Conference Abstracts
Source: Ingrid Hjelm and A. B. -The Samaritan News
by Ingrid Hjelm, University of Copenhagen (Photo)
Dear colleagues, "I am
very pleased to welcome you to this session on Samaritan Studies. The
importance of incorporating Samaritan studies as part of studies in
Jewish and Christian bibles probably has never been greater. With
increasing arguments for a lower dating of the writing and composition
of the Hebrew Bible to the post-exilic, or second-temple period if you
wish, and re-evaluations of the independent political and religious
role of Samaria until its annexation into the Hasmonaean Jewish state
in the end of the second century BCE, Samaritan traditions, belief and
practices have more to do with these issues than hitherto assumed.
While 10 years ago it was fully accepted to view Samaritanism as a
specific development from post exilic Judaism, to which it owed its
origin and intellectual continuation, recent research in the field has
made such assumptions less likely. Excavations on Gerizim since the
1980’s conducted by Itzaq Magen have made clear that the post-exilic
history of Judea and the formation of the Hebrew Bible cannot be
written without taking Samaritan history into account. The Samaritans
did not come into existence in the fourth century BCE with Alexander’s
permission to dissident priests from Jerusalem’s temple to build a
temple on Gerizim as told by Josephus. The temple structures found on
Mount Gerizim underneath the enlarged Hellenistic cult place do not
date to the reign of Alexander the Great, but to around mid-fifth
century BCE. The plan of this cult place fits the description of the
temple in Ezechiel’ s vision, measurements of which, cannot be
associated to Jerusalems’ temple earlier than the Hellenistic or Roman
periods (Magen, in Qadmoniot 120, 2000:109). As Josephus got it
wrong regarding the building of the Samaritan temple, he neglected its
enlargement and Gerizim’s change from cult place to capitol and temple
city in the time of Antiochus III (Magen 2000: 117-118). The
destruction of the temple, Josephus argues had taken place at the
beginning of the reign of John Hyrcanus (135-104 BCE), rather than at
the end of his reign. From the coinage, a dating later than 111 BCE is
the more probable (Magen 2000: 118). The duration of the Samaritan
temple, which was dedicated to ‘Yahweh-el-‘Eljon’ (Magen 2000:
108, 113) was not the 200 years stated by Josephus (Ant.
13.256), but rather closer to the 343 years, he ascribes to the
existence of the temple in Heliopolis / Leontopolis (War 7.436),
stories of which, Josephus mingles with stories about Gerizim (Hjelm,
in SJOT 13/2, 1999; Hjelm, The Samaritans and Early Judaism,
2000: 227-232). The finds needs further examination as do the now 480
inscriptions found on the spot. According to Ephraim Stern this is the
largest collection of building inscriptions, some of which are quite
large, ever found in Israel. The needs of establishing new paradigms
for both the history of Palestine and the formation of its literary
heritage, I hope will become apparent with the papers on Samaritan and
Jewish relationship given in this session."
"Unfortunately, the original program has diminished
because of cancellations, from Haseeb Shehadeh, Moshe Florentin,
Haroutun Jamgotchian, Vittorio Morabito and Jozsef Zsengeller, who
apologize for not being able to come. Jamgotchian has sent drafts of
his paper together with his 2001 and 2003 books on Samaritan
manuscripts. Jamgotchian’s work on the Arabic fragments of the
Samaritan Pentateuch and the Chronicles from the hitherto almost
inaccessible Samaritan manuscripts of the Firkowich collection in the
Russian National Library are of great importance for the transmission
history of these texts.
Greetings have been sent from the acting president
of the Société d’Etudes Samaritaines Dom Guy D. Sixdenier, who has
sent draft introduction and the first chapters of a long planned
Samaritan Hexapla, which cannot serve as a lecture, but which we
might think of publishing after some editing."
"This session on Samaritan Studies is dedicated to
the memory of the former president of the SES, Dr. Ferdinand
Dexinger, who, died of cancer, February 21st this year.
Blessed be his memory."
"As the board of the SES has not been able
to elect a new president from members of the board and as contacts to
members of the SES are virtually non-existent, the future of
the SES is in jeopardy. For the study of Samaritan matters, it is
absolutely necessary that researchers can meet regularly. I hope that
this meeting and meetings planned for next year in Haifa, July 5-8,
organised by Menahem Mor, and a session at the EABS in Grooningen,
July 25-28, organised by me, will fulfil such needs. I highly
recommend that you respond positively to Mor’s coming invitation. With
these meetings we will simply continue to do research and distribute
our results in publication also without the SES if necessary."
These are
the abstracts of the Copenhagen Conference, this past August 4th.
Session I, Chairman of first session: Dr. Ingrid Jhelm
1- Benyamim Tsedaka, Samaritan A.B. Institute, Holon, Israel
Title: Sources to Composition of a New Samaritan Chronicle from
Joshua Till the Present Times
The intention of this
paper is to describe the different sources to a new Samaritan
chronicle based on the writings of the Israelite Samaritans in their
own sources. The new chronicle coming to be out soon is based on the
whole testimonies that have been found in Samaritan Israelite
libraries and special collections of Samaritan Israelite collections
and general archives to describe the history of the Israelite
Samaritans from the time of Joshua Bin Nun the successor of Moses till
the year 2000 A.D. The short summary of such a historical description
has been written by the modern Samaritan sage Ab-Sikkuwwa b. Sa'ed
Hadinfi in the year 1900, which is known in the field of Samaritan
Studies as Adler Chronicle and updated the history till the year of
that composition, mainly based on previous Samaritan Israelite
chronicles and Jewish and Arab sources. The new composition edited and
written by the speaker is based on the widest and most comprehensive
scale of the self historical and testimonial sources he could found so
far. It is divided into 4 groups:
1. Chronicle -
6 different complete sources.
2. Sectional historical testimonies from different periods.
3. Testimonies of writers and scribes in ancient manuscripts in
special collections all over the planet.
4. Any testimony on the history or related to the history the speaker
has found in poetry and literature.
5. Letters written by the Samaritans during the 16th-19th century to
European personalities and scholars including the big letters
collections of Gaster and Warren.
6. Documents in governmental achieves from the time of the Ottoman
Rule to time of the Government of Israel including the special
archives of the I. Ben Zvi, the second president of Israel, who was
the patron of the new Samaritan survival.
The speaker will describe the sources of his work and
their important contribution to compose a complete chronicle of
history of the Israelite Samaritans through their own sources.
2 - Ruairidh Bóid, Australia
Title: The Structure and Purpose of the Asatir
Abstract: This paper builds on the conclusions of my monograph A Pair
of Ancient Samaritan Eschatologies, to be published by Brill's in
It is not a summary of monograph, but a first attempt at going beyond
its conclusions, so as to integrate the Aramaic booklet called for
convenience the Asatir (the original title being lost) into the corpus
of the theological texts that were used by the authors of the New
Testament, or which are at least the relatives of such texts. The two
eschatologies mentioned are ch. XI and ch. XII (the last two
chapters). These two chapters have so far been completely
unintelligible, because the Samaritans have no tradition for the
language of the content, and previous studies have followed old
Samaritan commentaries, by authors who confessed themselves to be
merely guessing. My present purpose is to examine the ten chapters of
salvific history that precede the two eschatologies, and to work out
the reason for their attachment to the last two chapters. The
resultant theology has a very definite relationship to parts of the
New Testament, and some connection with the Book of Jubilees, and is
in part an attack on Daniel and1 Maccabees.
3- Rivka Shahal, Ashkelon Regional College, under the academic
supervision of the Bar-Ilan University.
Title: The Conflict between the Samaritans and the Jews in the
time of the Second Temple
Abstract: A look at the sources describing the political-national and
other events during the Second Temple period indicates a sombre
relationship between residents of the northern entity and Judea. The
first documented confrontation between adversaries of Judea and
Binyamin and the Jews happened to be in 537 BCE. The confrontation
(Ezra 4;2) erupted when the adversaries wished to join the Temple
builders and were turned down on the basis of the legal claim that
relied on the exact phrasing of Cyrus' declaration. Once the
Samaritans were turned down, the conflict escalated. The adversaries
carried out a number of attacks: wrote accusatory letters and made
every attempt to stop the construction of the Second Temple. Later on,
in the days Nehemiah (444/5 BC), Sanballat wished to sabotage the
repair of Jerusalem's wall. Jerusalem responded with preventive action
and feeling of rage and hatred.
In the second century BCE there was real progress in the formation of
the Samaritan community as a sect, with signs of their becoming an
independent entity. This led to a deterioration of Jewish-Samaritan
relations which lasted throughout the Second Temple period. During the
first half of the first century, Josephus Flavious reports about
vicious acts of the part of the Samaritans against the Temple and its
In 66 CE the Great Rebellion against Rome broke out. There is no
evidence that the Samaritans joined the Jews in the rebellion, but
there is evidence that they suffered from the Roman wrath. They
attached in 67 CE Vespasian's commander in chief, who killed 11,600
Session II, chaired by Benyamim Tsedaka, Samaritan A.B. Institute,
Holon, Israel.
1- Ingrid Hjelm, University of Copenhagen
Title: 'The Place Yahweh Has Chosen': Samaritan and Jewish
Narrative as Apologia.
Abstract: The ambiguity of Deuteronomy 12's utterance about the chosen
place has generated narratives, which in the Samaritan Joshua
traditions and the Jewish David traditions establish either
Shechem-Gerizim or Jerusalem-Zion as the chosen place. While
Deuteronomy's ambiguity might have been intended to meet the needs of
both these and other groups, interpretations of the Deuteronomistic
Law have come to focus on cult centralization rather than the control
of the cult, which may have been the original intention of the
Law. Within this discussion of centralization, both Samaritans and
Jews have cast doubt on 'the chosen place(s)', some of which their
ancestors' considered legitimate according to shared or separate
traditions. This paper attempts to bring to the attention of the
biblical scholar, the necessity of implying these ancient discussions
in biblical research. Although, the application of cult centralization
is found in Kings' narratives of pre-exilic Hezekian and Josianic
reforms, its context belongs to discussions of cult and belief of the
Persian and Greco-Roman periods.
2- Victor Rebrik, Munich, Germany.
Samaritans and Mandaeans: Have They Much in Common?
Abstract: Already G. Widengren more than 50 years ago made some
connection between the Samaritan ideas about the ascension and
intronisation of Moses, his purification, eating of the food of angels
and writing of the heaven book (e.g. in Marqa, Carmina Samaritana
etc.) and of the much the same proceedings of the Jawar-Ziwa and
Denanuxt in the Mandaic works (Ginsa, etc.). The related stories
existed also in the
Jewish Pseudepigrapha (Adsumptio Mosis, Ascensio Jesaiae, Henoch) and
Hekhalot-Literature, and later in the Islamic tradition about the
ascension of Muhammad. One can also find the Zoroastrian parallels.
Are these all motives only typologically related or do the go upon
some common old tradition, which could have the beginning in the
Ancient Israel or Mesopotamia? Some other affinities between
Samaritans and Mandaeans are also discussed.
3- Joshua A. Sabih, University of Copenhagen
Title: Samaritans, Karaites and Rabbinates under the Banners of
Abstract: The Arab-Islamic conquests of the seventh century ushered
the traditional habitat of, inter alia, Samaritan and Jewish
communities into a new phase in their identity-building and
codification of their literary systems. One of the turning points of
the conquests was the process of collective self-exposure of every
community and its culture. In the post-conquest Arab-Islamic Space,
Samaritans, Karaites and Rabbinates acquired a legal status according
to which they became recognized as autonomous religious communities.
The burden of the new historical phase on them was, however, far
greater. The two recognized religions, were forced to review their
theological arsenal and literary systems vis a vis the newreligio-ethno-political
situation, into which Islam and Islamic theology had introduced them.
The impact of the latter was so huge that the Rabbinates, the Karaites
and the Samaritans began to use Arabic in writing, transmitting, and
codifying some of their most sacred subjects: Bible translation,
Halakhah, etc. This paper will focus on the dynamics of the
post-conquest Arab-Islamic society in general and the nature of the
relationship between Rabbinates, Karaites, and Samaritans - as three
religious communities having similar claims. In the final analysis,
each community had to be looked at as a voice or a sub-system
within one space/super-system: the Arab-Islamic space. Instead of
looking into each system as an isolated phenomenon, I shall be mapping
the inter-relationship between all systems. The influencing-influenced
mechanism is a highway-like traffic. Islam's self definition as the
final phase of the universal Monotheism made it possible for, inter-alia,
'ahl al-Kitab -peoplesof the Book - to live as Dhimmis - protected -
within an open-closed space: the multi-ethno-religious
Arab-Islamic society.
Composer Simon Shahal - Ashkelon Regional College,
under the academic supervision of the Bar-Ilan University.
Title: Comparison between the Israelite Samaritan Music and the
Ancient Jewish Music
Abstract - Composer Sachal has compared between the different music
and gave many audio examples to the conclusion that the Samaritan
Music is the most ancient and has no similarities with any other music
in existence.
5- Haroutun S. Jamgotchian, University of Moscow (no photo)
Title: "Samaritan-Arabic disjecta membra in Firkovitch's
Collection: Problems, Discoveries and Achievements".
Abstract: When being acquired, Firkovitch's Samaritan collection
was no doubt a huge bundle of folios scarcely bound or bound in
disorder nearly irrespective of their contents. The problem was to
rearrange such scattered leafs in order to restore previous codices to
which they once belonged. Fragments of three great Samaritan-Arabic
books: Samaritan-Arabic versions of the Pentateuch, Liber Josuae and
Abu'l-Fath's Chronicle were revealed, classified and rearranged,
virtually, each leaf getting the first and the last chapter and
verse or page and line of the standard commonly accessible
editions. About 10 codices of each of the mentioned texts have been
revealed. Details are exposed in two monographs, published in Russian
in 2001-2003. A considerable number of new readings explain perfectly
well passages that are obscure in the previous editions. I hope that
the results of my 10 years work on the disjectra membra of the most
ancient and important monuments of Samaritan-Arabic heritage would be
helpful for future studies on a wide range of Samaritan and biblical
subjects. In fact, readings of the most ancient Samaritan-Arabic
codices emend the received editions to such a great degree, that
anyone, who deals with the Samaritan traditions, should take these
recent revealed readings into consideration. "Addenda et corrigenda"
is a final result only of parts of the whole work, which I would like
to present in brief. I hope to prevent biblical scholars from being
deceived by obviously corrupt passages in the 19th century editions,
and have a useful tool for any work concerning the subject. [This
lecture has been sent to the conference to be read before the

The Samaritan Chronicle or the Book of Joshua,
the Son of Nun
by Oliver Turnbull Crane, John B. Alden, Publisher, NY,
Footnote 60, from page 73, found on page 163.
'Merj Balata. ("the Meadow of Balata"). This is the great plain
stretching east from the mountains Gerizim and Ebal: its modern Arabic
name is Mukhna. Close to the foot of Mount Gerizim on the edge of the
plain, stands the present ruined hamlet of Balata, this site the
Samaritans call "The Holy Oak" or "The Tree of Grace," identifying it
with the spot where stood in ancient days the "Oak of Shechem" (or
Moreh). In Chapter xxix we find this same plain called "the hallowed
(or pure) plain," and in Chapters xxxix and xlvii the term Merj el-Baha
"Meadow of Beauty" is applied to it.'
Footnote 72, from page 99, , found on page 165. 'Merj
el-Baha (Meadow of Beauty). See note 60. In the Samaritan Version
of the Pentateuch, Gen. xii. 6, this plain is called "the Plain of
Vision," and the Vulgate here reads "convallem illustrem," which seems
to be quite closely allied to the name Merj el-Baha.'
From the Editor
Recently, this past week I have been thinking about two
subjects that I believe demands attention. The first, began from an
idea while doing research on an inscription. I would suggest that
scholars get together and create a book of all known Samaritan
Inscriptions. Any information of a known inscription, even if now
lost, should be incorporated into this volume, that would include
photos or rubbings if possible. Scattered information is
The Second thought that entered my mind, is the fact
that there are so many articles from one journal, that could be
brought together in one volume. The recent contact with the Palestine
Exploration Fund is a good example of this. There was one record under
Prickett, know to exist there in their Quarterly, yet, there as shown
in the last UP were two articles. There must be many articles that are
not recorded, yet may be found and recorded into A Bibliography of
the Samaritan enhancing studies even further. A good example is
the recent work by Professor Reinhard
Pummer, again has been way ahead of us with his work Early
Christian Authors on Samaritans & Samaritanism: Texts, Translations &
Commentary. Wonderful, Professor Pummer!