JanFeb 2009 |
Vol. VIII - No.3 |
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New Samaritans- A DOCUMENTARY on Samaritan brides from the Ukraine
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Passover: Thursday April 9, 2009 Festival of Unleavened Bread:
Starts at sunset on April 10 -Sunset April 17th First Pilgrimage: early morning of April 17th On March 27 begins another year, 6439years from creation It is 3648 years since the entrance into the Holy Land.
Samaritan Chronology By the humble Yacub, Hakkoen translation from Three Months' Residence at Nablus and an Account of the Modern Samaritans by Rev. John Mills, London, John Murray, Albemarble Street. 1864
This brief chronology is interesting in many aspects. One item that I found surprising is the date for consecration of Baba (5229 from Adam ; 791C.E.). Another date surprised me also this was the date of the death of Aaron and Moses father, Amram according to this work died two years after the Israelites left Egypt. John Mills' book is one of the first informational book of his time and may have been the the first interest for people like Moses Gastor. The book is very insightful. Here is a segment I thought I would share with you. Shomron
Page 279 –281 In a manuscript copy of Futuhi Medinti-el Behnesa, in the possession of Dr. Lee, there is a note in the flyleaf at the end, on the Samaritans, which I shall now introduce, as a fit addendum to the above account. It gives us a graphic view of their social position at the time. It was written in the year 1772, by one Achmed Effendi, but does not state where. The laws which he lays down, in way answers to questions, for the proper regulation of the Samaritans, are as follow:- “1. They are to be distinguished (from the Mohammedans) by dress. Their turbans must be made of course stuff, and of a black colour. They must also not be allowed to wear any garment that becomes men of education or men of high rank. None of their apparel may be made of valuable stuffs, such as silk, fine cloth, or even fine cotton. “2. They are to be distinguished in riding. They are not allowed upon any account to ride upon horses; only upon asses. They must not use saddles, but pack-saddles. But let it be noticed that they are not allowed to ride even upon asses, except urgent business call them out of the city. Whenever they pass by a mosque, they must alight, and walk in the same path as the best. Old shoes are to be suspended over their shoulders, with bells attached. “3. They are not allowed to sit near where the Mohammedan governor may be; and should any one be elevated above a Mohammedan, the governor must punish him. “4. They are not allowed to build their houses high, nor too near a Moslem house. “Thus they are not to enjoy the privileges (of Mohammedans) unless they profess that God is the only God, and Mohammed is his prophet.” I have only to add here, with regard to their avocations, that few of them follow certain handicrafts, but the majority are traders in various wares, and are, as a community, comparatively poor, as well as oppressed.
From the Editor Each year the Samaritan-Israelites and may others in their own way and day celebrate the remembrance of the Israelite Passover, but I must say; we all have a reason to remember the past and thank the creator. If the Passover had not happened the world as we know it today would be a totally different. And most of us are lucky that we live apart from real troubled times. We do not know exactly what our future holds but we all have reason to be thankful. I wish also that you remember the legacy of the Samaritan-Israelites that no matter how difficult times were they remained faithful and steadfast to the God of Avraham, Isaac and Jacob. May he be praised for his mercy on us all. ~~~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~~~~ Samaritan Pentateuch Bundle (5 Vols.) The Samaritan Pentateuch Bundle (5 Vols.) from Logos brings you:
(Please Logos shall not be publishing the Samaritan Torah as described above. The book shall be published near the end of this year. We shall keep you informed when we learn more. The Editor April 5, 2009) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Samaritan Pentateuch: A Critical Editio Magna The research project aims to provide a critical edition of the Hebrew Pentateuch of the Samaritans. The Samaritan Pentateuch is one of the most important text sources of Old Testament studies and Hebrew linguistics. To this day, however, there is no edition available that meets the requirements of modern text science. This holds true especially for the edition prepared by August Freiherr von Gall (1914-1918) which must be considered as out-dated and unreliable with regard to the manuscript data as well as to the methodological approach. We intend to prepare a diplomatic edition that will be based on MS Cambridge Add. 1846 (stemming from the early 12th century C.E.). MS Cambridge 1846 is the oldest manuscript which has preserved almost the complete Samaritan text. Variant readings of ca. 150 further Samaritan Hebrew manuscripts (dating from the 9th to the 15th centuries) will be noted in the critical apparatus. Two additional apparatus will record the variants of the different Samaritan translations (Samaritan Aramaic Targum and Samaritan Arabic translation) as well as of parallels found in non-masoretic texts (the Septuagint and Qumran manuscripts in particular). Marginal notes will show the vocalization of single words where the oral tradition is required in order to understand the specifically Samaritan reading of the text, particularly in those cases where significant differences to the masoretic vowel tradition occur or where a certain word allows more than one reading. http://schorch.at/html/samaritanus_english.html http://schorch.at/html/samaritanusprojekt.html ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Samaritan
Pentateuch Manuscripts - Two First-Hand Accounts The essays collected in this volume are dedicated to the study of two particular Samaritan manuscripts of the Pentateuch. These are the first scholarly accounts of each of these texts. The first two articles are an introduction to a manuscript of the Samaritan Pentateuch that the author acquired through a third party in Sidon, Syria. This manuscript can be dated to 1232 CE. The final essay regards a manuscript of the Hebrew Pentateuch, which was sent to him by the High Priest of the Samaritans in Nablus, Syria. The second manuscript can be dated to 655 CE. At the time that these essays were written these were two of the very earliest clearly datable copies of the Pentateuch known to exist. In these three essays, Rev. Watson discusses the physical, historical and literary features of the manuscripts. Reverend W. (William) Scott Watson (1862-1944) was a missionary to Syria with the Foreign Missions of the Presbyterian Church. He was also an avid collector of manuscripts. He was a graduate of the College of the City of New York, where he was awarded a Ward medal. His other publications include “Bab el-Iarab: An Outline of Arabic Syntax,” “A Syriac-Arabic Narrative of Miracles of Jesus,” and “An Arabic Version of the Epistle of Dionysius the Areopagite to Timothy.” ~~~~~~~~~~
Update from Reg Eisenbraun's informed me that the two new books by Magen JSP VII – The Samaritans and the Good Samaritan and Mount Gerizim Excavations. A Temple City should be in stock there in March. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Lot Museum set to open this summer
Jordan Times, February 13th, 2009 ~~~~~~~~~~ Web Links Developing Tourism in Samaria by Avraham Zuroff (IsraelNN.com) The Shomron Development Company’s newly-appointed director, Chaim Ben-Shushan, plans to attract tourists to Samaria by opening bed-and-breakfast lodges in existing Samaria communities. The former vice president of Maagal Security and entrepreneur visited several potential tourist sites on Sunday. In a visit to the Samaritan community on Mount Gerizim, Ben-Shushan spoke with Samaritan leaders, Ovadia and Itamar Cohen. http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/129523
Pilgrims in the Holyland http://english.ohmynews.com/articleview/article_view.asp?article_class=16&no=384427&rel_no=1
Benny answers questions on Youtube.com #2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jVv6fGocSq8 #3 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-mvqbY0UzMM&feature=channel_page #4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ecvMzofd0eY&feature=channel_page #5 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=87Mx3ndgx18&feature=channel_page #6 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UYdiB6__Lbs&feature=channel_page #7 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AK2cpBVgEi8&feature=channel_page #8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zSEhwG_xuuA&feature=channel_page #9 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CFbJ0np1ydU&feature=channel_page #10 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=To3wltAsotw&feature=channel_page #11 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oOWZAaV2xMc&feature=channel_page #12 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=trNbHEH_DCc&feature=channel_page #13 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PffK1suHBjI&feature=channel_page #14 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UnHRPW3dmLA&feature=channel_page #15 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u6Rgm7YhYwY&feature=channel_page #16 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M5efXv_Qr9w&feature=channel_page #17 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V7oQNtdD0N8&feature=channel_page #18 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WMT33cAGml0&feature=channel_page #19 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=26J9Bge_Aig&feature=channel_page #20 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j1xhWDIjgX0&feature=channel_page #21 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kfHnCixTo9w&feature=channel_page #22 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tkutVOZMrrU&feature=channel_page #23 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jmQqZl_CF7A&feature=channel_page #24 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PR3Af8XoYpQ&feature=channel_page
The Samaritans the earliest Jewish sect their
history, theology, and literature by
James A Montgomery
This book is online at http://www.houseofdavid.ca/sam_mont.htm Tombs of Priests http://www.biblediscovered.com/2009/02/tomb-of-eleazar-ben-aaron/
Sur cette photo de Samaritains au Mont Gerizim, j’ai eu la surprise de reconnaître mon hôte près de Naplouse l’été dernier. http://lunettesrouges.blog.lemonde.fr/2009/02/07/le-don/
~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Books for sale
Samaritan Prayer Book) Aleh Sheva Tefilot: Shabat Tzamot Mo'ed Hag ha-Sukkot,
Leil Moed ha-Hodesh ha-Shevi'i, Yom Moed ha-Hodesh ha-Shevi'i ba-Boker, Shabat
Aseret Yomei ha-Selihot, Leilot Aseret Yomei ha-Selichot, Y'mei Aseret Yomei
ha-Selichot ba-Boker, Shabat ha-Sakanatah [RARE]. Tefilat
Shabat ha-Devarim. Aseret Ha-Dibrot (Samaritan Machzor/Holiday Prayer Book)
[RARE]. After
the Exile, A Hundred Years of Jewish History and Literature. Part II - the
Coming of Ezra to The Samaritan Schism.
Specimen ineditae versionis Arabico-Samaritanae Pentateuchi e codice
manuscripto Bibliothecae Barberinae Book Description: Rome: Praesidum Facultate, 1780. Arabico-Samaritan text of Genesis chapter 49, with parallel text in Arabic characters and the Arabic version from WaltonÕs Polyglott Bible. The manuscript is attributed to Abu al-Hasan of Tyre. With notes and commentary in Latin, glosses in Arabic, Greek, Hebrew, and Coptic (SAMARITAN) First edition. 8vo. Pp. 63, [1, imprimatur], xxxviii, [1, errata]. Black marbled boards. Ex-library, with shelfmarks and perforated stamp on title page margin (affecting two numerals in imprint), else very good. Schnurrer 362.
Carmina Samaritana. E codicibus Londinensibus et Gothanis edidit et
interpretatione Latine cum commentario illustravit
The Karaite Halakah and its relation to Sadducean, Samaritan and Philonian
Halakah (Part 1). DES
Die Samaritanische Pentateuch-version die Genesis.
Bibles and Biblical Literature; Supplement to C. J. Stewart's Catalogue of
Bibles and Biblical Literature
Samaritan Pentateuch Manuscripts - Two First-Hand Accounts (ISBN:
The modern-Hebrew numbers. With an appendix.
THE COMPREHENSIVE BAGSTER'S BIBLE Studies in Aramaic Poetry (c.100 B.C.E.-c. 600 C.E)(Selected Jewish, Christian and Samaritan Poems) -[Series: Studia Semitica Neerlandica, 34] (ISBN: 9789023232605) A.S. Rodrigues Pereira Book Description: Book Condition: new. BRAND NEW. TITLE:Studies in Aramaic Poetry (c.100 B.C.E.-c. 600 C.E)(Selected Jewish, Christian and Samaritan Poems) -[Series: Studia Semitica Neerlandica, 34]PUBLICATION DATE:1997. FORMAT:PAPERBACK. PAGES:468 pp DESCRIPTION:The paucity of material, which has limited the study of Aramaic for too long, is gradually being alleviated. An ever growing body of well-edited texts is being made available to the scholarly world. These publications have provoked a number of important and penetrating linguistical and grammatical studies. Generally, however, corresponding literary studies of these texts are still lacking. The present work is an attempt to add a literary approach to the earlier analyses. The study deals with Aramaic poetry of the period between c. 100 B.C.E. and c. 600 C.E. The discussion of the textual material is organized in a number of levels, one superimposed upon the other. The basis is formed by a close exegetical and literary reading of the poems to elucidate essential elements of content, style and form. Particular attention is paid to structure and composi tion as a function of the content of the poems, and to the use made by the poets of stylistic devices as structural elements. |
TheSamaritanupdate.com . Copyright 2009 Credit is given to the author of the internet link and is only displaced here for educational reasons. |