Festival of the 7th
Month- Sept. 19, 2009
Day of Atonement-
Sept. 28th, 2009
The Harvest Festival
(Succoth)- Oct. 3, 2009
The Feast of Shemini
Atzeret (8th day of Succoth)- Oct. 10, 2009
Southern California Universities acquire rare religious
By Duke Helfand,
September 14, 2009 Los Angeles Times
Five fragments of the 2,000-year-old Dead Sea Scrolls are in the
collection of Azusa Pacific. Loyola Marymount is displaying a leaf from
one of the original Gutenberg Bibles from the 1450s.....
credit- The Institute for Judaism and Christian Origins
See a clearer photo at
.............But Robert Duke, an
assistant professor of biblical studies, sounded almost giddy as he described
the university's new acquisitions. "They are 2,000 years old, and you can
still see letters . . . with the naked eye," he said.
The university released a photograph of one fragment that already has been
studied by an outside researcher. The brownish-colored section with frayed
edges shows part of the 27th chapter of Deuteronomy. In it, Moses delivers a
discourse from God, telling the Jewish people to build an altar of stone once
they cross the River Jordan into the land of Israel.
The fragment lists the location for the altar as Mount Gerizim. Modern
Bibles mentioned another site, Mount Ebal.
James H. Charlesworth, a New Testament professor at Princeton Theological
Seminary, said the difference suggests that the fragment may be an original
copy of Deuteronomy that was altered at some point by warring factions of
"We finally found the original text of Deuteronomy," said Charlesworth, who
directs the seminary's Dead Sea Scrolls Project. "This is sensationally
For more information, or to arrange
an interview on these new holdings, contact Allison Oster, public relations
manager, at (626) 815-4518.
Be sure to visit the link at The Institute for Judaism and Christian
http://www.ijco.org/?categoryId=28682 An
Unknown Dead Sea Scrolls Fragment of Deuteronomy by James H. Charlesworth.
Samaritan Hand Write 12 Pages on Ebay
there was for sale on Ebay.com a hand written manuscript being offered
for sale ($119.00) from Hebraicabook in Israel. Upon reviewing the
manuscript, the only information given it is Samaritan and it is estimated to
be 100 years old.
Samaritan scholar Benny
Tsedaka, of AB News examined the photos and
concluded, that the manuscript was, "The beginning chapter of the Book
of Genesis."' and " The copyist is Ab-Hisda [Died in 1959] b, HP Yacob b.
Samaritan Legend-
A group of young Samaritans interested in their culture, heritage and the
future of their small community, who have established an association which is
called Samaritan Myth. This association is aimed on the definition of
Samaritan's internal and external culture and heritage..
(The Samaritan Legend is on
Opening of the Exhibition at the
University of Samaritan
July 14. 2009

Photo credit:
An-Najah National University
See link below this article for
website of An-Najah National University
Translation from Arabic by
Cooperation between the public
relations department at the university and the General Samaritan Myth and the
support of a Palestinian Telecommunication Company Kamhiyah, Samaritan
exhibition opened at the Library of An Najah National University and in
the presence of Minister of Tourism Dr. Khouloud Daibes, Professor
Dr. Rami Hamad, head of An Najah National University, and Dr.
Jamal Muhaisen, Governor of Nablus, Adli Al live, the mayor of
Nablus, and the priest-designate Abdul charity, priest of the Samaritan
sect, a group of elders and the city and its national institutions and the
clergy of the Christian community, citizens and university students.
Within the formal inauguration
ceremony which was organized in the grandstand, the martyr Zafer Masri, Dr.
Jamal Muheisen, Governor of Nablus, expressed his pleasure of hosting this
exhibition and thanked Najah National University, headed by Dr. Rami Hamad God
for the great effort done by the University's support for various activities,
especially those relating to the Palestinian heritage, and highlighted the
gallery Samaritan who shows many aspects of this heritage that continues to
maintain the community in spite of succession of generations.
Mr. Isaac then made a Samaritan,
secretary of the Samaritan, a word which he said: I have known over the years
Nablus soap industry and pastry Nabulsip and that the only city that embraces
the three great monotheistic faiths gathered the word of Tawheed, loving
brothers in good times and bad, has become a Samaritan and praise to God a
institutions, Despite the scarcity of resources, few in number, but it works
abuzz for the advancement and progress. Mr. Isaac also provides Samaritan
thanks and gratitude to everyone who contributed to support the exhibition
singled out Najah National University Beacon Academy, which hosted the
Palestine Samaritan always and provided all the help and support represented
by its Chairman Professor Dr. Rami Hamdallah and Public Relations Department.
Then Mr. Jacob, Samaritan, chairman
of the Samaritan and the legend said that the Samaritans, representing the
true strain for the people of the children of Israel, which regarded the world
a unique and rich treasure of its kind in existence, and Najah University
found in all the support to continue their education and added that the
Gallery This reflects the cooperation between the members of the community and
the Samaritan-Najah National University, said that the Samaritans have
Palestinian nationality with pride, and live in freedom and dignity between
the arms of the Palestinian people, and are an integral part of the social
fabric of heritage, and living side by side with their fellow Muslims and
Christians, without distinction of race, religion, and share each other's joys
and Atraham.
Then I spoke Khulud Daibes, the Palestinian tourism minister, and expressed
her happiness to visit the university and the city of Nablus, the economic
capital of Palestine, noted the importance of activating the various cultural
activities because of their importance and a great place to Palestinian
tourism, as His Excellency the Minister welcomed the idea of the exhibition
Samaritan and expressed her happiness to participate in it as reflected in
this exhibition in many ways, the most important to identify the habits and
traditions of the Samaritan community, which is the smallest community in the
world. She referred to the importance of strengthening cooperation in the
interests of the people Samaritan for this range of religious and historical
Samaritan Myth- August 21, 2009
Yesterday was the admission of
Baraq Fayyad, a member of the the legend, after the approval of the Ministry
of the Interior will also be a member of the administration of the official
culture in the Assembly and expressed its thanks to the bright members of the
society to give them confidence, and expressed his admiration for the extent
of the Assembly and said activity was the primary motivation for joining the
Association of He promised to make every effort to assist in the success of
each activity of the Association
We wish him all the progress
Is also expected to join the new member of the Assembly to be responsible for
the internal relations came after s he made a formal request to the President
of the General President of the Assembly welcomed the request, but approval
will be approved by the Council of the Department of General
Salwa has also briefed members of the Assembly to the preparatory meeting held
in the city of Ramallah in preparation for the official meeting with a group
of senior international figures, including U.S. President for the year 1982,
"Jimmy Carter"
Which will be held next Wednesday
FromSamaritan Myth-August 13,
Returned in the evening today, the
President of the Legend association ya cop cohen and a member of the Reverend
Ehab Youssef, after a decade on the lecture Samaritan community in the
Jordanian capital, "AMMAN" The lecture was held at theEbal association issued
the presence of several senior figures in the city of Nablus, the residents of
Amman , Jordan and some of the personalities of senior journalists have come
across their thanks Great value to the lecture, which they described as
historic and asked to send greetings to the members of the Samaritan and asked
to repeat the symposium in the near future.
After the lecture the administrative body of the study was issued Altoimp
between the two organizations and both sides welcomed the idea.
of Mr.yacop thanks the issued for providing facilities for the success of the
Mr. Ehab provide an overview of the Assembly and its goals
From Samaritan Myth-
August 9
The Chair of the Assembly of the
legend of Jacob Abdullah and the member of Mr. Ehab Youssef working visit to
the Jordanian capital on Tuesday, which will be holding a seminar on Samaritan
and meet a number of Jordanian institutions and will join the delegation on
Wednesday representatives of the Community Committee and a number of
** Date Seminar on Wednesday at six-thirty pm
From Samaritan Myth-
August 5 -General
congratulates the family legend brother Isaac Hosni Administrative Board
member of the Assembly on the occasion of his wedding and entered the golden
cage, and wish for a happy life.
You Israeli
Haseeb Shehadeh
most of the Arab national minority in Israel, who number approximately
one and a quarter million, the answer to the question
‘Are you Israeli?’ is not simple, nor does
the answer come automatically. This segment of population is the only
one in the world that bears the word ‘Arab’ on their Israeli identity
cards. The answer to such an inquiry depends on several
factors, such as who asks this question and where as
well as in which circumstances the question is asked and
what is its purpose.
Numerous questions are
well known to all Arabs who leave Israel via Ben-Gurion
International Airport in Lydda or who return to Israel. These questions may
include: what is the reason for your visit to Israel (the homeland)?
Where will you stay in Israel? Whom did/will you meet?
What is your occupation abroad? Are you carrying any
weapon or sharp tools? Did you
pack everything in your luggage yourself? Did anyone give you anything to
question in my title is not among these routine inquiries. It was
directed to me on the 5th of April 2009 at Ben Gurion
Airport before I was to board Finnair flight AY 1922 to
fly to Helsinki. As usual the passengers on this weekly flight
were waiting in Hall C3 in Tel Aviv airport. The overwhelming majority
of the passengers were Finns returning to Finland after
a short visit to historic and Christian sites in Israel
and Jordan. As for me, I was on a research trip
sponsored by the Academy of Finland that had lasted two weeks. During that
time I visited the two only Samaritan centres —Holon
to the south of Tel Aviv and Mount Gerizim in
Nablus. This smallest and probably the oldest community in the
world which numbers fewer than 750 faithful, lives only in these two
cities. The five pillars of the Samaritan faith are:
One God who is called Sheema (meaning the ‘name’); the
Torah, which differs from the Massoretic Text in more than
6,000 cases; Moses as!
the only prophet; Mount Gerizim as
the holy place; reward and punishment; Taheb as the
had also visited the Institute of Microfilmed Hebrew Manuscripts at the
Jewish National and University Library in Jerusalem.
There I discovered a recently purchased Samaritan
Arabic manuscript with the title ‘al-Irshaad w-al-Ishhaad’
(Guidance and Certification), an autograph by Abraham El->Ayye
completed in 1778. In addition, I visited
the German Protestant Institute Library in the hospital
compound of Augusta Victoria in East Jerusalem. There I found sixteen
Samaritan manuscripts that are essentially unknown to the scholarly
To return to our
subject. A female official in the waiting hall approached me and
asked in Hebrew: You Israeli, without the question particle. I replied
with a question, Why would you like to know? The reply
reminded me of an incident that took place forty ago
before in Jerusalem. At that time, I was teaching
Palestinian Arabic to students of various nationalities. I asked a Jewish
student whom I knew well, Tell me, why do Jews always answer a question
with a question? He responded, Why not?0
The official explained
that there was a 14-year-old girl on our flight by the name
of Galit who needed assisstance. I automatically said, Yes, why not
help her, and then turned to Galit, saying
shalom. Then the employee asked my family name.
I pronounced it as it
should be said, namely, with the guttural
˙, a sound
very seldom used by either Jews or Arabs in Israel
today in spoken Hebrew, owing to psycho-sociological reasons.
The official went away for a few moments and then returned, asking for
my flight ticket, ostensibly in order to see the number
of my seat. Actually, she was staring at my full name.
Again she went back to her place behind a counter on
which sat a computer. After a while I noticed the official approaching Galit
with a young Israeli Jew. He and Galit were introduced, and together
they headed to the door of the plane before the
boarding announcement. The whole episode was witnessed
by three other persons.
For some time the
official was not within my visual range. Finally, just before
leaving the hall to board the plane, I stepped up to her along with one
of those who had seen the episode unfold. The official
was about to speak into a cell phone when she saw me.
She closed the telephone and waited. In fact I was
waiting quietly for some kind of explanation, if not an apology. Yet the
official said nothing; she ‘filled her mouth with water’ as the saying
goes in Hebrew. Finally, I asked, Where is Galit? Ah,
we found a member of her family to accompany her, the
official replied. Did
you not see any reason or moral duty to come and notify me? I asked.
She blushed and said only, ‘toda’ (thanks).
More than six decades
have elapsed since the establishment of the State of Israel;
yet trust between Jews and Arabs in Israel, even at the general human
level, is lacking. Naturally, a serious question may be
raised: how can trust and peace between Jewish Israelis
and Arabs from the twenty-two Arab countries be
achieved? There is another Hebrew saying ‘kabdeehu ve-hoshdeehu’ — respect him,
but do not trust him. It is evident that this saying no longer fits.
There is no respect or honour, but only mistrust and
Web Links
Le Garizim, mont sacré des
The Cohen Gene, the Samaritans and the Ten Lost Tribes
Levi's Jeans or Levis' Genes
Complete List of Biblioblogs
Jewish temple found in ancient
port city at Lycian site
New Publications
The Origin of the Samaritans (Vetus Testamentum,)
by M. Kartveit and Magnar Kartveit
(Hardcover - 15 Aug
· Hardcover: 405 pages
· Publisher: Brill Academic Publishers (15 Aug
· Language English
· ISBN-10: 9004178198
· ISBN-13: 978-9004178199
· Product Dimensions: 24.1 x 16.5 x 2.5 cm
Complete description
Many Bible readers will think that chapter 17 of the second book of
Kings refers to the origin of the Samaritans. This understanding of the
chapter has its earliest attestation in the works of Josephus. The present
book evaluates the methods often used for finding the origin of the
Samaritans, makes an assessment of well known and new material, and ventures
into some uncharted territory. It is suggested that the moment of birth of the
Samaritans was the construction of the temple on Mount Gerizim. This happened
in the first part of the fourth century b.c.e. in accordance with the original
commandment of Moses in Deut 27:4.
Biblical Canon: Bible,
Authorized King James Version, Biblical apocrypha, Development of the Jewish
Bible canon, Masoretic Text, Samaritan Torah, Christian ... Development of the
Christian Biblical canon (Paperback) by
John McBrewster (Editor),
Frederic P. Miller (Editor),
Agnes F. Vandome (Editor)
· Paperback: 100 pages
· Publisher: Alphascript Publishing (July 2,
· Language: English
· ISBN-10: 6130020201
· ISBN-13: 978-6130020200
· Product Dimensions: 8.7 x 5.9 x 0.2 inches
Sea Scrolls: anakh at Qumran, Wicked Priest, The Book of Mysteries,
Septuagint, Samaritan Torah (Paperback) by
John McBrewster (Editor),
Frederic P. Miller (Editor),
Agnes F. Vandome (Editor)
· Paperback: 64 pages
· Publisher: Alphascript
Publishing (August 12, 2009)
· Language: English
· ISBN-10: 6130029489
· ISBN-13: 978-6130029487
· Product Dimensions: 8.7 x
5.9 x 0.2 inches
Encyclopedia of
Messianic Candidates & Movements in Judaism, Samaritanism and Islam
(Hardcover) by
Eugene J Mayhew (Author)
· Hardcover
· Publisher: Cadieux &
Maheux Press LLC; 1ST edition (2009)
· ISBN-10: 1607251574
· ISBN-13: 978-1607251576
SAMARITANS' PAST AND PRESENT: Current Studies (Deuterocanonical and Cognate
Literature Studies) (Hardcover)
Menachem Mor and Jack Pastor (Hardcover
- 30 Nov 2009) Currently unavailable
· Hardcover: 250 pages
· Publisher: Walter de
Gruyter (November 30, 2009)
· Language: English
· ISBN-10: 311019497X
· ISBN-13: 978-3110194975
Republished Books
The Samaritans: Their
Testimony to the Religion of Israel : Being the Alexander Robertson Lectures,
Delivered Before the University of Glasgow in 1916 (1919) (Paperback)
J. E. H. (John Ebenezer Honeyman) Thomson (Author)
· Paperback: 462 pages
· Publisher: Cornell University Library (July
8, 2009)
· Language: English
· ISBN-10: 1112158219
· ISBN-13: 978-1112158216
· Product Dimensions: 8 x
5.2 x 1.2 inches
Samaritan Pentateuch and Modern Criticism: -1911 (Paperback) by
J. Iverach Munro (Author)
· Paperback: 146 pages
· Publisher: Cornell
University Library (July 8, 2009)
· Language: English
· ISBN-10: 1112158677
· ISBN-13: 978-1112158674
· Product Dimensions: 7.5 x
5.5 x 0.4 inches
Karaite Halakah: And Its Relation to Saduccean, Samaritan and Philonian
Halakah. Part 1 (1913) (Paperback) by
Bernard Revel (Author)
· Paperback: 100 pages
· Publisher: Cornell
University Library (July 8, 2009)
· Language: English
· ISBN-10: 1112158669
· ISBN-13: 978-1112158667
· Product Dimensions: 7.8 x
5.2 x 0.2 inches
Samaritans, the Earliest Jewish Sect; their History, Theology, and Literature
(Paperback) by
Montgomery, James A. (James Alan) (Author)
· Paperback: 424 pages
· Publisher: BiblioBazaar
(August 19, 2009)
· Language: English
· ISBN-10: 1113465689
· ISBN-13: 978-1113465689
· Product Dimensions: 8.8 x
5.8 x 1 inches
Elements Of Chaldee, Syriac, Samaritan, And Rabbinical Grammar (1835)
(Paperback) by
John Gorham Palfrey (Author)
· Paperback: 52 pages
· Publisher: Kessinger
Publishing, LLC (July 17, 2009)
· Language: English
· ISBN-10: 1104739283
· ISBN-13: 978-1104739287
· Product Dimensions: 9 x 6
x 0.1 inches
And do not forget to get the Gerizim excavation books by Yitzhak Magen
From the Editor- I have just began to read JSP VIII, and it is very
informative. These books sell for $60.00 each and is highly recommended.
Limited quantity, order your today
JSP VII: The Samaritans and the Good Samaritan
This volume encompasses most of the
historical and archaeological material regarding the Samaritans. The
excavations in Samaria, Neapolis, and other Samaritan sites shed new light on
Samaritan material culture, archaeology, and history. The discovery of
Samaritan synagogues and ritual baths identical to those used by the Jews,
point to the connection between Samaritans and Jews from the Persian to
Byzantine periods.
The volume also discusses Samaritan everyday life, Sabbaths, and holidays, as
well as the site of the “Inn of the Good Samaritan.”
Magen, Yitzhak ; Editor: Carmin, Noga ; 320 pp, color photographs ;
ISBN 978-965-406-206-0
JSP VIII: Mount Gerizim Excavations. A Temple City.
This volume is a preliminary report of the Mount Gerizim excavations. The
discovery of the Samaritan temple solved a highly significant historical
question that puzzled scholars for years, confirming that the temple was built
in the mid-fifth century BCE. The volume discusses different aspects of the
site, including layout, private construction, the sacred precinct, Mount
Gerizim versus the Temple Mount at Jerusalem, Samaritan material culture and
halakhic observance, Hebrew and Aramaic inscriptions, and the site during the
Roman and Byzantine periods.
Magen, Yitzhak ; Editors:
Haber, Michal and Carmin, Noga ; 316
pp, color photographs.
TheSamaritanupdate.com . Copyright 2009
Credit is given to the author of the internet
link and is only displaced here for educational reasons.