Sept-Dec. 2006 |
Vol. VI - No.1 |
In This Issue
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In Planning Stage SES: In University of Papa/ Hungary in 2008. organised by Dr. Joseph Zsengelle'
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Feasts & Fasts, A Festschrift in Honor of Alan David Crown
Available from www.mandelbaum.
1880 Samaritan Rabbi&Torah Scroll Magic Lantern Slide American Colony Magic Lantern Slides, Plain and Hand Colored Photographs.
Large, Cabinet and Stereoscopic Enlargements Plain, Sepia and Hand Colored
of Palestine, Syria, Moab and Egypt Sold by Fr. Vester & Co. American
Colony Store, Jerusalem, Palestine. Each slide measures 3 1/4" square. A
Their web site is: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
The Torah: Jewish and Samaritan Versions Comparedby Mark Shoulson A side-by-side comparison of the Masoretic text of the Five Books of Moses with a Samaritan version of the same text, with differences highlighted. (Hebrew) The book reads from right to left, so the blank cover shown above is actually the back cover. The front cover is shown above the left. There is also a softcover version of this title.
Printed: 288 pages, 8.25" x 10.75", casewrap-hardcover binding,
black and white interior ink
Copyright: © 2006
Language: English Country: United States
``````````````````````````` YIVO NEWS (Institute for Jewish Research) no. 2001~Spring 2006 Great story! Samaritan Manuscript in the YIVO Library by Brad Sabin Hill Pg. 16-17 `````````````````````````` Leap of Faith
By Lily Galili Imagine the following scene: Amid the pristine views from Mount Gerizim, in the heart of the small Samaritan community, as if it were a matter of course, two women who could be straight out of a different story are roaming around - Shura, who came from Ukraine and Lena, who arrived here from the plains of Siberia. Thank you for the article Haaretz and Lily Galili Read the full article ```````````````````````` KITAB AL-HULF, (Book on the differences between the Samaritans and the Jews) By Osher Sassoni
The book was written by the Priest Ab Hisda (Abu'l Hassan) the grandfather of
my father ( father of his mom) who was the main Cantor in the synagogue in
Nablus. He died in 1959 (if I am not wrong ). The book is kind of book of
answers to the letters of European scholars, asking for the ways the
Samaritans live, their kind of prayers, differences between the Jews and
the Samaritans etc'. The book is divided into four subjects. Ab Hisda is the father of the former
High Priest Yosef and
the father of other 3 sons and four sisters. Recently one of his sons, Abraham ben Pinhas, who was publish with
his picture in one of the updates died from an heart attack two
days before the day of pardons this year. He was only 50 years old and
left his wife and four daughters. ``````````````````````````````` Call for Papers 2007 Annual
Studies -San Diego, CA Call For Papers: The Aramaic studies section is intended to provide a forum for scholars interested in various aspects of Aramaic language. Previous paper topics have included aspects of the Targumim, Qumran Aramaic, Peshitta, Samaritan papyri, and Elephantine Aramaic. Meeting Begins: 11/17/2007 Meeting Ends: 11/20/2007 Call For Papers Opens: 11/15/2006 ````````````````````` Saskatoon 2007: Call for Papers The Ancient Historiography Seminar of the CSBS invites papers on self-identification, community identity, and ethnicity in Judahite/Yehudite historiography. Papers are invited to address a range of related questions, such as the understanding, presentation, and delimitation of "Israel" in various biblical texts, the relationship of Israelites to Judahites in Judean historical writings, the definition of Israel over against other peoples, the possible reasons why the ethno-religious community ("Israel") was the focus of Judahite/Yehudite historiography, and the potential relationship of these issues to the Jewish-Samaritan controversy (at its earliest stages through the early part of the common era). Papers may approach the question from a variety of theoretical and disciplinary vantage points. For example, some may wish to pursue an inner-biblical perspective (Pentateuchal sources/writings, Former Prophets, Latter Prophets, Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah), while others may wish to pursue a cross-cultural comparative perspective (e.g., Ancient Near Eastern, Greek, Hellenistic and early Roman historiographies: Herodotus, Berossus, Manetho, Josephus; or be informed by non-Western historiographic traditions). Yet others may want to relate (or unrelate) the material remains to the question of community identity in northern Israel, monarchic Judah, and/or postmonarchic Yehud. To be considered for our program, please submit a 250 word abstract to Ken Ristau (kar340 [at] psu [dot] edu) by December 1, 2006. ````````````````````````` The Mingana Collection The Mingana Collection, which was recently entrusted to the University by the Edward Cadbury Charitable Trust, consists of around 3,000 Arabic (Islamic and Christian), Syriac, Turkish, Persian, Hebrew, Ethiopic, Armenian, Georgian, Samaritan and other manuscripts dating from the 9 th to the 19 th centuries. The collection was brought together through the generosity of Edward Cadbury and collected by Alphonse Mingana during three travels to the Middle East in the 1920s.
A new scientific edition of the Samaritan LiturgyProf. Moshe
Florentin from Tel-Aviv University is preparing a scientific edition of
the Samaritan Liturgy. The Samaritan Liturgy consists of many poems, some
of them dating back to the 4th century CE, composed in Samaritan Aramaic
and Samaritan Hebrew.
A year ago I submitted a paper to Prof. Florentin, which is a mini-edition of one poem, based on the manuscripts and audio files he collected for his upcoming edition. My last post contains the text and the audio file of that poem (with his kind permission). And here is the beginning of the poem as it appears in Ms. Vat. Sam. 3: ```````````````` Internet links Connecting with the Ancient Tribes by Judith Fein-The New Mexico Jewish Link Judith Samaritans in Zinda magazine Oct. 16, 2006 The Samaritan Pentateuch - a support for Judaism Temple, Church, Dome shares story of ancient culture LOOK AT THE LOST TRIBES Nablus: Unbarmherziger Checkpoint bei den Samaritanern The Beth Hashitta Mosaic Floor, A New perspective in the Light of the Samaritan lamps by V. Sussman ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Biblio: RELIGIOUS RIVALRIES IN THE EARLY ROMAN EMPIRE AND THE RISE OF CHRISTIANITY [Leif E Vaage, Editor] We know how the story of the Roman Empire ended with the 'triumph' of Christianity and the eventual Christianisation of the Roman Mediterranean. But how would religious life have appeared to an observer at a time when the conversion of the emperor was only a Christian pipe dream? And how would it have appeared in one particular city, rather than in the Roman Empire as a whole? This volume takes a detailed look at the religious dimension of life in one particular Roman city Caesarea Maritima, on the Mediterranean coast of Judea. Caesarea was marked by a complex religious identity from the outset. Over time, other religious groups, including Christianity, Mithraism and Samaritanism, found a home in the city, where they jostled with each other, and with those already present, for position, influence and the means of survival. Written by a team of seasoned scholars and promising newcomers, this book brings a new perspective to the study of religion in antiquity. Along with the deliberate goal to understand religion as an urban phenomenon, 'Religious Rivalries and the Struggle for Success in Caesarea Maritima' studies religious groups as part of the dynamic process of social interaction, spanning a spectrum from coexistence, through competition and rivalry, to open conflict. The cumulative result is a fresh and fascinating look at one of antiquity's most interesting cities. { 326pp, 155x230mm, April 2005; HB, £46.50, 0889204497:9780889204492 , Wilfrid Laurier University Press } ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ RELIGIOUS RIVALRIES AND THE STRUGGLE FOR SUCCESS IN CAESAREA MARITIMA [Terence L Donaldson, Editor] Contains 16 contributions representing work drawn from a multi-year seminar conducted through the Canadian Society of Biblical Studies. North American and European contributors, primarily associated with religiously affiliated universities, address literary, inscriptional, and archaeological evidence on Pagans, Samaritans, Jews, and Christians, including how each group interacted with the religious 'other', as well as studies exploring the Caesarea centurion Cornelius and Roman army religion, pagan-Jewish revelries in Caesarea and Alexandria, and other topics. { 398pp, 155x230mm, May 2000; PB, £19.50, 0889203482:9780889203488 , Wilfrid Laurier University Press } ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ LA SYRIE D'AUJOURD'HUI by M. Lortet, doyen de la faculté de médecine de Lyon in 1875-1878. COMPLET TRAVEL 384 pages without binding in french text. original pages from 1880, 384 pages, 297 very beautiful engravings, 72 covered all the page grande colonnade à Samarie, le mont Garizim, Naplouse, le manuscrit du Pentateuque, le grand prêtre Amran, la roche sacrée au mont Garizim, samaritains de Naplouse ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Music in Ancient Israel/Palestine: Archaeological, Written, and Comparative Sources by Joachim Braun 2002 by Eerdmans Pub Co. ISBN 0802844774 THE HELLENISTIC-ROMAN PERIOD ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ How the Bible was Built by Charles Merrill Smith and James W. Bennett Publisher: Eerdmans Pub Co 2005 ISBN: 0802829430
The First Wing — the Old Testament The Cornerstone of the Bible What Was So Special about the Book of Deuteronomy? What Is the Pentateuch? The Story of the Samaritans ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Journal for the Study of Judaism by Di Segni, LeahISSN 0047-2212, Online ISSN:
1570-0631 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "The Jews of Khazaria", 2nd edition THE JEWS OF KHAZARIA, Second Edition (2006) Kevin Alan Brook The new edition of my book "The Jews of Khazaria" incorporates the latest research into the Khazar civilization that dominated southern Russia from the 7th through 10th centuries. Khazaria was one of the largest-sized political formations of its time, an economic and cultural superpower connected to several important trade routes. It was especially notable for its religious tolerance, and in the 9th century, a large portion of the royal family converted to Judaism. Many of the nobles and commoners did likewise shortly thereafter. After their conversion, the Khazars were ruled by a succession of Jewish kings and began to adopt the hallmarks of Jewish civilization, including the Torah and Talmud, the Hebrew script, and the observance of Jewish holidays. Every chapter in the book has been extensively revised compared to the first edition. It describes and evaluates new research on the timing of the conversion of the Khazars to Judaism, the coins minted by the Khazars, the influence of Khazaria on Kievan Rus', the possible descendants of the Khazars, the ancestry of Ashkenazic Jews and other Jewish populations in eastern Europe and the Caucasus, the genetic relationships between modern Jews, Samaritans, and Karaites, and many other issues. In addition, the bibliography and glossary have been expanded, a new appendix with "Native Khazar Personal Names" has been added, and the maps were newly prepared by Bill Nelson for this edition. xii + 317 pages, 2 maps hardcover, 0-7425-4981-X (978-0-7425-4981-4) $39.95 Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc. Table of contents (including subheaders) available at Kevin Brook
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