June 2005 |
Vol. IV - No.9 |
In This Issue
The Samaritan Update, is a Monthly Internet Newsletter, a Division of The-Samaritans.com.
Subscription is free via E-mail only. ----- Editor: Shomron Co-Editor: Osher Sassoni Staff Writer: Staff Photographer:
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Special Contributors: A. B. - Samaritan News ---- Contact information:
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Samaritan Calendar of Festivals Samaritan Calendar of Festivals
The Festival of the 7th Month October 3, 2005
The Day of Atonement October 12, 2005
Tabernacles Succoth October 17, 2005
7 days of Succoth October 17-23, 2005
Festival of the Eighth Day (Rejoicing of the Torah) October 24, 2005
Samaritan Studies and Related Conferences: Research in Judah and Samaria University of Ariel on June 2, 2005 We have not heard on this from any scholars
In Planning Stage SES: In University of Papa/ Hungary in 2008. organised by Dr. Joseph Zsengelle'
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Peace Center on Mount Gerizim - By Osher Sassoni In the last few months, there have been reports in a A.B. Newspaper handout , which is spread among the members of the Samaritan community, and to others in Israel and around the world, concerning a new private initiative by the paper's editors.
The initiative talks about an international peace center that will be erected on the mountain of Gerizim, in Kiryat Luza and will attract tourists from all over the world. According to the reports of A.B- News, contacts with different authorities, in order to raise funds, are already being conducted by the paper's editors. The center, according to the reports, is going to be erected in the middle of the Samaritan neighborhood that is located on the top of the mount. As it appears at the moment, though the campaign for raising funds, the initiate doesn't have any actual planning, and the dimness that wreathes it brings up numerous concerns: - What
exactly will this center include, and what will be its actions ? The establishment of a center or any peace project of any kind on the top of mount Gerizim might have consequences that could affect, particularly, the way of life of those who live on the mountain, and the community members in general, who hope to preserve a normal and peaceful religious and social way of life. (Photo: The main street 2000)
These are only
a few questions and they, for sure, don't deal with all the issues that
should be taken into consideration before executing any decision to
establish this kind of center. We all wish for peace, and there is no doubt that the Samaritan community can constitute an example with its ability of living in peace among the nations. There is also not a doubt that the community will be major benefited by peace in our area, but is peace is really the thing been searched by this initiative ?..... --------------------------------- In Appreciation By Shomron
Forthcoming soon will be Professor Crown's latest work, A Critical Edition of the Samaritan Pentateuch from Ten MSS and the Proto-Sam. Texts in the Qumran Scrolls. Also see 'The Status of Women in the Samaritan Sect, in M. Shalvi, ed. Jewish Women; A Comprehensive historical Encyclopedia (Jerusalem, Shalvi Publishing, Ltd. 2005). And should you ever get the chance to read the offprint from Samaritan, Hebrew and Aramaic Studies Presented to Professor Abraham Tal, edited by Moshe Bar-Asher and Moshe Florentin (The Bialik Institute, Jerusalem), you will find an article by Professor Crown entitled 'An alternative View of Qumran.' This article is very captivating and very insightful. It is a brilliant perspective of Qumran and the inhabitants. Thanks again Alan. Also A Bibliography of the Samaritans: Third Edition: Revised, Expanded, and Annotated (Atla Bibliography) by Alan David Crown (Other Contributor) Scarecrow Press (August, 2005) In English ISBN: 081085659X
Feasts & Fasts, A Festschrift in Honor of Alan David Crown
Preface Letter from Ferdinand Dexinger to Professor Crown Samaritan and Jewish Festivals: Comparative Considerations Ferdinand Dexinger The Rabbis and Samaritan Circumcision Reinhard Pummer Index to the Kitab al-Tarikh of Abul-Fath Paul Stenhouse A Note on the Borrowing of scribal Habits in the Dead Sea Scrolls June Ashton The Number of manuscripts and Compositions Found at Qumran Emanuel Tov The Biblical Scrolls from Qumran and the Masortic Text: A Statistical Approach Ian Young Women's Education and Study of Torah in the teaching of the sages of the Mishnah Ilana Beer Jesus' Cleansing of the Temple and the Relationship to Passover or Festival Cleansing Antoinette Collins Minim in Rabbinical Literature Marianne Dacy Exodus Chronology John A. Franks The historical Nature of the Old testament Sang Soo Jeon The relationship Between Hayim Vital and Isaac Luria Orna Triguboff Mayse fun Shloyme hameylekh: The hazards of Listening to Animals Jennifer Dowling Literary Source and Creative Imagination in Moshe Shamir's Historical Novel Melekh basar vedam David Patterson The Issue of Exile in Jewish Thought David Patterson Moratorium on Reality? prime Minister Kallay and Hungarian Jewry, 1942-1944 T.D. Kramer Alexander Barnard Davis- Colonial Clergyman Rabbi Raymond Apple Immigrants from Eretz Israel in Perth and Melbourne, 1900-1930 Eliyahu Honig The Evolution of the Bibliography of Austrralian Judaica Serge Liberman Creating Intellectual and Cultural challenges: The Bridge Suzanna D. Rutland Available from www.mandelbaum.usyd.edu.au ------------------------------- Research in Judah and Samaria University of Ariel on June 2, 2005 We have not heard on this from any scholars ---------------------------- Tradition Kept Robert Anderson and Terry Giles
The first section of Tradition Kept is a presentation
of the narrative works that tell the Samaritan story: the Samaritan
Pentateuch, the Samaritan Joshua, and the Annals or chronicles. The first
of these three sets of works, the Samaritan Pentateuch, is the sacred text
of the Samaritans. It is the basic source of Samaritanism. The Samaritan
Pentateuch gives the Samaritan community its identity and begins the
Samaritan story. The Samaritan Joshua continues the story from the time of
Joshua up until the roman domination of Palestine. It takes the reader
from the “period of divine favor” to the “period of divine disfavor”
through the retelling of fantastic acts of heroism,
The second part of the Tradition Kept deals with religious writings that describe Samaritan ritual and theology. The core texts in his section of the book are the Tibat Marqe and the liturgy. Marqe presents the theology of the Samaritan community and the liturgy provides examples of how this theology expressed itself in the collective worship of the Samaritans. (adapted from Tradition Kept, xii-xiii with permission.) ------------------------
The Personal Status
of the Samaritans in Israel
------------------------ Benny Apologizes to Mr. Aryeh Herzig
I didn't
mean to upset my old friend in New York Mr. Aryeh Herzig by using the
word "Fanatics" towards his Rabbis in Boro Park. ----------- Apology to Mr. Aryeh Herzig from the Editor By Shomron The Samaritan Update would also like to apologize for not fully editing the article, 'Samaritan Decalogue Inscription in Brooklyn' in the January issue of our updates. I am so sorry that this happened and I will be more careful in the future. One of the main articles of Samaritan is that one should love his fellow man and regard him as as a friend. One should not offend a friend, it just is not right to do so. Mr. Herzig, we wish to remain a friend, and we are so sorry that this happened. I do not normally change an issue of the updates but in this case I shall!, I am so sorry this happened!!!!! --------------------------- Web links
Listen to the link http://www.tzafonet.org.il/kehil/music03/music/ivrit/tanac/shiratkria.mp3
----------------- Samaritan Article http://www.dangoor.com/TheScribe70.pdf Samaritan alphabet http://www.omniglot.com/writing/samaritan.htmGuard's of Mount Grizim by Alex Maist http://www.jewishmag.co.il/78mag/samaritans/samaritans.htm
LIKE THE ONE IN JERUSALEM--jk. http://skeptically.org/oldtestament/id13.html
The Samaritans: Origin and Beliefs: zajel / An-Najah National Universityhttp://www.zajel.org/article_view.asp?newsID=2183&cat=18
Population Informationhttp://alfred.med.yale.edu/alfred/recordinfo.asp?condition=(populations.pop_name='Samaritans') Samaritan Pentateuch Copies Israel Samaritans Temple Testament.http://www.economicexpert.com/a/Samaritan:Pentateuch.html The Samaritans - A Jewish Sect in Israel Strategies for Survival of an Ethno-religious Minority in the Twenty First Century by Sean Ireton University of Kent at Canterbury MA Dissertation for Ethnicity, Nationalism and Identity http://www.anthrobase.com/Txt/I/Ireton_S_01.htm Samaritans http://disseminary.org/hoopoe/poly/2005/06/samaritans.html
Onomasticon 64:16-17
295 A.D.);
Jerome 65:16-17
(ca. 390
Burdigalense 586-587
Thank you! |
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