Publisher: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Company (April 15, 2011)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0802865194
ISBN-13: 978-0802865199
Sept/ Oct 2010 |
Vol. X - No 1 |
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Samaritan Update, is a Bi-Monthly Internet Newsletter ----- Editor: Larry Rynearson ----
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Subscribe To the Newsletter -The
Samaritan Update. Sign Up ! The Samaritans call themselves Bene-Yisrael (“Children of Israel”), or Shamerim (“Observant Ones”) Samaritan Studies and Related Conferences:
SBL Annual Meeting
The 2010
Annual Meeting will be in Atlanta The SBL Annual Meeting is the largest gathering of biblical scholars in the world.
2011 International Meeting
Meeting Begins:
7/3/2011 Call For Papers
Opens: 10/1/2010
View the 2011 International Meeting Program Units >>
Book mark the Samaritan Studies (EABS)
Keep Up with the Samaritan Basketball team on FANS of Samaritan basketball team
Community Youth Club Samaritan on Facebook.com SAMARITAN MYTHسطورة السامريةהאגדה השומרונית الا
A group of young Samaritans people who is interested in their culture, heritage and the future of their small community, we establish an association which is called Samaritan myth. This association is aimed on the definition of Samaritan's culture and heritage the internal and external one. Security Mount GerizimA group of young people keen on the security of Mount Gerizim Both groups can be found on Facebook.com and see Smaritan Blogspot Important Links
Samaritan Museum on Mount Gerizim. New Samaritans- A DOCUMENTARY on Samaritan brides from the Ukraine Have you
purchased your book lately? Notices Of The Modern Samaritans: Illustrated By Incidents In The Life Of Jacob Esh Shelaby (1855) by Jacob Esh Shelaby and Edward Thomas Rogers (Paperback - Mar 20, 2009) Forth Coming Books
The English Translation of the Samaritan Pentateuch
Update on the English Translation of the Samaritan Pentateuch publication date April 15, 2011
The first-ever English translation of the Samaritan Pentateuch, prepared by Benyamin Tsedaka WILL be published by Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Company
New Guest Center On Thursday, December 30th, 2010, will be the opening of the new Guest Center on Mount Gerizim that will include a permanent photographic exhibition that embodies the Good Samaritan Heritage Club and first-class center for first aid and religious schools in addition to a lecture hall for visitors and cultural films and among other things. Thank you to Aabed Cohen for sharing this information. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Samaritan Sukkot 2010 סוכה שומרונית 2010 Sukkot was celebrated at the Booth Festival - Friday, October 22, 2010 to The Eighth Day of Assembly - Friday, October 29, 2010
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IAYW-bj69ac https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QdaTrLEMjNo&feature=related
The Samaritans celebrate Sukkot ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Product Details
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Samaritans Opera - video excerpt
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1YvuVmIvRtw&feature=related https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ulgO641mR0&feature=related https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w0uxw5mBWIs&feature=related https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lennl0GU6Z8&feature=related Incontro con Yuval Avital L’opera "Samaritani" presentata in prima mondiale al MiTo di
Claudia Cefalo http://www.nonsolocinema.com/Incontro-con-Yuval-Avital_21085.html ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Israel shows off its new finds
(eTN) - Israel's Ministry of Tourism unveiled four archeological finds in a release called “What We Dug Up This Month.” 1,500-YEAR-OLD SAMARITAN SYNAGOGUE EXPOSED NEAR BEIT SHE'AN ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ National Geographic magazine has been preparing a feature story on David and Solomon. They took photographs of the unique Passover observances of the Samaritan community. Check out the December 2010 Issue of National Geographic Magazine ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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Samaritan Pentateuch (Hebrew, tagged)
Check out the packages listed below which include this module.
Details For Mac Users
The Hebrew text of the first five books of Moses, as preserved by the
Samaritan community. This Accordance edition is morphologically tagged
by Martin Abegg and Casey Toews, and conforms to the Ben Hayyim
Anyone that has a Samaritan font for Mac, please contact the editor ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
“For Good Remembrance before God in this Place”: Tracing the Concept of ’Good Remembrance’ in Semitic Inscriptions from the Late Persian and Hellenistic Period and in the Hebrew BiblePaper presented at the 2010 EABS annual meeting in Tartu, Estonia. During the Mount Gerizim excavations which were carried out between 1983 and 2006 under the direction of Yitzhak Magen a Yahwistic sanctuary and a Hellenistic city were uncovered at the site of Mount Gerizim. Some four hundred inscriptions were found in and around the temple precinct, presumably belonging to the second building phase, i.e. the early second century BCE. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mas1o Papyrus Paleo Fragment
("Mount Gerizim") Description and Background Mas1o is the only scroll fragment in the Masada exhibit that is written on papyrus. It is distinctive also because it is written in the paleo-Hebrew script by two scribes. One scribe wrote on the "front" side of the fragment, the other on the "back" side. In his preliminary report of the excavation, Professor Yigael Yadin noted that the script of this fragment is similar to that of the coins found in the same location as the fragment.1 Of the fragment's few discernible words, the phrase joyful singing occurs in three consecutive lines. These lines are followed by a line containing the place-name Mount Gerizim. This fragment has been identified as a Samaritan document because of the unique way Mount Gerizim is written. Because Mount Gerizim is a sacred site for Samaritans (the site of their temple), they adopted the practice of writing these two separate words as one word. However, Hebrew texts of non-Samaritan origin keep the two words separate. Thus the fragment can confidently be identified as Samaritan in origin. Scholars have tentatively identified it as a liturgical document because of the references to joyful singing. Continue reading http://maxwellinstitute.byu.edu/publications/books/?bookid=120&chapid=1445 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 'Atiqot Publication of Israel Antiquities Authority Now Online ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A Review of Samaritan Scribes and Manuscripts A word from the Editor I have many books on the Samaritans, on different subjects, but one of my now favorite books after The Samaritans edited by Alan Crown is another book, Samaritan Scribes and Manuscripts also by Alan Crown. I should have purchased it sooner. Anyone that has an interest in the Samaritan Israelites will also be interested in the scrolls of Torah and other written manuscripts. Crown's work illuminates the scribes, and so many diverse Samaritan manuscripts that the work can only be realized as incredible to say the least. As for me I get excited reading it. Many of the Samaritan family names, I had never heard of. The literature, dates, explanations and even corrects of the studied manuscripts is eye opening. The research, individual manuscript studies must have taken an enormous about of time. Alan Crown, the book is really remarkable, I really do thank you! The book is Samaritan Scribes and Manuscripts was published in 2001 by J.C.B. Mohr. You can buy the book at Amazon.com ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You tube link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Or13iOSC-tA&feature=related ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Books
Notice sur deux fragments d'un Pentateuque h?breu-samaritain rapport?s de
la Palestine par M. le s?nateur F. de Saulcy.
Der Hebraische Pentateuch der Samaritaner (5 volumes)
The Book of Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy in The
Samaritan Version of the Pentateuch - Copied By Hand from a 13th Century
Manuscript By Abraham Nur Sadaqah
AN ACCOUNT OF THE SAMARITANS; in a Letter to J---- M------, Esq.
The Karaite Halakah and its relation to Sadducean, Samaritan and Philonian Halakah (Part 1). Revel, Bernard.
Selections from the Pentateuch in the Samaritan Version. Hamursuz Bayraminin Tarihi (Passover History) Agada De Pesah written by Eliya Gayus Printed in Istanbul 1940s 48 pages mentions Samaritans and Mount Gerizim
TheSamaritanupdate.com . Copyright 2010 Credit is given to the author or website of the internet link and is only displaced here for educational reasons. |