Nov. 2005 |
Vol. V - No.3 |
In This Issue
The Samaritan Update, is an Internet Newsletter, a Division of
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Samaritan Calendar of Festivals Samaritan Calendar of Festivals
The Next Passover Sacrifice April 11, 2006
Samaritan Studies and Related Conferences: Research in Judah and Samaria University of Ariel on June 2, 2005 We have not heard on this from any scholars
In Planning Stage SES: In University of Papa/ Hungary in 2008. organised by Dr. Joseph Zsengelle'
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Feasts & Fasts, A Festschrift in Honor of Alan David Crown
Available from www.mandelbaum.
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Mystery comes to an End By Sue Ruzek
The case is tin, crudely soldered, and decorated with nail impressed “V’s”. From the look of the marks going around the edges, one could easily think it was fashioned from a tin can. However, the marks on one piece do not appear to be parallel. And the flat places around the “V’s”, seem to result from the stress of bending. Tin cans were available in the early 1900’s, so these small scrolls could have been made from cans or flat stock. Size of the metal body is 6 5/8” by 2 1/2" diameter. It has one 3” plain handle, one 2 ¾” with decorations, and a like one 3”. Handles on this scroll are not now soldered, but it would be 11 1/2 “ long put together.
Then I found a Samaritan wedding certificate at the Library of Congress! It was goose bump time! There was that so familiar yet elusive alphabet! Another computer search found “The Samaritan Update” which had photos of a similar scroll owned by Shomron. We emailed a few times and spoke on the phone, comparing scrolls. This one is a bit larger, but they share much, including the colors of the core papers, stitching and tear marks. Shomron contacted Benny Tsedaka who kindly deciphered it as verses from Deuteronomy 1:19ff. It was written by the High Priest Ab-Hisada b. High Priest Yacob b. Aaron, who died in 1959 in Nablus. Benny also mentioned that there was a scroll in a New York University, and he was aware of others in personal collections. About then, came another confirmation on the verses from Professor Moshe Florentin, Department of Hebrew and Semitic Languages, of Tel Aviv University. It’s fascinating to think that this little scroll was so carefully written by a known High Priest, sold to a tourist in Israel, brought to the states, and ended up in Indiana. From here it was electrically transmitted around the world by friendship, curiousity and kindness. Thank you all! Sue Ruzek ``````````````````````````````````` The Archaeological Center, founded in 1979, sells antiquities and ancient works of art. Are this replicas or originals?
Two Samaritan Bronze Signet Rings Both depicting Mount Gerizim. Ex Jonathan
A Samaritan Inscribed Bronze Ring Ex Jonathan Jerushalmi collection, Ramat Hasharon.
Period: 6th-7th century AD
Inscribed Samaritan Bronze Ring. Inscription reads: 1) There is
none like the God
The Earliest
Samaritan Inscriptions The origins of Samaritanism are
still hidden under the dust of the past. Still is also the case with their
*theology*. It is not until the third/fourth century CE that Samaritan
theology is known as a more or less coherent world-view (Defter and Tibat
Marqe). This religious worldview must have had its roots. Traces can be
found in older documents, e.g., some variant readings in the Qumran texts. ```````````````````````````````````
Elementale quadrilingue: a philological type-specimen (Zürich 1654) reproduced with a commentary by John Huehnergard, Geoffrey Roper, Alan D. Crown and the editor J. F. Coakley A Limited number of 100 Books and Selling
Parallels By Shomron I shall try to add a parallel article concerning the Samaritans to the next updates of the future. The parallels maybe of the Chronicles, legends, Torah or of interest. Web Links
Samaritan Hebrew Bible (MS, Nablus, 1232).
Exciting Finds from the First and second Temple Period are being uncovered by the Israel Antiquities Authority
Review: The Lost Temple of Israel
Thank you! Copyright 2005 |
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