Tuesday, May 26, 2009, Evening, Memorial day of Sinai Assembly
Wednesday, May 27, 2009 - Memorial Day of Sinai Assembly
May 30, 2009 - Special Shabbat of the Ten Commandments
- May 31, 2009 - The Festival of Pentacost- THE HARVEST FESTIVAL
or Shavuoth, the years second pilgrimage to the holy sites
on Mt. Gerizim.
The Valmadonna Trust Library is on display atSotheby’s(72nd Street and York Ave, NYC) until Thursday February 19th at 5pm.
Rush over and see this extraordinary collection while you can. This exhibit
is for lovers of old books, manuscripts, Jewish learning, world and Jewish
history and beautiful hand made book bindings. If you cannot go, take the
time to read this
exhibit catalog. Also, a room of fine manuscripts which includes a
Samaritan Torah Scroll in the original ancient Hebrew alef-bet. The
Samaritan Torah contains an eleventh commandment: to meet at Mount Seir for
the annual sacrifice of a lamb for Pesach (Passover). There are other much
less dramatic differences as well. See website:
Hebrew University Prof. Emmanuel Tov Wins Israel Prize for
Research in Bible
February 26, 2009 - Hebrew University Prof. Emmanual Tov will be
awarded the Israel Prize 2009 for his research in the Bible, the Education
Minister Prof Yuli Tamir announced. Read full article:
Congratulations to Professor Tov!!
Professor Kori Translated Samaritan Writings
Alexis Abdullah Ben Kori,
(b. Feb
10, 1873- July 1, 1925) of Pacific University, Forest Grove, Oregon, translated
Samaritan writings for Dr. William E. Barton in 1906-08. Translations
include, History of Samaritan people Biblio
2404, the Sanctuary of Mount Gerizim Biblio 2406, the Sabbath
Biblio 2408, On Circumcision Biblio2403.
as well as The Messianic Hope Of The Samaritans.1907 Biblio2405,
The book of Enlightenment Biblio 2402.
The published works are well known to Samaritan scholars.
Photo: Scanned from
Heart of Oak, the Pacific
University Yearbook. Photo of Prof. Kori credited
to “Pacific
University Archives.”
The translations were the first 4 chapters of a Arabic work (cc.1906/7) sent
to Dr. Barton by Jacob, son of Aaron, High Priest of the Samaritans. From the
JD Purvis collection we have a reference: “Ten
chapters: 1. On the History of the Samaritan People; 2. On the Sanctity of
Mount Gerezim; 3. On the Sabbath; 4. On Circumcision; 5. On the Reckoning of
Time; 6. On Ritual Defilements and Purifications; 7. On Dietary Regulations;
8. On Marriage; 9. On Torah; 10. On Death and Judgment. The first four
chapters were translated by Abdullah ben Kori and published by Dr. Barton. The
remaining chapters have never been translated.”
Dr. Kori, was born in Tripoli, Syria, studied at Patriarchal College, Ain Traz,
Beirut, Greek Pontifical College of Rome, receiving his A.M. from Texas
Christian University in 1903 and a degree from the University of Chicago. In
1906, Dr. Kori received a chair of the Department of Modern Languages at
Pacific University. He also was translator
President Woodrow Wilson at the League of Nations at the Treaty of
Versailles in Paris 1919. More on Prof. Kori
The William E. Barton Collection of Samaritan Materials at Boston University
is as follows: “A Brief Sketch of Prof. Abdullah Ben Kori,” by J. W.
Reynolds, Wilson, N.C. Includes newspaper clipping from 1908. (C-062 WEB Box
4, Folder 3, Item 7).
Also mentioning Kori information can be found in box 3: American
Samaritan Committee correspondence, to WEB and others, from A. Ben Kori,
Abu-l Hassan, Gaskoin Wright, and the Samaritan community, regarding
Palestine, the Samaritan Committee, and the Samaritans. Approx. 150 letters,
1902-1926. (C-061 WEB Box 3, Folder 20: 1902-1918; C-061 WEB Box 3, Folder
21: 1919-1926)
c. Letter from A. Ben Kori to Dr. Barton, dated Nov. 6, 1907, on the reverse
is a key to the annotations on the picture, in Hebrew and English. (C-061 WEB
Box 3, Folder 13, Item 3)
References cited in A Bibliography of the Samaritans, Third Edition.
Edited by Alan David Crown and Reinhard Pummer, Scarecrow Press
From this Editor
This Editor feels an interest to all Samaritan scholars of the following
listed in theWilliam E. Barton Collection:
This needs to be added to the Biblio under Jacob ben
AaronThe Samaritan Pentateuch: the story of a survival among the sects,
by WEB. Oberlin OH : Bibliotheca Sacra Co., 1903. Two copies, one
with parts cutout. Printed, 42 p. (C-061 WEB Box 3, Folder 27, Item 1).
This needs to be added to the Biblio “The Last Remnant of
Great Samaritan Race Being Cared For by Americans,” by E. K. Warren. The Pittsburgh Gazette-Times (June 9, 1918). (C-062 WEB Box 4, Folder
1, Item 9)
This needs to be added to the Biblio“How Samaria Keeps the
Passover Today,” by Ismar J. Peritz. Christian Observer
(March 27, 1918): 8-9. (C-062 WEB Box 4, Folder 1, Item 8)
This needs to be added to the Biblio "On Bloody
Sacrifices in Palestine” by Hans H. Spoer. Reprint from Journal of the
American Oriental Society 27 (1906): 104-107. (C-062 WEB Box 4, Folder
1, Item 4)
This needs to be added to the Biblio “The Unchanged
Passover Supper,” by F. Naseef. The Christian Herald (April 12, 1916):
446-447. (C-062 WEB Box 4, Folder 1, Item 6)
This needs to be added to the Biblio “Books of All
Ages: Papyrus and Parchment Books,” by J. Eugene Reed. Christian
Observer (January 9, 1918): 20-21. (C-062 WEB Box 4, Folder 1, Item 7)
(believed by this Editor to contain information of
Samaritan writing)
This needs to be added to the Biblio “Has the Samaritan
Book of Joshua Been Found?” The Literary Digest (October 3, 1908): 464.
Detached copy. Authored by WEB? Incomplete? (C-061 WEB Box 3, Folder 27,
Item 5)
Investigation is needed for the Unidentifed letters (2)
in Arabic. (C-061 WEB Box 3, Folder 25)
English translation and publication should be taken for
the Commentary on Genesis. Unbound, in Arabic, holo., 211 p. (C-061 WEB Box
3, Folder 7) JDPurvis: “The Biblical text is written in cursive Samaritan
letters, the commentary in Arabic.”
And more important of all an English translation and
publication should be taken for the last unpublished chapters of The
Samaritans: a History and Book of Ritual, by Jacob, Son of Aaron, High
Priest. In book form, in Arabic, holo., 296 p. Noted inside front cover:
“William E. Barton, Oak Park, Ill., Purchased from Jacob, son of Aaron, High
Priest of the Samaritans, 1907.” Noted on back cover: “Microfilmed for Univ.
of Leeds, April 1957.” (C-061 WEB Box 3, Folder 12) JDPurvis: “Arabic; ten
chapters: 1. On the History of the Samaritan People; 2. On the Sanctity of
Mount Gerezim; 3. On the Sabbath; 4. On Circumcision; 5. On the Reckoning
of Time; 6. On Ritual Defilements and Purifications; 7. On Dietary
Regulations; 8. On Marriage; 9. On Torah; 10. On Death and Judgment. The
first four chapters were translated by Abdullah ben Kori and published by
Barton… The remaining chapters were never translated.”
This editor wishes to thank the William E. Barton Collection
for displaying the information shown on their website (cited above) and Ms.
Sandra Agnes for her contribution of information and letters of her great
uncle A. Ben Kori.
Aramaic Studies Program Unit Type:
Section Accepting Papers?
Call For Papers:The Aramaic
studies section is intended to provide a forum for scholars interested
in various aspects of Aramaic language. Previous paper topics have
included aspects of the Targumim, Qumran Aramaic, Peshitta,
Samaritan papyri, and Elephantine Aramaic.
If you are an SBL member, you must login before you can propose a
paper for this or any other session. Please login by
entering your SBL member number on the left in the Login box.
Questions About Membership?
Nablus – Ma’an – Members of the tiny Samaritan sect gathered on Thursday on
the hilltop of Gerzeim Mountain, south of Nablus in the northern West Bank, to
celebrate the Passover holiday.
The entire Samaritan community totals just 723, and is considered the smallest
sect in the world. They live only near Nablus and in Holon inside Israel. The
Passover holiday is the most sacred for this sect and it symbolizes freedom
from slavery under Egypt's Pharaoh. Both men and women traditionally dress in
white while celebrating Passover.
A day before the Jewish Seder is held on the eve of the Passover holiday,
the Samaritan community gathers on the holy Mount Gerizim in the West Bank
to hold the their most important religious ceremony: the Passover
sacrifice. Photographer Amnon Kfir documented the ceremony during which
every family must sacrifice and eat a lamb
Subject: ندوة اخرى عن الطائفة السامرية في الجامعة
دعوة عامة
تتشرف جمعية الأسطورة السامرية بدعوتكم لحضور ندوة بعنوان:
الطائفة السامرية
عاداتها.. وتقاليدها
وذلك يوم الاثنين 27/4/2009 عند الساعة الثانية عشرة والنصف في مدرجات الشهيد
ظافر المصري في حرم الجامعة القديم وذلك بحضور الكاهن حسني واصف السامري الذي
سيرد على استفسارات المشاركين.
حضوركم تشريف لنا
Subject: Symposium on other university in the Samaritan community
General call
Legend has the Samaritan Society invite you to attend a seminar entitled:
Samaritan community
Customs .. And traditions
Will be held on Monday 27/4/2009 at the second session and half in the stands
Zafer Al-Masri in the old campus, in the presence of the priest Hosni Wasif
Alsamari which would respond to the queries of participants.
Honor us with your presence
Legend Samaritan Society
Also coming
President of the University of Najah National Assembly approves the request of
an exhibition on the heritage and culture of the Samaritans it will be held in
the old campus at the end of next June.
English Translation of the Samaritan Pentateuch
The first-ever English translation of the
Samaritan Pentateuch, prepared by Benyamin Tsedaka will NOT
be published by Logos.
The book shall be published near the end of
this year. We shall keep you informed when we learn more.
Book Has New Publication
Current Studies (Deuterocanonical and Cognate Literature Studies)
(Hardcover) by
Menachem Mor (Editor) will now be on
sale November 30, 2009 from the Publisher, Walter de Gruyter.
Jews and Samaritans: The
Origins and History of Their Early Relations, by Gary Knoppers,
(Oxford University Press, 2010)
192 pages;
6-1/8 x 9-1/4; ISBN13: 978-0-19-532954-4ISBN10:
Hardcover, Not Yet Printed, Expected:
Gary Knoppers
Professor of Classics and Ancient
Mediterranean Studies, Religious Studies, and Jewish Studies, Pennsylvania
State University
Modern Copy
Have you ever wanted to buy, Notices Of The Modern Samaritans: Illustrated By Incidents In The Life
Of Jacob Esh Shelaby (1855) by Jacob Esh
Shelaby and Edward Thomas Rogers. An original copy will cost
$250.00 or more, but now you can purchase a copy for less than $20.00. Or
you can read it at Google Book Search or
M. Gaster Expository Times, Jan 1913; vol. 24: pp. 198 - 201.
...place to discuss the origin of the Samaritans.
The belief that they owe their...mind, absolutely groundless. The
Samaritans are unquestionably the last remnant...to satisfy this
requirement the Samaritans split up four or five I of the...
W.R. Williams Expository Times, Jan 2002; vol. 113: pp. 410.
...authorities continued to regard the Samaritans,
from certain points of view still...from Nathan Schur, History of the
Samaritans). However, bearing in mind the...century AD would so regard
the Samaritans. Neither should we disregard the...
Heather A. McKay Expository Times, Sep
2003; vol. 114: pp. 426 - 427.
...sources, such as Josephus. The Samaritans are
a fascinating group of Jewish...link between Simon Magus and the Samaritans,
and reviews at length the arguments...provide about the persecution of the
Samaritans under Justinian. The earlier sources...
Expository Times, Jan 1964; vol. 76: pp. 79 - 84....SAMARITAN
THEOLOGY THE survival of Samaritans of pure descent from Old
Testament...3>Iacdonald-The Theology of the Samaritans (S.C.lB1.; 6os.
net). The Introduction...dependence on Persian religion. The Samaritans
regard Moses as the pre-eminent...
Gaster Expository Times, Jan 1917; vol. 28: pp. 518 - 520.
...more ample chronicles of which the Samaritans
have also a goodly number. In every...p. 16. I have obtained from the
Samaritans two copies of this Tolidah which...the calendar, I read it with
the Samaritans, and when I asked what the duplication...
Expository Times, Jan 1907; vol. 18: pp. 543 - 549...quite pleasant to
read. Are the Samaritans worth a volume of 360 pages ? The...title of
the Bohlen Lectures is 7~ Samaritans, the Earliest Jewish
Sect...most thorough description of the Samaritans that has ever been
written in English...
Feastes [sic] of the
Samaritans;: Passover (sacrifice) Pentescost [sic] (Shavuoth) Tabernacle
(Unknown Binding) by
Hasanein Wasef Kahen (Author) Unknown Binding: 16 pages
Language: English ASIN: B0006C29YW
The Samaritans;: Their history, religion,
customs (Unknown Binding) by
Hasanein Wasef Kahen (Author) Unknown Binding: 24 pages
Language: English ASIN: B0006CSVH6
Simon Finch Rare Books(London, ., United Kingdom)Price:US$ 1170.72Quantity: 1
Shipping within United Kingdom:US$ 15.15 Book Description: Stockholm:
Albert Bonniers Fšrlag, 1917., 1917. Large 4to (312 x 229 mm), pp.56, [162].
80 black-and-white photographs, text by John D. Whiting, Selma Lagerlšf and
Sven Hedin. Top edge dyed black. Original decorative paper-covered boards,
upper side blocked in black and gilt with a motif depicting a ram and a blade.
Cloth spine and corners, spine blocked in black and gilt; Occasional rubbing
to boards at top and bottom edges, short splits to hinges at head and foot,
corners rubbed. Near-fine. First edition, no.67 of 300 copies. This remarkable
work made in the spring of 1914 constitutes the first photographic record of
the Passover celebrations of the Samaritans on Mount Gerazim: a twelve-hour
ceremony, lasting from sunset to dawn, in which Larsson shows the preparation
and slaughter of the offerings, portraits of the participants, and studies of
them whilst they pray. In January 1920 a selection of these photographs were
published in National Geographic under the title 'The Last Israelitish Blood
Sacrifice'. In March 1915 a plague of locusts had devastated the land and by
1917 the British had invaded Palestine as a province of the Ottoman Empire.
Between 1910 and 1930 Larsson was principal photographer for the American
Colony, a non-conformist Christian sect based in Jerusalem. In the late
nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, the American Colony Photographers
(who also included Elijah Meyers, Furman Baldwin and later Eric Matson)
jointly created a superlative collection of photographs of Palestine and the
Middle-East. After Larsson left the group, Matson became exclusive owner of
this archive, which he later donated to the Library of Congress (somewhat
controversially under the title of 'The Eric Matson Collection'). Bookseller
Inventory # 95966
A.R.S. KennedyExpository Times, Jan 1920; vol. 31: pp. 374 - 375.1920
Journal Article The Samaritans A.R.S. Kennedy UNIVERSITY OF EDINBURGH
374 ence...UNIVERSITY OF EDINBURGH. DR. THOMSON'S interest in the
Samaritans is of long standing (see THE EXPOSITORY TIlBŒS...