The Samaritan Update
“Mount Gerizim,
All the Days of Our Lives”
September / October 2012
Vol. XII - No 1
Future Events
The First Day of the Seventh Month - October 15, 2012
The Day of Atonement - October 24, 2012
Succot - October 29, 2012
Shmini Atzeret - November 5, 2012.
The Eighth Month 3651 - November 14, 2012
The Ninth Month 3651 - December 13. 2012
The Tenth Month 3651 - January 12, 2013
The Eleventh Month 3651 - February 10, 2013
The Twelfth Month 3651 - March 12, 2013
The Firth Month 3651 -
April 10, 2013
Paschal Sacrifice – April 23, 2013
Pesach – April 24, 2013
The Unleavened Bread Festival – April 30, 2013
Shavuot – June 16, 2013
Someone Else's Simcha / Ori Marchiv's Hatimat
Torah - A Samaritan rite of passage busts a move By Ron Ben-Tovim | Oct.15, 2012
Ori Marchiv's Hatimat Torah Ceremony A young Samaritan boy marks the community's version
of a Bar Mitzvah, with all the standard staples: Torah, dancing, food, and, of course,
video games.
It is an Israelite-Samaritan calculation that is traditionally
based on the measurements from the top of Mount Gerizim as it is checked by the
High Priest Pinchas b. Elazar
b. Aaron the second High Priest in the Sacred Land of Israel.
The starting point of this Calendar is
the first year of the Entrance of the People of Israel to the Promised Land
lead by Joshua Bin-Nun, 3651 years ago. The Entrance just happened in the
beginning of the 6th month [Parallel to Elul or September]. But the Hebrew
years starts in the first Month of the year - Month of Aviv.
Since the calculation of the leap years in both Jewish and Samaritan Calendars
is the same but the beginning year of both calendars is different (The Jewish
one starts in the first year of Creation 5773 ago), the leap years in both
calendars are not parallel forever, and the result is that in a cycle of 19
years. The Israelite Samaritans will celebrate their Seven Festivals of the
Torah – one month after the Jewish parallel festivals.
the rest of the festivals of this Hebrew Year will be like 30 days after the
Jewish Festivals:
- The First Day of the Seventh Month - Monday, October 15, 2012
- The Day of Fasting - Wednesday, October 24, 2012
- The First Day of Succot - Monday, October 29, 2012
- Shmini Atzeret - Monday,
November 5, 2012
(Picture: An old Israelite-Samaritan
Calendar written by hand for the year 1339-1340 CE)
The tradition of the birth of the moon
still was kept till 30 years ago. But since then the entire calculation was installed
on a computer system by the late Priest Abraham b. Pinchas
from Holon. According to this system, the High Priest confirms and prints a
calendar for six months twice a year, 60 days before Pessach
and 60 days before Succot and gave it to every male
in the community over 20 years old for the sacred half of a shekel valued these
years exactly 5 New Israeli Shekels. The chance to make a mistake due to this
computer system in calculation the birth of the moon is one second in a million
Benyamim Tsedaka
The Good Samaritan
The Samaritan priest Ishaq Ibn Imran,
in a 1920s film about the Good Samaritan.
High Priest Yitzhaq b. ‘Amram passed away on 23.12.1932. Matzliach
b. Phinhas (1933-1943) served as High Priest after Yitzhaq. The film is part of a collection from
‘Tel Aviv is
set, it’s time to worry about Judea and Samaria,’ Culture Minister says as
Samaria celebrates new Bible-era historic site. Israel National is a web site of their Restaurant (photo
below) and Grocery Store/Market (photo left) located on Mount Gerizim, owned
and operated by Samaritans. The web site
has many photos of a variety. The
Restaurant has been open since 2001.
Should you be visiting Mount Gerizim be
sure to schedule your time to dine at the Restaurant. If you are on a tour
group, speak to your guide before had to have time to dine! It is always best
to call and reserve a table and inform them how many will be attending. Don’t
miss this chance for some really great Samaritan dishes!
Now that Mount Gerizim summit is open to
the public, many people are experiencing a unique dining experience!
The Grocery
Store/Market has is a small typical grocery with rare homemade Samaritan olive
oil and spices.
You can visit their website at:
Call ahead of time from Israel at 09-2000000
or email them at the
following page
(photo left:
guests dining at the restaurant)
Samaritan Pentateuch: An Introduction to Its Origin, History, and Significance
for Biblical Studies
by Robert T. Anderson & Terry
Paperback: 236 pages: English. Publisher: Society
of Biblical Literature (October 18, 2012). ISBN-10: 1589836995
ISBN-13: 978-1589836990 Product Dimensions: 9 x 6 x 0.5 inches Samaritan Pentateuch Introduction
Significance Biblical
Studia Philonica Annual
XXIV, 2012
by David T. Runia
and Gregory E. Sterling
The Studia Philonica Annual
is a scholarly journal devoted to furthering the study of Hellenistic Judaism,
in particular the writings and thought of the Hellenistic-Jewish writer Philo
of Alexandria (ca. 15 B.C.E. to ca. 50 C.E.). Each year the Annual publishes
the most current Philonic scholarship along with an
extensive bibliography that is maintained by David Runia.
Paper $42.95 • 306 pages • ISBN 9781589836976 •
Studio Philonica Annual 24
Miriam and Benyamim Tsedaka
Coordination of visits: Tel: 972-3-5567229;
To my many readers from within the People of
Israel, who are called Jews and from other faiths and none religious:
We the Israelite Samaritans celebrated the
Festivals of the Seventh Month of the Year based on the Israelite Samaritan
Calendar. All these 4 festivals will be from The evening of 15Th of October
till the night of 5Th of November 2012:
The first Day of Succot
: October 29- The Eighth day of Succot: November 5
You are very welcomed to visit our Succa in 15A Ben 'Amram St. in
Holon , Israel, between October 30 till November 4 noon [Except Saturday -
November 3, 2012 and enjoy the delicatessens of the Festival of Succot, FOR FREE
Times of visits: Everyday, any time between 8Am
to 8PM, Sunday, November 4: 8AM - 1PM
Note: this invitation is limited to private
visits of private singles and couples. (Photo above: A Samaritan sukkah)
From the Editor
The Samaritan Sukkah
The Samaritan third pilgrimage feast, Sukkot (the Feast of Tabernacles), is celebrated on the 15th
day of the seventh month. The Samaritans begin to build their sukkah inside their homes on the eve after their feast from
their fast of the day of Atonement (Yom Kippur).
Fruits (prescribed in Lev. 23:40,) are hung from a metal grid support from the
ceilings. Above the fruits are placed palm branches. Each sukkah
is designed differently and takes about eight hours to complete. The Sukkot
was originally built outside but because of repressions over hundreds of years
the Samaritans turned to building their sukkahs
inside making it a custom. Yet, today you may find the Sukkah
built outside in Neve Pinchas,
Holon. Samaritans and guests will tour the homes as a pilgrimage.
family sukkah built outside but within the gates.)
During the seven days of Sukkot, prayers and Torah readings are chanted in the
synagogue in the morning and evening. On the eight day, being Shemini Aseret (according to Num.
29:35) is celebrated with special hymns and Torah readings with no work allowed.
At the end of the day, the priests will carry their Torah scrolls around the
inside of the synagogue. Later that eve they begin to dismantle the sukkahs, enjoying the fruit thereof and burning the palm
Also I think that it is important that
scholars, use the following when describing the location of the Samaritans in
Holon: Neve Pinchas, a District of
‘In 1954, the president of Israel, Yitzhak
Ben-Zvi, helped to establish a Samaritan quarter on the outskirts of Holon. The quarter was named Neve Pinchas
after Pinhas Ben-Abraham, the high priest of the
Samaritan community.’
are now into our 12th year of publication for the Samaritan Update. Once
again I would like to thank all that have contributed and also the readers,
Thank You!!!! I would also like to say thank you to Osher
Sassoni, who persuaded me into producing So if you have enjoyed or learned anything from the
Updates, the Thanks goes to Osher!
Please take the time to say thank you to him!
The Samaritan Update is open to any articles that are relative to
Samaritan Studies. Submit your work to the Editor. The
SAMARITAN [SHOMRONIM] Jewish prayer prior Passover. [Judaica book] 1962 TEFILLOT
Prayers for the two weeks prior to Passover. Authored be Abraham Zadaka, a Jewish Samaritan. Link
Book Reviews:
Kartveit, Magnar, The
Origin of the Samaritans (VTSup, 128; Leiden: Brill, 2009). Pp. xiv
+ 405. Hardcover. US$185.00.
ISBN 978-90-04-1-78199-9.
Theologische Literaturzeitung 137
(2012) 1044-1046, Reinhard Pummer
review of József Zsengellér,
ed. Samaria, Samarians, Samaritans: Studies on
Bible, History and Linguistics. Studia Judaica, 66; Studia
Samaritana, 6. Berlin; Boston: de Gruyter, 2011.
Journal of Jewish Studies 63.1 (2012), pp. 175-76 Review by Dr Alinda
Damsma on Jan
book, Aramaic and Hebrew Inscriptions from Mt. Gerizim and Samaria between
Antiochus III and Antiochus IV Epiphanes
(Leiden: Brill Academic Publishers, 2012),
Identity, and Institution: The Relevance of Ethnic Identity for
the Development of Diaspora Synagogues, by Whitney Ross, McMaster University, 2012
Book of Exodus in Hebrew in Samaritan character, 1865
Mischpâtîm : ein samaritanisch-arabischer Commentar zu Ex. 21-22, 15 / von Ibrâhîm Ibn Jakűb; nach einer Berliner Handschrift hrsg. und mit einer Einleitung und.. 1902.
Kendirci, R.,
2012. Iron Age Aeolic Style
Capitals in the Israel and Palestine Area. Master’s
thesis in Classical Archaeology and Ancient History, Uppsala University.
fulltext »
Samaritan Elegies, A Collection of Lamentations, Admonitions, and Poems of Praising God, Translated, edited and annotated by Moshe Florentin, The Bialik Institute. Catalogue No.: 1111707
תפילת שבת שומרונית בקהילת השומרונים Samaritan Shabbath Pray
كتب : أ ش أالإثنين 08-10-2012 14:57
Жертвоприношение на
горе Гризим
- варварство
или духовность? The Samaritans Of
Mount Gerizim Guard's of Mount Grizim by Alex Maist Using
cutting-edge technology, researchers unearth the history of Israel’s Samaritan
community By Ofer Aderet | May
25, 2012 HUC-JIR Libraries
Home ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Call for Papers Meeting Begins: 11/16/2012 Meeting Ends: 11/20/2012 Requirements
for Participation Mishael Maswari Caspi John Tracy Greene Description: This seminar approaches biblical
literature through its most famous and pivotal characters,
for it is around them that the subsequent biblical story is organized
and arranged. Moreover, these characters have come to enjoy a life and fame
that extends well beyond the basic Old Testament, Miqra, and New Testament, and
even into the Qur’an and Islamic oral and written texts. As was demonstrated at
the recent Tartu seminar, Samaritan
texts and traditions (unfamiliar to many) have a contribution to make to
the seminar as well. Our work seeks, among other goals, to facilitate a
meaningful and informed dialogue between Jews, Christians, Muslims and Samaritans by providing both an open
forum at annual conferences, and by providing through our publications a
written reference library to consult. A further goal is to encourage and
provide a forum in which new scholarly talent in biblical and related studies
may be presented. Call for Manuscripts: Biblia Arabica :
Texts and Studies The progressive spread of Arabic as the dominant spoken
and written language in the lands conquered by Islam led the Jewish,
Christian and Samaritan communities
under its rule to translate their sacred scriptures into Arabic. This
resulted in a large number of partial and integral translations revealing
a great variety in stylistic approaches, vocabulary, script, and dogmatic
concerns. This series addresses the lacuna in research by publishing
critical editions of Arabic books produced in the Middle
Ages and beyond, studies examining the different schools and persons that
took part in this scriptural translation enterprise, as well as the social
and cultural implications of their endeavor. In addition, the reception of
and reactions to these Bible translations by Muslim authors fall within
the scope of the series. The first book in this series, The Bible in Arabic: An
Annotated Bibliography, by Adam McCollum, is expected in the beginning of
2013. For further information about this new book series or
enquiries regarding book proposals, please contact any of the six members
of the editorial board: Camilla Adang, Juan Pedro Monferrer Sala, Meira
Polliack, Sabine Schmidtke, Alexander Treiger, Ronny
Vollandt. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Israelite Samaritan Version of
the Torah: First English Translation Compared
with the Masoretic Version Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing
Company. (Hardcover) Publication Date: 11/30/2012 ~~~~~~~, is
a Bi-Monthly Internet Newsletter Editor: Larry Rynearson. Contact: The Editor Copyright © 2012 All Rights
Reserved מכתב אבישע
- מגילת ספר התורה
העתיק ביותר בעולם
Dates and Holidays Samaritan community for October
November 2012
מועדי וחגי העדה
לחודשים אוקטובר נובמבר 2012
SBL 2012 ANNUAL MEETING Chicago. Ill
Call for Papers Closed: 3/8/2012 2013 INTERNATIONAL MEETING
St. Andrews, Scotland: Meeting
Begins: 7/7/2013 Meeting Ends: 7/11/2013
Call For Papers
Opens: 10/15/2012 Call For Papers Closes: 2/1/2013
Requirements for
and African Studies - Brill Publishing
Benyamim Tsedaka (Editor and Translator), Sharon Sullivan (Co-Editor),
James H. Charlesworth (Introduction), Emanuel Tov (Foreword)