Samaritan Update
All the Days of Our Lives”
July /
August 2012
Vol. XI - No 6
The First Day of the Seventh Month - October 15,
The Day of Atonement - October 24, 2012
Succot - October 29, 2012
Shmini Atzeret - November 5, 2012.
‘Life in this
world cannot be a substitute for the hereafter.’ Salama b. Ghazal
Congratulations on the wedding (Aug. 25th,
2010) to Osher and Meital Sassoni. May you be blessed with children and
happiness! Osher is co-founder of
Mount Gerizim Opens to Public
archaeological site on the summit of Mount Gerizim has been officially opened
in July after 12 years.
Mt. Gerizim
Archaeological Site Reopens After 12 Years By Elad Benari & Yoni
12 years after being
closed because of the Oslo War, the archaeological site on Mount Gerizim
reopened in a special ceremony.
archaeological excavation site on Mount Gerizim, near Shechem, was officially
inaugurated in a special ceremony on Thursday.
Israel’s Newest Park Opens Beyond Green
Line By Ziv Reinstein
Israel Nature
and Parks Authority inaugurates Mount Gerizim, a Samaritan holy site, as its
newest park; measure will disprove "Palestinian smear campaign,"
Minister Erdan says.
Mount Gerizim,
the Samaritan religion's holiest site, was inaugurated last week as Israel's
newest national park.
An Archaeological Pearl,
Mount Gerizim Is Opened to Tourists By: Dalia Mazori
In the sixth century
B.C., the Nation of Israel returns to Zion after 70 years of exile in
Babylonia. Some dozens of years after the return, the Jews begin to rebuild
their temple that had been destroyed [by the Babylonians]. While it was not a
magnificent structure like the temple built by King Solomon, nevertheless the
second temple arose under Nehemiah's supervision. Nehemiah was the head of the
Jews [and governor of Judea] appointed by the Persian king.
Palestinian officials are throwing a party in the West Bank this weekend
to celebrate what they call a national victory. The United Nations' cultural
body, UNESCO, accepted a Palestinian request to recognize an important
Bethlehem church as an endangered World Heritage site.
But Israel says the Palestinians are exploiting a historical site for political
gain, and this latest struggle over historical sites in the Holy Land is just
By: Benyamim Tsedaka
The ‘Good Samaritan’
museum festively opened two years ago in Ma'aleh Edomim. This opening was the
initiative of the former Archeology officer of Judea and Samaria Dr. Yitzhaq
Magen during his last period of duty. Magen dug for the last 25 years in Mount
Gerizim and in other places in Samaria and discovered there Samaritan Synagogues
and tens of thousands of different findings, part of them very unique that
cannot be found in other archaeological sites. A small part of these finding
that belong to our Israelite Samaritan forefathers are displayed in the
impressive museum alongside fancy mosaic tiles from Samaritan synagogues that
Magen uncovered in various places in Samaria. The Samaritan findings include:
tools, artifacts, mosaics and several inscriptions. There is a special big hall
in "The Good Samaritan" Museum that contains the related Samaritan
artifacts (just as there is a special hall of Jewish artifacts, and a hall for
the Christian findings) that Magen himself discovered in other archaeological
sites and dedicated a big hall for display of each faith. In the process of
establishing the museum Magen even published a special large volume called
"The Samaritans and the Good Samaritan".
We the Israelite Samaritans are asking the
troubling question: What do the Israelite Samaritans have to do with "The
Good Samaritan"? If we insist upon historical accuracy, we will answer
this question by saying that there was not anything common to the Israelite
Samaritans and the parable of the "Good Samaritan" or the ancient
Christian site that developed out of this parable.
(Picture: Samaritan Synagogue Mosaic Ground with
Some Tabernacle Utensils found by Y. Magen in Chirbet Samra, North-West
Samaria, The Sacred Land)
"The Good Samaritan" Parable is within
the framework of the Christian message, as a Christian commentary to the verse
and commandment from the Pentateuch of "Love Your Neighbor". More
than that the parable spoken by Jesus in the tenth chapter of the Book of Luke
in the New Testament about the man who does the favor of assisting the dying
man on the road is used as a protest parable of Christianity towards the
indifference of the Jews in the Second Temple Period towards their Messiah,
Jesus. The parable became a guiding message to Christianity in the period when
this faith was at the eve of being the religion of the Eastern Roman Empire
with its capital, Byzantium.
However, Magen himself in a speech during
the opening ceremony followed Prof. Shmaryahu Talmon's interpretation of the
parable, denying the presence of a Samaritan in the area around Jerusalem to
say that the writers of the New Testament changed the identity of the third
figure in the Parable from “Israel” to “Samaritans” not aware of the
traditional tringle: Cohen, Levi, Israel or: Priest, Levite, Israelite. But of
course most scholars accepted the Identity “A Samaritan” as the original one
due to the positive attitude of Jesus towards the Samaritans of his time.
the guiding message of the Good Samaritan parable never was absorbed in early
Christianity. Since Christianity adopted this rule from the Good Samaritan
parable, it treated the Samaritans in the opposing manner and meaning of the
message of Jesus. The Judaism that is presented by the figures of the Priest
and the Levite in this parable show their indifference to the wounded man on
the main road to Jericho (Benyamim Tsedaka suggests that possibly the wounded
man represented Jesus himself), and the priest and Levite represent a Judaism
that is never persecuted but used by Christianity as a historical testimony
that should be preserved to legitimize the existence of Christianity. In fact,
the Samaritans, who are represented in the parable by the figure of The Good
Samaritan who cares about the wounded man, were chased and killed by the
Christians in numbers of hundreds of thousands. Samaritan properties and lands
were confiscated, their power as a great nation was broken, and they became a
persecuted minority just because they fought with the remnant of their force
against the intention to convert them into Christianity.
This is
not the only example when followers of various faiths have behaved totally the
opposite of what they were taught by their founders. However, this whole issue
just emphasizes the absurdity of how artifacts and exhibits that belong to the
Samaritans today, as the successors of those who were the original owners to
the site, now commemorate a message that has nothing to do with the hard
historical reality of those who distributed this message. It is a sad fact that
early Christianity destroyed and broke the power of the Samaritan People who
only currently show signs of recovery, starting almost from zero at 146
individuals in 1917 to 730 today.
In the
period of the rise and establishment of Byzantine Christianity the Samaritans
numbered many hundreds of thousands of individuals, held armies, and activated
a unique physical and spiritual culture. The big calamity that was enforced
upon the Samaritans by this faith included conversion by force, the suppression
of the Samaritan revolts by bloodbaths, selling of tens of thousands of young
Samaritans to slavery, and stealing of property and lands by abominable laws of
inheritance. This broke the power of our forefathers so that their spirit
collapsed, their stature was bent down, their number dwindled to a time when
they could not raise their heads to look straight in the eyes of those who
shortened their steps from the mass of the their humiliation.
site of "The Good Samaritan" as an outstanding Christian site with
the relics of the Ancient Christian church within it, like other Christian
sites in the region of Samaria, including the relics of the octagon Christian
church on the top of Mount Gerizim – symbolize our historical frustrations,
devastations and defeats.
integral part of our new uprightness will be the eventual centralization of our
luxurious past antiquities (of the Israelite Samaritan nation) in the place of
our glory. As it is unimaginable that archaeological findings that symbolize
the luxurious past of the Jewish People, found in Jerusalem will be displayed
outside of Jerusalem, it is also unimaginable that the tens of thousands of
findings that Magen exposed in his excavation on Mount Gerizim that represent
the luxurious past of our nation from its Mount Gerizim centrality, will be
taken and wander on display in various places outside of Mount Gerizim.
now with the new opening of a tourist center on Mount Gerizim last month,
August 1, 2012. it is necessary to remove all the Samaritan items to their
original place where they have been found in Samaria and on Mount Gerizim.
place for the many findings that were found on Mount Gerizim should be in a
museum that will be built on Mount Gerizim, on the top the mountain of our life
and glory, with all means of secured display. The place should not be at a
Christian site nor in the Rockefeller Museum storages in East Jerusalem but in
their most natural place of our luxurious culture of our forefathers – In Mount
The Division of Authority Amongst the
Leadership of the Samaritan People Helped Their Survival
By: Benyamim Tsedaka
From the very
beginning in which a chain of command for the top leadership of the people of
Israel was created, sharing the authority between the High Priest with a leader
of the people who was not from the tribe of Levi was tradition. The
beginning of creating the roles was not between Moses and Aaron, because both
of them were Levites chosen by the Almighty; Moses who centralized all roles of
authority as a priest and as a prophet, as a judge and a recognized
representative of the People of Israel before the nations: the Egyptians, the
Moabites, the Edomites, the Amonites and the Midianites. Aaron started his
activity as the spokesman of Moses and ended it when he was crowned with the
crown of the priesthood upon his head, as the main activist in offering the
sacrifices in the tabernacle. The authority roles started with the clear
division between the civil role of the leaders from among the people - Joshua
bin Nun, the
The current High Priest Aaron b. Ab-Hisda with Benyamim Tsedaka
successor of Moses in
the leadership alongside Elazar ben Aaron the first High Priest of the People
of Israel in the Land of Israel of whom from him derived the family of the High
Priests. Joshua served as a chief of staff, the leader who took out and
brought in the army of Israel during its wars to fulfill the promise of
dwelling in the Land of Israel for the People of Israel. His partner in
the leadership, High Priest Elazar, continued in his father's role for being
responsible for the cult in the tabernacle of Moses, that was erected at the
top of Mount Gerizim, but in addition to his religious leadership role was
added the fame of being the representative of the Almighty here on earth; the
personality who made the coronation of the king and the chief judge in regard
to all matters that were connected with fulfilling the commandments of the
Torah. After centralizing most of the roles in the hand of one person,
Moses, his duties were divided between the heads of the tribes of Israel to the
head of the tribe of Levi. However, there is a clear difference between
the two leaders at the time that the leader from within the people is a man of
initiative that was prominent with his natural leadership over all heads of the
People of Israel, whereas the High Priest serves by being the choice of the
Almighty and the successor of the chosen family to lead the People of Israel,
the family of Pinchas, son of Elazar, son of Aaron the Priest; that through it
the High-priesthood is delivered from father to son or to another family member
if there were not natural siblings to the holder of this great position.
However, here enters the factor of the personality of the two holders of
these greatest positions, in most number of cases he who held the position of
the High Priest had his control directly from the blessing of the Almighty, and
due to that he was the chief leader, the most prominent between the two.
In some other times the military leader himself was a member of the
chosen priestly family, as it happened during the Byzantine period in the Land
of Israel, when the High Priest was the Iqbon ben Natanel, and the main leader
of the People of Israel, the head of the army and the chief of judges who
renewed the religious cult; and yet the builder of the synagogues to reinforce
the religion was his brother Baba Raba the Great. The main role of these
leaders, the high priest and the leader of the people, was to take care of the
continuation of the political and religious activity of the people.
Sometimes the leaders of the people was the prominent one, and sometimes
the high priest was the one who directed everything in the leadership.
A Non-Priestly Leader Yefet b. Abraham Tsedaka
[Painted by: Miriam Tsedaka [Holon]
So was the High Priest
Yair, son of Yonatan, from his place in Mount Gerizim before King David, so was
the High Priest Hezekiah, before Alexander the Great, so was Baba Raba before
the Byzantine rulers, so was the High Priest Elazar before the Islamic rulers.
At the time of the Mameluke rulers, the leadership was divided between
the high priest alongside a president position. During the Ottomon period
the position was divided between the Phinchas high priest alongside the
position of the Judge of Israel. Both the president and the judge were
from within the people and not from the priestly family, and they fulfilled
their civil position by representing the Samaritans before the authority of
that time in which the high priest continued to be holding the supreme
religious authority that centralized the cult and encouraged the religious and
social culture. In this way the priest Abisha ben Pinchas, ben Yosef,
described the duty of the high priest in a short hymn that is sung on the
Shabbat of the ten days of forgiveness. "The prayer ended, with the
praising of our God. The noon prayer started with the Name of our God.
I have to mention who established it for us, they are the high priests,
our forefathers."
Abisha indicates that
the high priests, sons of Pinchas, his forefathers were the founders of the
structure of the prayers and the poems in the synagogue cult. Since
ancient days after the animal sacrifices ceased from the center in Mount
Gerizim the high priests of Pinchas were those who determined that the prayers
replaced the offerings. Two prayers a day, in the morning and in the
evening, they are the fulfillment of the commandment "the first sheep you
have to make in the morning, and the second sheep between the sunsets."
The prayers of Shabbat replaced the sacrifices of Shabbat, and this is
the same with the first days of each month, and the seven festivals of the
year. The high priests of Pinchas were those who established the ancient
songs and poems in rhythm to stabilize the poetry early in the Hellenistic
period. They were the first that fixed the cult of public bath
purification, and they led the Samaritan synagogue that probably was earlier in
purity and in the cult of the synagogue in comparison to the Jewish ones.
The Priests of Pinchas
led the structure of the prayer and they were those who made changes to this
structure. Yes, there were changes to the structure of the cult of the
prayers from time to time. At the beginning the prayer was focused on the
reading of the Torah, all of it or a portion of it, in regard to the festivals
and shabbats. After that hymns of the ancient sages of the Samaritans
were integrated into the cult. The best of the authors, such as Amram
Dareh, Marqeh, Ninna, Yehoshua son of Baraq, The Dustan, and Matanah the Son of
Abraham, and many anonymous writers. In the second golden age of the
Samaritan culture during the fourteenth century the high priests of Pinchas,
Joseph ben Azzi, and mainly his son Pinchas and the two sons of Pinchas Elazar
and Abisha, started a new prayer structure, and they were helped by the giant
poet Abed Ela Ben Shalma, the father of the High Priest of our days, and also
he composed many musical vocal pieces, and processed and integrated the hymns
of the contemporary writers in the cult, the authors of his days, until today
the Samaritan singers are honored to give first priority to these hymns after
it is agreed that the most ancient ones are the foundation of every prayer in
the past and to the future. Besides all of these the clear division
between the religious activity that is led by the high priests of Pinchas, to
the civil and military and regular activity that was led by the national leader
was prominent, because without this division it was impossible to lead and
establish the people to any activity that the people demanded to do from time
to time. Baba Rabba divided the land according to the Samaritan centers
into twelve regions and in each region he appointed a priest who would take
care of the religious activity and would be an address to all Samaritans in the
region in regard to the cult and the commandments in the synagogue that was
built in the region, and with him he appointed a president from within the
people in which his duty was to judge and centralize the military activity in
each time that the leader Baba Rabba (who lived in Shechem) asked him to draft
an army for revolts against the Byzantines, in which all ended in success, this
and much more.
Beside the High
Priest, his brother Iqbon ben Natanel, Baba Raba appointed a supreme court of seven
members, three priests and four Israelites. It was a supreme court and
discussion for the religious and cultural needs of the people.
Significant reference to the divisions of the authority between priests
and leaders of the people is prominent in the time that Baba Rabba succeeded to
establish the people around him and bring them to military, religious, and
economical success in a period that was considered the most prominent golden
age of Samaritan history.
This Samaritan
leadership establishment that was in its prime at the time of Baba Rabba and
continued among the Samaritan people through all generations. The high
priests and the leaders of the people exemplified by their lives before the
people in their personal behavior in which they led to have the authority to
teach the people the laws of the Almighty and His book. They led the
people in the hardest periods, the high priest and the chiefs of the people,
the heads of the big households were like a magnet to the whole parts of the people
by being personalities that could be trusted in leadership and strong during
the hardest events that happened through the generations. They stood
together before their persecutors, but also they worked together religiously
and structurally to stabilize the people, like the stabilization of the leader
Abraham, the son of Jacob the Dinfi, with the High Priest his friend Tabia son
of Yitzhaq, of which both fixed the structure of the prayer and hymns of the
first fourteen days of the first month and its two shabbats.
The High Priest Amram
ben Shalma was the priest and the leader in one person in the mid 19th century,
and to him shouted the unmarried person in the community to help them with
their marriage in the dying community of his time - to the leader of the
Samaritans outside of Nablus, Yefet the son of Abraham Tsedaka approached the
High Priest Abisha Ben Pinchas and Amram ben Yitzhaq to help in drafting
donations for the religious institutions in Nablus during the first half of the
20th century.
The division of the
authority between the High Priesthood amongst the heads of the people is the
main factor of our survival and our stepping along a new and secure route.
New Publications
Die Samaritaner Und Die Bibel/ the Samaritans and the Bible: Historische
Und Literarische Wechselwirkungen Zwischen Biblischen Und Samaritanischen ... Bibli (Studia
Samaritana) Hardcover: 450 pages
J. Rg Frey (Editor), Ursula Schattner-Rieser (Editor), Konrad Schmid (Editor)
Walter de
Gruyter (Sept. 30, 2012) German, 440 pp.
ISBN-10: 3110294095 ISBN-13: 978-3110294095
Berg Garizim im Deuteromium by
Jericke, Detlef, Universitat
Citation Information: Volume 124,
Issue 2, pages 213-228, ISSN (Online) 1613-0103, ISSN (Print) 0044-2526, DOI:
10.1515/zaw-2012-0016, June 2012
Announcements from
the Samaritan Museum
الكتاب الاول
من نوعه في
الطائفة السامرية
في شبه جزيرة سيناء،
تأليف الباحث
الديني مدير
الكاهن حسني
الكتاب صادر
عن دار نشر جامعة
القدس ، قدّم
الكتاب كل من
الاستاذ الدكتور
سري نسيبة
رئيس جامعة
القدس واستاذ
المشارك في
جامعة القدس
عدنان عياش
The first book of its
kind in the history of the Samaritan "wandering" in the Sinai
Peninsula, authoring religious scholar priest Samaritan Museum Director Hosni
wasef, Samaritan book issued by the Al-Quds University Publishing House, a book
by Professor Sari Nusseibeh, President of Al Quds University and associate
professor of history at the University of Jerusalem Dr. Adnan Ayyash. Book published by University of Jerusalem-Beit Hanina,
هذا الكتاب هو
الاول من نوعه
في تاريخ
العالم بأسره،
حيث يحدد
الامكنة التي
نزل فيها ورحل
عنها الاسرائيليون
اثناء تيههم
اربعين سنة
فكيف استطاع
المؤلف تحديد
الزمنية في
الوقت الذي لم
يتمكن فيه
الاخرون من
وعلى ماذا
استند الكتاب
في تحديد مكان
التيه بالذات؟
ولماذا حدث
التيه في شبه
جزيرة سيناء
وليس في اماكن
وكم من الوقت
استغرق تأليف
كل هذه
سيجيب عنها
هذا الكتاب
قريبا من خلال
"Wandering in the
Sinai Peninsula," this book is the first of its kind in the history of the
entire world, which determines the place where were deported by Inn the Israelis
during their error 40 years historically and geographically. How could the
author identify marchers and duration while others cannot?
What was the book in locating wandering?
And what happened to wandering in the Sinai Peninsula and not elsewhere?
And how long it took the book?
All these questions will answer them this book soon through its pages.
Le periple des enfants d'Israel dans le desert du Sinai.
C'est la premiere fois qu'un auteur se donne pour objectif de presenter les
quarante deux itineraires des enfants d'Israel depuis la sortie d'Egypte.
L'auteur presente les differentes villes et le temps passe dans chacune
d'elles. En outre, il explique pourquoi cette errance a eu lieu dans le desert
du Sinai, et nulle part ailleurs.
Vingt sept annees de recherche ont permis a Husney Cohen de parvenir a soulever
des questions encore jamais posees.
Husney Cohen,(photo
above) director of the Samaritan Museum thanks the Jordanian Minister of
Plenipotentiary- Ahmad Enab, who has provided new books for the Library of the
Good Samaritan center.
July 22, 2012
السامرية الاسبوع
الماضي نائب
رئيس جامعة
القدس في ابو
ديس الدكتور
زياد عابدين
برفقة اثنين من
الجامعة، وقد
أعرب الدكتور
عن أمله في
مستقبلا بين
الجامعة والمتحف
السامري، كما
أعرب عن بالغ
تقديره للطائفة
وذلك لسعيها
الدائم من اجل
البعيد .
Samaritan Museum and library visited the
Samaritan last week Vice President of Al-Quds University in Abu Dis, Dr. Ziad
Abdeen, accompanied by two university professors, Dr. expressed hope for future
cooperation between the University and the Samaritan Museum, also expressed
deep appreciation to the Samaritan, for seeking to perpetuate the ancient
history and lighting the distant future. Samaritan
Museum on Mount Gerizim.
9. A 12th-13th century. C.E. inscription from a Samaritan synagogue near
Shechem shows the Samaritan script which was developed. image
found here
Lot 13 of the Samaritan Leafs Were Not Sold
at Auction at Sotheby’s (UK)
The Israelite Samaritan
Version of the Torah:
First English Translation
Compared with the Masoretic Version
Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing
Company. (Hardcover)
Date: Coming Soon: 9/30/2012
From the Editor
We are adding a number on new articles
in our Resources Section of
the Samaritan Among the most
interesting are two amazing and interesting articles that I have read in a long
time. Both were written byTapani Harvianen and Haseeb Shehadeh. The first published in the distinguished Studia
Orientalia by the Finnish
Oriental Society in volume 73, Helsinki 1994, ‘How
Did Abraham Firkovich Acquire the Great Collection of Samaritan manuscripts in
Nablus in 1864?’ The title asks the question and the
amazing investigation done by these two prominent scholars answers the
The second article by both scholars
once again published by Studia Orientalia by the Finnish Oriental Society in volume 97,
Helsinki 2003, ‘The
acquisition of the Samaritan Collection by Abraham Firkovich in Nablus in 1864-
An Additional Document,’
continues with even more fascinating information.
There are
1350 Samaritan documents consist of 18,258 pages in the Firkovich Collection in St. Petersburg.
Enjoy both articles and visit the
website of the Studia Orientalia by the Finnish
Oriental Society at
Among the other
new articles in our Resources Section is
a story from 1901 by Hebert Rix concerning a purchase clothes from the
Samaritan High Priest. Yaacov b. Aaharon b. Shalma was the High Priest from 1874-1916.
This photo above is displayed between pages 44
and 45 of Tent and Testament, (A Camping Tour in Palestine, with some notes on
Scripture Sites by Herbert Rix, New York: Charles
Scribner’s Sons, London: Williams and Norgate, 1907). The text box
reads: Fig 5. Resting Place on Mount Gerizim.
The photo
above appears to be Hebert Dix sitting on the right in the photo above. It is
possible that the he is wearing the High Priests robe and turban. See Tent and Testament.
note that I has attached the final version of the article of The Last High Priest
and a Pentateuch of 1624 CE whereas the first
rough draft was published in the A.B.-The Samaritan News-Weekly in the
1.6.2012 vol. 1111-1112 edition. The final version is a little different than
the published article and more realistic.
The Samaritan Update is open to any articles that are relative to
Samaritan Studies. The Editor of will decide if your
article is worth posting. Submit your work to the Editor. The
ACTA NEUROPATHOLOGICA 2012, DOI: 10.1007/s00401-012-1007-3
myopathy, an ultimately benign congenital myopathy, is caused by a RYR1
mutation by Johann
Böhm, Esther Leshinsky-Silver, Stéphane Vassilopoulos, Stéphanie Le
Gras, Tally Lerman-Sagie, Mira Ginzberg, Bernard Jost, Dorit Lev and Jocelyn Laporte
[PDF] from
JJ Witkam - Journal of Islamic Manuscripts,
2012 -
... 4 The
first Orientalist in the family was Th.WJ Juynboll 5 (1802-1861), a scholar of
theology and
Semitic languages who has, among other things, extensively published on the
history and
literature of the Samaritans. The Samaritan material in the collection hereunder
described ...
SAMARITAINS: HISTOIRE DUNE LEGENDE. By Jean Daniel Macchi. Le Monde de la Bible 30. Pp. 191. Geneva: Labor
et Fides, 1994. Paper, SF 35.00.'une+Legende.-a0209799919
Clad in a gray coat,
Aharon ben Ab-Chisda ben Yaacob, 85, is sitting in the dim light of his house.
He strikes up a throaty chant, a litany in ancient Hebrew. He has a full beard
and is wearing a red kippah on his head.
The man is a high priest -- and
his family tree goes back 132 generations. He says: "I am a direct
descendent of Aaron, the brother of the prophet Moses" -- who lived
perhaps over 3,000 years ago.
On May 26th, the Haaretz Daily
Newspaper, a popular Israeli news outlet, released a full-length article
focused on the Samaritan Archive project, a collaborative endeavor lead by two
U.S. researchers and universities: Dr. Jim Ridolfo of the University of
Cincinnati (UC) and Dr. William
Hart-Davidson of Michigan State
University (MSU).
By: Dalia Mazori posted on Monday, Jul 30, 2012
In the sixth century
B.C., the Nation of Israel returns to Zion after 70 years of exile in
Babylonia. Some dozens of years after the return, the Jews begin to rebuild
their temple that had been destroyed [by the Babylonians]. While it was not a
magnificent structure like the temple built by King Solomon, nevertheless the
second temple arose under Nehemiah's supervision. Nehemiah was the head of the
Jews [and governor of Judea] appointed by the Persian king.
Les Shomronim ou
Samaritans a ‘Holon: Shoer Shabbat- Shomer cacherout- Shomer Thora.
Call for Papers
Meeting Begins: 11/16/2012 Meeting Ends: 11/20/2012
Call For Papers Opens: 2/8/2012 Call For Papers Closes: 3/8/2012 Requirements for Participation
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~, is a Bi-Monthly Internet Newsletter
Editor: Larry
Rynearson. Contact: The Editor
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