (Library of
New Testament Studies, the) (Hardcover) by Stephen
K. Catto (Author) Product Details: Hardcover: 226 pages Publisher: T & T Clark
International (February 2008) Language: English ISBN-10:
0567045617 ISBN-13: 978-0567045614 Product Dimensions: 9.2 x
6.3 x 1 inches The Karaite
Halakah And Its Relation To Sadducean, Samaritan
And Philonian Halakah: Part One (1913) (Paperback)
by Bernard
Revel (Author) Product Details: Paperback: 92 pages Publisher: Kessinger
Publishing, LLC (October 2, 2007) Language: English ISBN-10:
0548603472 ISBN-13:
978-0548603475 Product Dimensions: 8.8 x 5.8 x 0.3 inches Gerizim as Samaritans,
the Earliest Jewish Sect: Their History, Theology and
Literature by James
Alan Montgomery Publisher: Wipf &
Stock Publishers Pub. Date: October 2006 ISBN-13: 9781597529655, 358pp |
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