Sept./Oct. 2005  

Vol.  V - No.2

In This Issue

  • Just Published

  • Book Review

  • Booklet Surfaces

  • From The Editor

  • Web Links

  • Translation Association's 2006 Conference

  • Biblio Add

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Samaritan Calendar

of Festivals

Samaritan Calendar

of Festivals


The Next

Passover Sacrifice 

April 11, 2006








Studies and Related Conferences:

Research in Judah and Samaria

University of Ariel on June 2, 2005

We have not heard on this from any scholars


In Planning Stage

SES: In University of Papa/ Hungary in 2008.

 organised by Dr. Joseph Zsengelle'





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Tradition Kept: Introductions And Texts To The Literature Of The Samaritans
























Feasts & Fasts, A Festschrift in Honor of Alan David Crown


Available from www.mandelbaum.












Be Informed!

Have some Information that others should know, please contact  the

The Editor 



Just Published:

Elementale quadrilingue: a philological type-specimen (Zürich 1654) reproduced with a commentary by John Huehnergard, Geoffrey Roper, Alan D. Crown and the editor J. F. Coakley; 13 pp. Large quarto (33 x 23 cm.).


In 1654 the Zürich printer J. J. Bodmer published a broadside entitled Elementale Quadrilingue, supposedly a guide to reading Samaritan, Arabic, Hebrew, and Syriac, by the famous Johann Heinrich Hottinger; but really, not so much a work of philology as a specimen of types newly made by the punch-cutter Balthasar Köblin who was then working for him. This type-specimen survives in a perhaps unique copy in Houghton Library, unrecorded until lately. The edition includes a same-size facsimile, with commentary devoted to Hottinger and to the three new types (Arabic, Syriac, and Samaritan). The commentary is hand-set in Monotype Walbaum and various founders' types in the relevant languages from the Jericho Press collection. The commentary on the Samaritan type is by Alan D. Crown.

Limited One hundred copies, printed letterpress on Zerkall mould-made paper. $95 or £55. Ordering information can be found at:


Book Review

By Shomron

A Bibliography of the Samaritans: Revised, Expanded And Annotated, the third edition, is the ultimate research tool on the Samaritan-Israelites today. No book thus far contains so much information on where to find information. The two professors Alan Crown and Reinhard Pummer worked hard on this exceptional task of compilations of all the Samaritan related materials known to exist of past. If one picks a certain subject relating to the Samaritan-Israelites, you will find all the articles written, with author and publication and date. The notes given to an article is the most helpful and the a brilliant key for faster research on the subject. New to this book is the Electronic Resources, which does by the way mentions both of our websites.

The last book, the second edition from 1984, A Bibliography of the Samaritans, by Alan Crown, will now sit on our shelves next to this fine advanced third edition.

Most likely this will be the Scholars bible on Samaritan research for the next ten or so years to come. Thank you Professors! The entire book is a great asset for all of us!!!!


A Bibliography of the Samaritans: Revised, Expanded And Annotated by Alan David Crown and Reinhard Pummer

ISBN: 081085659X Scarecrow Press; 3rd edition (August 30, 2005) 




Booklet Surfaces

By Shomron

The Commandments of the Samaritans on Mount Gerizim by the Tribe of the Samaritans Priests in Nablus. This small booklet most likely from around 1920 is a small compilation of other past booklets that used to make their way into the hands of visiting tourists at the Samaritan Passover sacrifices. The booklet was published as most others by Greek Convent Press, Jerusalem. The 20 page booklet contains a brief of who the Samaritans are and the sacrifice. This is written in English while a translation into French also incorporates the booklet with a list of Samaritan list of books acting as a separator. Many of these types of booklets were sold to help raise money when times were hard for the Samaritan Israelites.


From The Editor

Recently I have been rereading Samaritan related materials and found myself back in The Open Book, The Samaritan Messiah by William E. Barton, Sept, 1907. There was a section that I had forgotten and it goes like this;

   'I have what may possibly be a fragment of that old codex. I obtained it from a son of the High Priest as a premium with a larger purchase. No Samaritan, I hope, has yet reached a depth of depravity which would lead him to mutilate that book for money, but in many places bits have been worn out of it, and this is such a scrap, five and one half by three and one half inches from the lowest margin of the manuscript, and containing Genesis xxvi, 20-22. The letters are small and irregular; it has been re-inked at least twice in places; the lines are not ruled; the parchment is yellow and brittle and wrinkled; and above all, the ink, which is so faded and over-written that it would be difficult to tell from the front of the leather what was the original color, has stained the back of the parchment a distant purple.'

The author was referring that this was a piece of parchment from the Abisha Scroll the oldest Torah scroll among the Samaritans today. I was wondering what had happened to this piece of Barton history. The piece is in the William E. Barton Collection of Samaritan Materials at the  Boston University School of Theology Library. Accordingly the chapter was Genesis 36 and not 26 as the article had mentioned. You can read the information at the following website under Hebrew or Samaritan texts item 4. They seem to have examined the piece well as the information shows but I wonder with all the new advances that have been made if future studies will change the dating, or they just might confirm what we already know.

William E. Barton Collection of Samaritan Materials at the  Boston University School of Theology Library.


I would also like to add that this book below is NOT a Samaritan-Israelite book nor has it been translated from any Samaritan works but someone's fabrication!!!!!!!!


Translated for the first time from the Cuthan-Samaritan Language into English.



Helsinki Proceedings Book Update

No date has been given yet on the current status of the publication of the compilations of the Helsinki Conference as of the date of this publication!



Web Links


Newly Discovered and Unpublished Arabic Versions of the Samaritan Pentateuch from the National Library of Russia. Dr Prof. Haroutun Jamgotchian


Sodium-lithium countertransport in Israeli Samaritans.
Isr J Med Sci. 1990 Aug;26(8):466-7.
Nussinovitch N, Peleg E, Rosenthal T.

 The mythic past: biblical archaeology and the myth of Israel

TL Thompson


Mitochondrial DNA Analysis in a 5300-year-old Specimen from Israel
L. Agamy, Marina Faerman, P. Smith

Laboratory of Biological Anthropology and Ancient DNA, Hebrew University-Hadassah School of Dental Medicine, Jerusalem, Israel


Kadosh Samaritan

A TrueType Font for Windows and Macintosh

Shawn Eyer, M.A.


Jewish Military Forces in the Roman Service
JP Roth, TX San Antonio -


A quick search of the ATLA Religion Index database for the last
ten years yielded the following results:
	Samaritan(s)   75 articles   70 essays
	Mandaean(s)     8 articles    4 essays

Unless one has access to the CDROM, which many seminaries and Divinity Schools now have, the only way to search the ATLA Religion Database is by having a librarian do an online search.  Depending upon university policy this may be free to faculty and students.  The database is on DIALOG and BRS.  I am not sure if Wilson still is a vendor for it.




Ashmolean Museum, Oxford, 19th-20th March 2005

Samaritans and Non-Conforming Jews
15.40-16.20 Shimon Dar (Bar Ilan)
The Samaritans in late antiquity
16.20-17.00 Jodi Magness (Chapel Hill)
Non-conforming Jews in late antiquity


Translation Association's 2006 Conference

This is a preliminary announcement and first call for papers for the Israel
Translation Association's 2006 Conference, which this time will be an
INTERNATIONAL Conference. This announcement is being made earlier than usual to allow our colleagues abroad enough time to arrange to be with us.
Date: 7-9 February 2006
Venue: Crowne Plaza Hotel, Jerusalem
We welcome all proposals for talks on subjects related to translation, interpreting, editing, language and professional & technical tools. Papers may be in Hebrew or English; other languages are a possibility. Proposals may be submitted to the undersigned at:
But most importantly, keep the date!
More details will follow in due course,
Israel Translators Association (ITA)
Deputy Chair & Conference Organizer



BOOK REVIEW in the Jerusalem Post:

More than Myth

Tree of Souls: The Mythology of Judaism
By Howard Schwartz
Illustrated by Caren Loebel-Fried
Oxford University Press
618pp., $50

Recounting and expounding on close to 700 myths, Howard Schwartz's Tree of Souls is not only impressive for the sheer bulk of its material, but unsettling with its revolutionary claims about just what makes a Jewish myth.

Schwartz, a prolific writer on Jewish folktales and myths, and a professor of English at the University of Missouri-St. Louis, has produced a collection that includes all the obvious canonical texts from the Bible, Talmud, Midrash, Kabbala and Hassidism. But the surprises and gems lie in the more fringe inclusions: texts from the Apocrypha and the Pseudepigrapha, literature from non-rabbinic sects like the Samaritans, Sabbateans and Karaites, and citations from halachic texts.

Add to that selections from the myths collected by S. Ansky in Eastern Europe, and by the Israel Folktale Archive (a collection of over 20,000 myths from immigrants from Morocco, Kurdistan, Yemen, Afghanistan, Romania, Iraq and India, among others), then mix in the stories of some near-contemporaries like Franz Kafka, and some contemporaries like Reb Zalmen Shachter-Shalomi of the Jewish Renewal movement, and you can begin to see just how widely Schwartz has cast his net.


Biblio Additions


Title: The Jewish Festival From Their Beginnings To Our Own Day

Author: Hayyim Schauss

Publisher: Union of American Hebrew Congregations

Copyright Date: 1938

Edition: Sixth Printing

Description of the book:

The present work on the Jewish holidays represents a unique undertaking in the entire literature on the subject. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first book in which a writer not only gives the historical and ceremonial significance of each of the Jewish festivals and fast days, but also traces their observance and celebration throughout the centuries. For example, we learn the historical and ceremonial significance of Passover, and at the same time of its celebration during the second Temple and in the Middle Ages, and in our own day by the Jews of Morocco, the Samaritans, and so on.


Title: An Apology for the Book of Mormon

Author: E. Cecil McGavin

Publisher: Deseret News Press: Salt Lake City, Utah,

Copyright Date: 1930.

Table of Contents includes:

  1. The Task of the Translator

  2. Why the Book of Mormon Has Been Changed

  3. How the Book of Mormon Has Been Changed

  4. Other Puerile Objections to the Book of Mormon

  5. Why Corrections Were Necessary in the Bible

  6. The Samaritan Pentateuch (PLATE)


Title: Biographical Dictionary and Synopsis of Books, Ancient and Modern, Author: Edited by Charles Dudley Warner,

Publisher: The Werner Company, Akron, Ohio,

Date:1902 ~ Complete in 2 Volumes.

  • Copy of a Samaritan Writing, of the Pentateuch
  • Thank you!  

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