“Mount Gerizim,
All the Days of Our Lives”
May / June
Vol. XII - No 5
In This Issue ·
Oldest Works ·
Synagogues ·
Samaritan Manuscript ·
Exegesis ·
Meeting in Paradise ·
Translation ·
Family History ·
Samaritan Pentateuch ·
Samaritan Keyboard ·
Dynamics of
Tel Baruch ·
The Other
Torah ·
Coming soon ·
Biblio ·
From Editor ·
Lectures ·
Links ·
Books for sale ·
Biblio ·
Future Events
The Fourth Month 3651 - Sunday Evening July 7, 2013
The Fifth Month 3651 - Tuesday Evening, August
6, 2013
The Sixth Month 3652 - Wednesday Evening,
September 4
The Seventh Month 3652 - Friday Evening, October
4, 2013
Festival of the Seventh Month, 3652 - Saturday, October 5,
The Day of Atonement - Monday, Oct. 14, 2013
The Festival of Succoth. 3rd Pilgrimage. - Saturday, Oct. 19
The Eighth Day - Saturday, Oct. 26, 2013
Yet, there
are claims of older complete Jewish scrolls: http://www.voanews.com/content/professor-in-italy-claims-identification-of-worlds-oldest-complete-torah/1671030.html
Samaritan and Jewish Synagogues and What Distinguishes Them from One Another
THREE FACTORS The question that aroused recently was
how we can distinguish between Jewish synagogue to a Samaritan synagogue when
it is discovered in an excavation in places where Jews and Samaritans lived
together, community beside community in common places during the Hellenistic,
Roman and Byzantine periods in the Land of Israel and its neighboring
In my opinion there are three major differences between
them that help to identify if the site that found is Jewish or Samaritan
synagogue to identify the neighborhood too, and in case of villages if the
village that found if it is Jewish or Samaritan.
1- Orientation of the synagogue - The orientation of
a Samaritan Synagogue is the direction of Mount Gerizim, the sole sacred place
for the Israelite Samaritans. All Samaritan synagogues orientation is to
direction of Mount Gerizim no matter if the synagogue built in the east, west,
In this case the cardinal difference is the location of
the synagogue in place. If the synagogue found out of the neighborhood or the
village all chances are that it is a Samaritan synagogue. If the synagogue
found as built inside the neighborhood or the village - It was a Jewish
This special location of the Samaritan synagogue outside
the place of living is proved in Samaritan places like: Chirbet Samara, Zur
Nathan, ElChirbeh, Shechem, Mount Gerizim summit, Thessaloniki, Cicily and
recently in Beth Shean.
It came from the fact that the Israelite Samaritans
always kept the commandment of building the place of worship outside the camp
of living [EXODUS, 33:7 – "…And everyone who seeks Shehmaa [the Almighty]
will go out to the Tent of Meeting which is out of the camp"].
Antonius of Placentia a Christian pilgrim that visited
Samaria villages in the year 579 testified that when Saturday comes the
Samaritans wore white cloths and went out of the village to pray at the
synagogue where was a priest replying to visitors.
Even in modern times when the Samaritans of Nablus forced
to leave their old neighborhood Jasmine in the old part of Shechem in 1933 due
to the earthquake of 1927 that destroyed their houses, the moved to the west of
Nablus to a new neighborhood, there the have built in 1947 their synagogue
beside their neighborhood.
When the Israelite Samaritans established their
second center outside of Nablus, in Holon, Israel in 1955, they built their
first synagogue in the State of Israel in the years 1959-1963 in the outside of
their neighborhood in Holon. Later on due to the limited space of their
neighborhood in Holon they forced to expand their neighborhood to build the new
houses on three sides of the synagogue's yard.
Also when they built their common synagogue on Mount
Gerizim in 1964 for the entire community, Holon and Nablus communities
together, they built the synagogue outside the Kiriat Luza neighborhood. Since
then the neighborhood developed and became very close to the synagogue due the
limited place of living.
3- Style of decoration – The third factor that
distinguished in the old times between Jewish to
The mosaic of Samaritan synagogues even in the most
complicated ones in all of then was pure of pagan symbols. The Israelite
Samaritan artists were careful to concentrate only in symbols mentioned in the
Torah: The Tabernacle utensils forms mainly the Menorah, Shofar, trumpets,
heads of pure animals and birds like sheep, goats and doves. In this regard
there is the factor that up the ground the inside of the Samaritan synagogue
looked so simple and modest.
In general Samaritan synagogues were built much earlier
to the Jewish ones since till the year 70 CE the Jews still had their temple in
Jerusalem, while in fact the Israelite Samaritans had not a central temple when
they considered the Temple of Moses as the only true temple ever made. The
oldest testimonies we have from Samaritan sources about prayers at synagogues and
style of singing of the poems and hymns are of the Hellenistic period.
Before then they surely gathered in public yards to pay
their prayers as they did each year on Mount Gerizim in Passover and
By Benyamim Tsedaka.
This is the Hebrew Version of the Stories of
Balam, the war with Median and the land occupation by Joshua and the later
stories till the fourth Century A.D. Composed by the Samaritan sages of late
19Th century, Specially for foreign scholars and seekers of the history of the
Bible and the Samaritans. There are many copies of it. This copy was copied
by the priest Abisha b. Phinas in the year 1326 Hijra [Moslim Calendar] 1909 C.E..
Probably by its original owner that dedicated it to his family, presumed, in
1212, three years after his visit to Nablus. The
This is the inscription from the
purchaser to his friend. The names are difficult to make out. Appears to have a
date of Oc. 22, 1912 and it may have been Philadelphia.
March 15, 2013
You can find these articles at the Samaritan Update resources for
Meeting in Paradise – Lecture by Abisha b. Phinhas
Ben Sedaka to Steven
Steven Dunn: And I hope our friendship is a long one.
Ben Sedaka: Even in next world too
Steven Dunn: Not sure what lies in the
afterlife but hopefully we get the opportunity to meet.
Ben Sedaka: Then meet me please in Cafe Angels in the corner of Abraham and
Moses main roads.
An electronic chariot will wait to pick you up for our meeting from 10024
Joshua St. in the year 2062, 17Th of the Third Month 15:00 PM Paradise time. I
have ordered for a jar of Manna as a starter, Ambrosia as main course and juicy
nectar as desert.
Bring with you your great great grandfather, my grandfathers and grandmothers
and Mom and Pap like to attend too.
I heard it will be a fascinating lecture by our Rabban Abisha b. Yusef about
how successfully the great priest of his time on earth [14Th century AD Earth
time] Abed Ela b. Shalma [will be present too] edited his poems.
Don't bother, my excellent camera and sensitive recorder always with me.
Will be nice to me to write an article about the lecture subject for my
magazine "A.B. - Next World Good News".
Don't be late. The lecturer is going to sing on of his short poems before the
Best Regards from Miraim my wife that looks like a queen again after the last
diet. She likes red roses.
Productive Persons Tower
33422 Baba Rabba Avenue
Apt. 546782
First English Translation of the Israelite Samaritan Version of the Pentateuch
is published in April 2013, by Eerdmans Publishing House, Grand Rapids,
Michigan, USA. The version is translated, edited and authored by Benyamim Tsedaka
with the help of co-editor, Ms. Sharon J. Sullivan.
Three leading scholars wrote
introductions to the book: Professor James Charlsworth of Princeton University,
USA; Professor Emanuel Tov of the Hebrew University in Jerusalem and Professor
Steven Fine of Yeshiva University in New York City. The translator and Editor
of the book, Benyamim Tsedaka wrote a comprehensive introduction about the book
and its editing.
On the back cover of the book there
are endorsements by Professor Martin Abegg from Canada, Reinhard Pummer from
Canada Haseeb Shehadeh from Finland, Etiene Nodet from Jerusalem, Terry Giles
and Robert Anderson from USA.
In the 560 pages of the book the
Samaritan Torah, an English translation, and the accepted English translation
of the traditional Jewish traditional (Masoretic) version are presented in
parallel columns emphasizing the 3000 significant differences between the two
versions. In the left margin are Benyamim’s explanations for the most prominent
differences, based on the Israelite Samaritan wisdom. All names in the Torah
are given in the original Hebrew pronunciation, and all are listed in an
appendix. Two other appendices show how close the Samaritan Pentateuch is to
the Translation of the Seventy [LXX], and to some of the Dead Sea Scrolls
On 27 November 2012, in the
Theological Seminary in Princeton, NJ, USA, after an introduction by Professor
Charlesworth, Benyamim Tsedaka led a seminar on the importance of the Israelite
Samaritan Version of the Pentateuch. Scholars and advanced students of
Princeton University Theological Research Department attended, along with other
interested individuals. Princeton's Theological Seminary was an appropriate
venue, having a strong reputation in Biblical Research. At this special event
the first pre-publication copies of Benyamim’s long-awaited book were
presented, to the delight of Benyamim and Professor Charlesworth.
On November 24, 2013, 9-11AM in the
conference of SBL [Society of Biblical Literature] in Baltimore will take place
a panel on this subject by four experts: Prof. Emanuel Tov, Peof. Terry Giles,
Prof. Stefan Schorch and Benyamim Tsedaka. The panel will be followed by
discussion with the public.
For the past two years this
significant theological work has been available online for pre-sale at
amazon.com and eerdmans.com - Following publication, an electronic e-book
edition and translations to other languages are planned.
The book is in the market since April
2013. Now it is easy to order it in amazon.com and eerdmans.com. 3 days
delivery within USA and Canada, 14 days other countries.
To All who have the first edition [2013]
of my book The Israelite Samaritan
Version of the Torah
I am grateful to my nephew Be‘eri [Bury]
Tsedaka who forwarded me to a mistake in my translation that not showing
exactly the correct translation
due to the Israelite Samaritan tradition:
The verb and the source RGZ= רגז appears 5 times in
the Torah: Gen. 45:24; Ex. 15:14; Nu. 21:20+; Deut. 2:25, 28:65. In all places
its original significance due to the Israelite Samaritan commentary is ”Fear“
or ”Afraid“. Only in later periods and different language – The Samaritan
dialect of the Aramaic, its significance has chaged to ”Anger“.
Therefore in all places in the left
side of my translation of the Torah shows the Israelite Samaritan text it
should be read with the meanings: Fear or afraid.
In three of the five places I have
translated correctly and in the other two it should be corrected to the
following translations:
Genesis, 45:24 – [No change]
Exodus 15:14: ”The nations have heard
and they became afraid...“
Numbers, 21:20c – [No change]
Deuteronomy 2:25 – ”... they will be
afraid and be in anguish...“
Deuteronomy 28:65 – [No change].
The publisher has asked me to give him
full list of the corrections of typing or meaningful mistakes fell in the first
edition of my translation [2013] to be prepared before the publishing of the
second edition soon.
I beg your pardon.
Benyamim Tsedaka
Meetings of the SOCIÉTÉ D’ÉTUDES
Table Ronde
in Paris, 1985
Jean-Pierre and Guy Dominique Sixdenier, eds. Études samaritaines.
Pentateuque et Targum, exégèse et mphasize, chroniques. Actes de la table
ronde: “Les manuscrits samaritains. Problèmes et
méthodes“ (Paris, Institut de Recherche et d‘Histoire des Textes, 7-9 octobre
1985). Collection
de la Revue des Études Juives, 6. Louvain-Paris: E. Peeters, 1988
in effect the first conference on Samaritanism, it was not counted as a
Congresses of the SES
1. Tel Aviv: April 11-13, 1988
2. Oxford: August 6-10, 1990
3. Paris: 1992
4. Milan: July 8-12, 1996
5. Helsinki: August 1-4, 2000
6. Haifa: July 5-8, 2004
7. Pápa: July 17-25, 2008
8. Erfurt: July 15-20, 2012
Abraham and Moshe Florentin, eds. Proceedings of the First International
Congress of the Société d’Études Samaritaines, Tel Aviv, April 11-13, 1988. Tel
Aviv: Chaim Rosenberg School for Jewish Studies, Tel Aviv University, 1991
Crown, Alan David and Lucy
Davey, eds. New Samaritan Studies of the Société d’Études
Samaritaines. Vols. III and IV: Essays in Honour of G.D. Sixdenier. Studies
in Judaica, 5. Sydney: Mandelbaum Publishing, 1996
[Proceedings of the 2nd
Congress in Oxford 1990, Yarnton Manor, and the 3rd Congress in Paris 1992, Collège de France]
Morabito, Vittorio, Alan
D. Crown, and Lucy Davey, eds. Samaritan Researches Volume V. Mandelbaum
Studies in Judaica, 10. Sydney: Mandelbaum Publishing, 2000
[Proceedings of the 4th
Congress held in Milan, July 8-12, 1996]
Shehadeh, Haseeb and Habib
Tawa, eds., with the collaboration of Reinhard Pummer. Proceedings of the
Fifth International Congress of the Société d’Études Samaritaines, Helsinki,
August 1-4, 2000: Studies in Memory of Ferdinand Dexinger. Paris: Librairie
Orientaliste Paul Geuthner, 2005
Mor, Menachem and Friedrich V. Reiterer, eds. Samaritans: Past and Present: Current
Studies. Studia
Judaica, 53; Studia Samaritana, 5. Berlin; New York: De Gruyter, 2010
[Proceedings of the 6th
Congress held in Haifa, July 2004 and of the sessions on Samaritans at the
International Meeting of SBL in Vienna, 2007]
Zsengellér, József, ed. Samaria,
Samarians, Samaritans: Studies on Bible, History and Linguistics. Studia
Judaica, 66; Studia Samaritana, 6. Berlin; New York: De Gruyter, 2011
of the 7th Congress held in Pápa, Hungary, 2008]
by Jacob Christopher-Lee Moak (Notes)
Our family has strong ancestral
ties to Hrvatska (Croatia), having descent from two separate Dalmatian families
on my mother’s side. At least one of these two lines has a connection to the
ancient Samaritan diaspora that was scattered around the Adriatic during the 2nd
to the 6th century A.D. Nearly all of the Samaritans who remained in
the region converted to Christianity, whether by force or by choice, and
married into the local population. They ultimately shed their Samaritan
identity and assimilated into the general Hrvat population of Dalmatia.
Evidence of Samaritans around the Adriatic comes mainly from synagogue remains
and inscriptions, Roman records, and epitaphs. Most of the Samaritan diaspora
in ancient Dalmatia was concentrated in Salona, where they had migrated from
either Roma, Thessalonica, or Delos–three of the main hubs of Samaritan
activity outside of the Holy Land. The most well-known and documented pieces of
evidence for a Samaritan presence in Salona (Dalmatia) is the epitaph of a
Samaritan woman who lived there, which dates to the year A.D. 539. Her epitaph
is written in Greek; the main part of it reads as follows:
πρὸ δεκαπέντε
ζήσασα καλῶς
ἔτη εἴκοσι καὶ
ἑπτὰ ὑπ(ατίας)
Ἀππίωνος τοῦ
ἰνδικτιῶνος β
(My TransliterationJ
“enthade kite samareitissa...apo komes
Pito...thugat...teleu...en eiren theou pro dekapente kalendon Septembrion
zesasa kalos ete eikosi kai epta up(atias) Appionos tou lamprotatou indiktionos
(My English translationJ
“Here lies a Samaritan (woman) from village of
Pito, daughter (of)...died in peace (of/from) God before fifteen calends
September..lived well...year twenty and seven, by (the authority) of Appionos
of the brightness (of) indiction B”
Deuteronomy 30:1-10 is clear that God promises
to restore us and regather us, even from the ends of the earth (such as
Indonesia, where my family is currently located). Our Hebrew blood may be
diluted, but it hasn’t disappeared. It runs through our veins even now. And so,
we await the Taheb (Restorer), to come and restore all things.
June 12,
2013- London, United Kingdom – Auction
Realized Price: £400 Verified
Estimated Price: £500 - £700
Description: Hebrew manuscript.- Samaritan Pentateuch,
scroll, on 31 joined paper sheets, in Samaritan script, 120 columns, c. 80
lines, outer end little frayed, little spotting, c. 42 x 1690 cm., [19th
Samaritan keyboard for OS X 10.* is something I produced for my own research
using the excellent free
software package Ukelele. As Samaritan Elder Sameer Yousef
Sarrawi demonstrates below, there is already excellent support for Samaritan
writing on Windows:
The Dynamics of
Coexistence in the Middle East: Negotiating Boundaries Between Christians,
Muslims, Jews and Samaritans in Palestine (Library of Modern Middle East Studies)
Droeber (Author) About the Author
Julia Droeber is a social anthropologist at An-Najah University in
Nablus, Palestine. She is the author of Dreaming
of Change: Young Middle Class Women and Social Transformation in Jordan and has taught at universities in the
UK, Germany, Kyrgyzstan, and Jordan.
Palestine is often viewed, from afar, through the frame of
insurmountable difference and violent conflict along religious and ethnic
lines. Julia Droeber looks beyond this, as she draws out the way in which
sameness and difference is constructed and dealt with in the day to day
relationships and practices of different religious communities in the West Bank
town of Nablus. She follows the reality of coexistence and the constant
negotiation of boundaries between Christians, Muslims and one of the last
remaining Samaritan communities worldwide, and how these relationships are
complicated by an occupier perceived as ‘Jewish’.
This is a sensitive and nuanced study of cultural and religious space in a
much-contested region. It illustrates how differences are reconciled,
accommodated and emphasized, while existing alongside a common sense of
belonging. Droeber’s findings resonate beyond the town of Nablus, and the West
Bank, and into the broader fields of Middle East Studies, Anthropology,
Comparative Religion and Peace and Conflict Resolution Studies.
Labels: Samaritan
Burial Site, Tel
Also known as Afeka caves.
Located south of Ramat Aviv Gimel neighborhood and next to the Ayalon Highway,
this Samaritan cemetery was used in the 4-5 centuries C.E. The burials stopped
here after the failed Samaritan Rebellion in 529 C.E. http://www.follow-israel.com/2008/01/tel-baruch-samaritan-burial-site.html
By Chavie Lieber May 14, 2013
Jews study a number of religious books—from the Talmud to the Shulchan
Aruch—the text that provides the religion’s very foundation is the Torah. And
the version of the Torah most commonly studied by Jews is known as the Masoretic text, the most authoritative Hebrew
version of the Torah.
But it
is not the only one.
small, ancient sect known as the Samaritans rely on the Torah, and the Torah
alone, as their sole religious text—and the Samaritans use a somewhat different
version. Two weeks ago, the first English translation of this Hebrew text was
published by Samaritan historian and scholar Binyamin Tsedaka: The
Israelite Samaritan Version of the Torah. There are some 6,000
instances where this version of the Torah differs from the Masoretic text; the
question for scholars is which version is more complete, or more accurate.
As an
ancient Semitic people, the Samaritans abide by a literal version of Torah law.
: http://www.tabletmag.com/jewish-life-and-religion/132004/the-other-torah
From the Editor
In the last issue of the Samaritan Update, I had
promised to add the archives the booklet, The
Joseph Cycle (Genesis 37-45) in the Samaritan-Arabic Commentary of Meshalma ibn
Murjan, edited
and Translated by Gladys Levine Rosen. While attempting to do this with what
resources I have at my disposal, I am having difficulty of achieving a good
image to display from the 1951 typewritten work, so please bear with me while I
try to resolve the problem.
Concerning the
recent publication of the The Israelite Samaritan Version of the Torah, I was stuck with owe
concerning Genesis 2:18, where as it says in the Samaritan, “I will make him
a helper, suitable for him.” The Jewish version has, “I will make him a help
meet for him.” I never noticed the words, ‘help meet’ before but low and
behold it is in other Jewish versions as well. I cannot understand why they translated
the Hebrew word to English, that is of course, the word meet? I always
thought it should have been helpmate. But I guess the word meet is a Verb,
meaning, come into the presence or company of (someone) by chance or
arrangement. |
Well, Benyamim Tsedaka has given us his rough dates on his overseas trips.
First, In
July 7-11 he will be lecturing at the SBL conference in St. Andrews, Scotland concerning
the story of Moses and his Wife from the Samaritan perspective.
In July
28-August 2, he will be with the Israelite-Samaritan Choir to a festival of
Coral Music in Girona, Spain.
His next
Europe-USA annual tour, starts in Europe in Oct. 27 till Nov. 14 [Austria,
Germany and England] and continued in Nov. 14 to USA till December that divides
as follows:
November 14-30 : East Coast [New York, Boston,
New Town/Connecticut, Washington D.C., Baltimore]
December 1-15: Mideast, [Cincinnati, Florida]
Dec. 15-26: Midwest, Northeast [ Vegas, Dallas,
SF, Seattle].
Any of my friend who likes to host a lecture
about the Israelite Samaritans and their culture is welcomed to be in touch
with me through my address: sedakab@yahoo.com
Future Lectures
INTERNATIONAL MEETING- St. Andrews, Scotland- July 7-11, 2013
Colorado I
L. Thompson (University of Copenhagen, emeritus) Chair
Viktor Rebrik, Entsprechungen
zwischen der Samaritanischen Tora und der Septuaginta im Buche Leviticus (Sankt-Petersburg)
– 25 min. [Abstract]
Ingrid Hjelm, Portraits
of Moses in the Samaritan Pentateuch and the fourth century Samaritan Midrash
Memar (M.M.) or Tibat Marqah (T.M.) (University of Copenhagen) – 25
min. [Abstract]
Break 15 min.
Joshua Abdallah
Sabih, The figure of the villain Samaritan in the Qur´an Q.
20:87-99 (University of Copenhagen) – 25 min. [Abstract]
Haroutun Jamkochian
(Institute of Oriental Studies, Armenia), St. Peterburg Fragments Of
the Continuatio of the Samaritan Chronicle of Abu l-Fath al-Samiri al -Danafi
(to be read by Ingrid Hjelm) – 25 min. [Abstract]
The Xth Congress of the EAJS will take place in Paris, on
20-24 July 2014.
Individual applications and panel proposals in all fields of
Jewish Studies are welcome.
The keynote theme of the Xth Congress is: "Jewish
and Non-Jewish Cultures in Contact: New Research Perspectives"
Invitation and
call for papers:
Philology and the Dead Sea Scrolls: New Approaches for New Text Editions
3-5, 2014, University of Copenhagen,
Past, in case you missed it
Seminar English - Halle-Tel Aviv
Research Seminary in Ancient Hebrew Language und Literature , Early Samarita,
Jewish and Christian Texts 3.-7. Feb. 2013, Halle (Saale) http://schorch.at/html/seminar_english.html
of relevant antiquities for temporary display are welcome; the museum currently
on loan from Mrs J. L’Amie a Samaritan Pentateuch… http://www.tcd.ie/calendar/assets/pdf/archive/2012-2013/tcd-calendar-societies-other-institutions.pdf
The Weingreen Museum of Biblical Antiquities is located in the Arts and Social Sciences Building, in Trinity College, Dublin
Genetics, Jewish studies
cross-fertilize at Stanford
Course combining two
fields touches on dating practices, Jewish disease treatment and assisted
reproduction. http://www.jpost.com/Jewish-World/Jewish-News/Genetics-Jewish-studies-cross-fertilize-at-Stanford
women marry, give hope to Samaritans
NAMMARI | March 17, 2013 |
MOUNT GERIZIM, West Bank — The Samaritans, a
rapidly dwindling sect dating to biblical times, have opened their insular
community to brides imported from eastern Europe in a desperate quest to
preserve their ancient culture. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/huff-wires/20130317/ml-israel-struggling-sect/?utm_hp_ref=world&ir=world
parshablog, by Achrei Mos: http://parsha.blogspot.com/search/label/samaritans
The Samaritan
4, 2012
Psalmorum, Medieval Bible in Latin and German, ca. 1200. Courtesy of Martin
Bodmer Foundation in Cologny (Geneva)
Situated in the heart of Europe, Switzerland has long been a
center for Biblical studies and transformative contributions to Judeo-Christian
culture. The exhibition Swiss Treasures: From Biblical Papyrus
and Parchment to Erasmus, Zwingli, Calvin, and Barth explores the importance of Swiss
religious influences across a range of traditions and historical personalities.
Papyri, parchments, first editions, early printings, and modern manuscripts
represent treasures in Swiss institutions that link these and other religious
thinkers to the philosophical, theological, and political movements that have
shaped the modern world.
The rare historical treasures
on display from September 21 to December 14 in the Special Collections Research
Center Exhibition Gallery have been gathered from seven distinguished Swiss
archives and libraries: Basel University Library (Basel), State and University
Library (Fribourg), Abbey Library of St. Gall (St. Gall), Central Library
(Zurich), the Martin Bodmer Foundation (Cologny), Karl Barth Archive (Basel),
and Library of Geneva (Geneva). The exhibition also displays a rare volume from
the Special Collections Research Center of the University of Chicago
Among the manuscripts shown in the exhibition are texts of the
Psalms from the Epistle of Jude (fourth century); fragments of the
world’s oldest Vulgate version of the Gospels (fifth century); and leaves from one of the few remaining
examples of a Samaritan Pentateuch (ca. 1495-96). http://news.lib.uchicago.edu/special-collections/
Articles from
the Past
by Wilton Wynn, Meriden Journal - Apr 11, 1960
Priest Amran Ishak stands on a boulder atop the sacred Mount Gerizim chanting the He brew scriptures The
sun sinks behind him as ...
Newburgh News - Oct 27, 1949
Sukenik depicted two candelabras flanking Mt. Gerizim. It was this mosaic that identified
the synagogue as Samaritan. The Samaritans, who claim to be ...
Books for sale
British Museum. Department of Oriental Printed
Books and Manuscripts. Publisher: London : Trustees of the British Museum, Author:
G. Margoliouth; Jacob Leveen; 1965.
Vol. 4 edited by J. Leveen.
Vol. 1-3 reprint of 1899-1915 ed.
volumes : facsimiles ; 29 cm
924 Berlin Samaritan Torah, edited by Haim
Heller, beautiful copy, looking for $65 + shipping
Contact: Mizrahi Book Store
Quentin Rd
Brooklyn NY 11234
Antique, used,
rare & out of print Jewish Books
Introductio in Librum Talmudicum
De Samaritanis In Hebrew
This book is an introduction to Tractate Kutim
– the Talmudic book dealing with Jewish Laws concerning the Samaritans. This is
a reprint of the original.
By Raphael Kirchheim. He was a scholar who
resided in Frankfurt am Main. He worked as a ritiual slaughterer (shochet) for
Rabbi Samson Raphael Hirsch’s community (IRG) but then he joined the reform
movement. Printed in Jerusalem in 1977 by the Magnes Press. http://www.ebay.com/itm/Rare-book-Intro-to-Talmud-Tractate-of-Samaritans-/110717055132?pt=US_Nonfiction_Book&hash=item19c740309c
“Vestiges of Karaite translations in the
Arabic translation(s) of the Samaritan Pentateuch: Fact or Fiction?” by Gregor Schwarb, INTELLECTUAL HISTORY OF THE ISLAMICATE WORLD
Volume One (2012) “Bible in Arabic among Jews, Christians and
Muslims” Edited by Camilla Adang, Meira Polliack, Sabine Schmidtke http://academia.edu/1746962/Intellectual_History_of_the_Islamicate_World
of Biblical Literature,
2012, Volume 131, No. 3
Comes to Shiloh: Genesis 49”10ba, One more Time,” by Serge Frolov, Southern
Methodist University, Dallas, TX, pp. 417- 422.
Four Moses Death Accounts” by Philip Y. Yoo -University of Oxford, Oxford OX1
3LD, United Kingdom, pp. 423- 441.
of Biblical Literature,
2011, Volume 130, No. 2
in Genesis 1: An Exegetical Creation ex nihilo, by Richard Neville, Laidlaw
College, Papanui, New Zealand, pp. 209-226
(2013): pp. 42-71
S Schorch - Between
Cooperation and Hostility: Multiple Identities …, 2013 - books.google.com
... 1. From
Samarians to Samaritans Samaritan identity as opposed to a general Jewish
is characterized by especially and at least the following three points: —The
veneration of Mount
Gerizim as the central place of worship. —The use of a distinctive version of
the Torah. ...
... The same phenomenon has been observed in
'classic' genetic isolates, such as the Amish
(Khoury et al., 1987), the Samaritans (Bonné-Tamir, 1980) and in Tristan da Cunha
1979). ... Bonné-Tamir, B. (1980) The Samaritans: a
living ancient isolate. ...
GC Leavitt - Sociology, 2013 - scirp.org
... About
85 percent of all Samaritan marriages are to first or second cousins.
Not only does the
Samaritans si-
tuation challenge the notion that close inbreeding is detrimental, but it also
Westermarck's hypothesis that children raised together trigger an inherent ...
Lemche - Scandinavian Journal of the Old Testament, 2013 - Taylor & Francis
... Recent
studies of the schism between Jerusalem and Gerizim have caused the history of
Jewish-Samaritan conflict
to be rewritten. Brought up with the idea that the Samaritans deliberately
broke with Jerusalem, recent schol- arship has pointed out that it is more
likely that ...
Vollandt - 2013 - academia.edu
... Among
the first group we find Saadia for the Jews, an unspecified Samaritan scholar (probably
Abu Saʿīd b. Abī l-Ḥusayn b. Abī Saʿīd,
13th cent., Egypt), al-Ḥārith b. Sinān (active before 956 ...
Finally, for the Samaritans, he
mentions Sadaqa b. Munajjā al-Mutaṭabbib (d. 1223). ...
“Bi-Directional Forced Deportations in the Neo-Assyrian Empire and the Origins
of the Samaritans: Colonialism and Hybridty,” by Yigal Levin, Bar-Ilan University, Archaeological Review from
Cambridge, 2013, pp. 217-240
Gudme - 2013 - forskningsbasen.deff.dk
... this
Place for Good Remembrance : A Comparative Analysis of the Aramaic Votive
from Mount Gerizim.
Authors. Gudme, Anne Katrine de Hemmer Københavns Universitet,. Faculty
of Theology,. Afdelinger,. Department of Biblical Exegesis. Host publication
information ...
Frank Moore Cross 1921-2012
His work in the textual
criticism of the Hebrew Bible, informed by his work on the biblical manuscripts
found among the Dead Sea Scrolls, resulted in his theory of “local texts,” in which
he argued that the forerunners of the three main exemplars of the Hebrew Bible,
i.e. the Masoretic Text, the Septuagint, and the Samaritan Pentateuch, developed
from a common ancestor, but then evolved in different ways in geographic
isolation from one another.
Although parts of this theory have been questioned, it is still very influential in the field of textual criticism today. http://www.aiar.org/docs/Albright2012NewsLetter.pdf
The sad
news that Rabbi Herbert Weiner passed away recently came to my attention
through the fine coverage in New Jersey Jewish News
(“A ‘powerful speaker, gracious teacher,’” June 13). Rabbi Weiner was among the
original faculty of Seton Hall’s master’s program in Jewish-Christian Studies.
He was invited by Msgr. John Oesterreicher to teach the course in Jewish
mysticism. He collaborated with us for several years and he contributed an
essay “On the Mystery of Eating” to the volume Standing
Before God, edited by Rabbi Asher Finkel and me in 1981. It was
appropriate that Rabbi Weiner and I met on Mount Gerizim for the Samaritan
Passover in 1983. By Rev.
Lawrence E. Frizzell
Director- Institute of
Judaeo-Christian Studies- Seton Hall University - South Orange
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