“Mount Gerizim,
All the Days of Our Lives”
Vol. XV - No 4
In This Issue ·
Graduates ·
Newlyweds ·
Kobi Post ·
Samaritan MSS ·
Netanyahu ·
Beno Visit ·
Benko Blessed ·
Minister Elkin ·
Samaritans recognized ·
Samaritan Wrap ·
Drone View ·
Orhof Photos ·
Samaritan exhibits ·
From the Editor ·
Links ·
On January 1, 2015, the Samaritan Community numbered 777.
Future Events
It has been 3654 years since the entrance into
the Holy Land
(Samaritan’s typical calendar)
The First Month 3654 - Wednesday Evening, 6 April 2016
Passover Sacrifice - Wednesday from sunset to sunset (7:13 PM) -
20 April 2016
Last day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread –Wed. night, April 27,
Festival of Weeks- Second Pilgrimage- Sunday, June 12, 2016
Festival of the Seventh Month- Saturday Oct. 1, 2016
Day of Atonement- Monday, Oct. 10, 2016
Festival of Sukkot, Third Pilgrimage- Saturday Oct. 15, 2016
Festival of the Eight Day- Saturday, Oct. 22, 2016
[Calculated by: Priest
Yakkiir ['Aziz] b. High Priest Jacob b. 'Azzi – Kiriat Luza, Mount Gerizim]
The Ido Yehoshua and Sahar Sassoni celebration of concluding the reading of the Five
Books of Moses, both are 7 years old. They read by heart, the Blessing of Moses
to the tribes of Israel [Duet. 33-34] and they did the job very well. In the
Israelite-Samaritan heritage, kids, boys and girls start to read the Torah on
age 6 and when they complete the reading of the entire Torah, their happy
parents celebrate the occasion with a big party, lots of good food, drinks and
money gifts to the kids. High Priest 'Abed'el b. Asher started with a special
happy song sang by the whole present Israelite Samaritans. For all the
Samaritans it is a great opportunity to be very proud. There are many
concluders of the Readings in both communities in Holon and Kiriat Luza every
year, but usually with modest parties within the families and not in a fancy
hall that only few of us can afford.
Benyamim Tsedaka
Revital Mirel
and Liraz Yehoshua - A Newlywed Couple in Holon-Sunday, March 6, 2016
Kobi Cohen Facebook Post on March 8, 2016 (inside
the Samaritan synagogue in Holon)
The Samaritan Manuscripts at Yad Izhak Ben-Zvi
Library in Western Jerusalem
By Haseeb Shehadeh,
Helsinki University
A second collection of Samaritan manuscripts may be found today in West Jerusalem, at Izhak ben-Zvi Library. Herewith is a brief description of the 97 Samaritan manuscripts that have been preserved there. Izhak Ben-Zvi (1884-1963, president of the State of Israel from 1952 to 1963) acquired a portion of these manuscripts on his own, while another portion was given to him by Samaritan friends, particularly priests (Mss 23, 25, 64, 69). These manuscripts comprise approximately eighteen thousand pages written in one of the following alphabets: Samaritan, Arabic or square Hebrew. In some of these manuscripts more than one composition is included, as shown in my descriptions in Arabic letters. The oldest manuscript goes back to 1783, while the most recent was copied in 1960. Some of these manuscripts are based on sources dating back to the Middle Ages, as shown in colophons.
I prepared the description of the first 87 manuscripts in the first three months of 1981; this small hand-written catalogue in Hebrew is still preserved in the library today. The description of the last nine, MSS 7085-7094, was carried out at the end of July 1997, during my stay in Jerusalem in conjunction with my participation in the Twelfth International Congress on Jewish Studies. MS 7089, which includes the chronicle of the fourteenth -century author Abū al-Fath the Samaritan, was known to be in the library, but at that time it could not be located. It was only in 2015, on the 6th of December, that the library director, Mr. Moti Ben-Ari, replied to my inquiry electronically saying that the manuscript had been found. The Hebrew texts in these manuscripts are written in Samaritan script. The sign / stands for the end of one line and the beginning of the next, while // indicates the end of a page and the beginning of the following. Sometimes, for the sake of comparison, I refer to similar manuscripts found in other libraries.
The subject matters of these manuscripts are as follows:
Calendar and ephemeria: 31b-c; 77-83; 89a.
Differences between Samaritans and Jews: 46; 67; 69; 75-76.
History and bibliography: 30a; 31a-45; 68; 85-86; 89b-92.
Language: 17; 60-63.
Polemics: 47.
Prayers, poems and eulogies: 13; 15; 18-19; 21-30.
Religion, Halakhah and Midrash: 9b; 12; 14; 16 a-c; 20-21; 38, 48-50; 51-56; 58a-b, e; 59; 64-65; 88; 93; 95-97.
The Torah: 1-2; 16d; 66; 70 -72; 84; 87; 94.
Torah commentaries: 3- 8; 9a, 10-11; 57; 58c, d, f; 73-74.
An alphabetical list in Arabic of the Samaritan authors and copyists (over 160) mentioned in these manuscripts is included at the end of this study. The manuscript numbers in which each name appears are given with each entry.
Read Haseeb Shehadeh’ full article in Arabic and Hebrew at: https://shomron0.tripod.com/articles/ben-zvi-sam-mss.pdf
On Monday, 04.04.2016 meeting was held, can be
described as historic, the delegation of Israelite officials Holon Samaritans
with priests, Assaf Ben Tabia and Yair Ben-Avraham and the editors of the
bi-weekly “A.B. - The Samaritan News”, the brothers Benyamim and Yefet sons of
Ratson Tsedaka, had met with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in the
Prime Minister's office in Jerusalem.
The Samaritan representatives in Holon Eyal Cohen and
Oved Altif and the Samaritan representatives of Mount Gerizim, Secretary Isaac
Altif and board members Elyon Cohen, Hanan Altif and Ben- Yehudah Altif - Ten
delegates of the community, who attended the meeting.
Yefet Ben Ratson Tsedaka, community liaison between
the Israelite-Samaritan for years with the Israeli government and a prominent
activist for the community, had organized the meeting.
Prime Minister Netanyahu warmly received the
delegation and mentioned his long-standing relationship with the Israelite
Samaritans. First contact took place when Mr. Netanyahu in his role as deputy
foreign minister, arrived for a surprise visit to Mount Gerizim early 90s and
was welcomed by the late High Priest Joseph Ben Ab-Hisda [his year term
1987-1998] who wished him that soon will be prime minister for many years. This
first meeting left Mr. Netanyahu with a deep impression, and he never ceased to
remind it again and again, and keep the high priest picture puts his hands on
his head for blessing.
The Samaritan representatives have raised before the
prime minister all about the problems that trouble them most of all, Holon - a
housing shortage, which causes its youth find housing outside their
neighborhood, while a plan was approved for the construction of 64 housing more
apartments in their neighborhood, and discrimination directed at young
Samaritan new couples by the Ministry of Interior. In Mount Gerizim - A request
to set up a government budget, which will ensure implementation of community
development projects for the growing community on Mount Gerizim.
Meanwhile, after opening remarks by Yefet b. Ratson
Tsedaka, which summarized the state of the Israel-Samaritan community today,
read Benyamim Tsedaka, the chairman of the International Samaritan Medal
Foundation, which was founded in 2005 in Washington DC, the Charter of Mr.
Netanyahu as the recipient of the Samaritan medal of peace and humanitarian
achievements. Priest Assaf b. Tabia awarded Mr. Netanyahu with the medal. Mr.
Netanyahu thanked warmly for awarding the medal, and praised the wonderful
friendship He said existing between him and the Samaritans. "This
friendship between us based on contacts with representatives of an ancient people,
together with Jews completing the People of Israel - said the prime minister.
Benyamim Tsedaka has offered Prime Minister Netanyahu
his new book” “The History of the Israelite Samaritans based on Their Own
Sources”, published by the A.B. Institute of Samaritan Studies, Holon-Mount
Gerizim, 2016. The dedication on the first page of the 450 double columned
pages book, the author wrote: "To Benjamin from Benyamim Tsedaka for
reading at the 25Th hour ", hinting on the very busy agenda of the Prime
Prime Minister Netanyahu drew great satisfaction from
the meeting, which was an escape for an hour or so from the pressures of his
constant battle for the State of Israel and “the wars of the Jews”, referred to
his winning The Samaritan Medal of Peace, that he agreed on the day of the
meeting to talk with Mr. Abbas, President of the Palestinians and invited him
to talks about path to peace between Israel and the Palestinians. “I will open
my busy schedule any day Mr. Abbas will ask to meet me” said Mr. Netanyahu.
The Israeli Prime Minister asked information about the
updated situation of the current relations of the Palestinians towards the
Samaritans of Mount Gerizim. He recounted the night he slept on Mount Gerizim
as an officer of the Israeli Army. “It was a special experience I will never
forget. I almost fell into a deep hole, but the blessing of Mount Gerizim and
Heaven Saved Me - said the prime minister. The Community leaders reported the prime
minister Mr. Netanyahu that there are good relations between the Samaritans and
the Palestinians, that most of them support peace with Israel.
In regard to the requirements of the Samaritans, these
were very clearly presented by the representatives of the committees of Mount
Gerizim and Holon, the Prime Minister Netanyahu, instructed his assistant for
administration and society, Mr. Ehud Prawer, to write down all the issues, and
to give them immediate action coefficient.
We have suggested to Prime Minister Netanyahu that in
order to get a proper budget and organized various projects of the two parts of
the community and to prevent “a fall between the chairs” of the various
government offices to focus the handling of the affairs of our community under
the responsibility of one government office, which the community
representatives will apply in all the matters that needs activity. In response,
Prime Minister Netanyahu said that it would be favorably considered and soon he
will notify the office to address all issues of the Israelite-Samaritan
At the end of the meeting recorded Prime Minister
Benjamin Netanyahu a special greeting message in video for Holiday of Passover
and Matzot by the Samaritan community, now allocated to the Web site of the
Israelite-Samaritan community in Holon and cellular networks.
The participants were very satisfied and excited by
the successful meeting.
In the coming days the Prime Minister's office will
send a picture of this constructive meeting with Mr. Netanyahu.
Benyamim Tsedaka
We went together to meet the Minister
Of Absorption, Jerusalem and Heritage MP Zeev Alkin, in his office in the
Knesset, where we have discussed way to improve the heroic story Mount Gerizim
and the Israelite Samaritans through the ages. Minister Elkin has researched in
the past issues in Samaritan Studies. We have awarded him my new book:
"The History of the Israelite Samaritans Based on Their Own Sources"
- Holon-Mount Gerizim, 2016
We had also two wonderful days in
Samaria, meeting Samaritan and Palestinian leaders speaking with all of them
about possibilities of Making Peace in our region, telling them about the
activity of the Samaritan Medal Foundation in Washington D.C. and its branch in
Holon, Israel. Advocate Benko met two Palestinian seniors, the former mayor of
Nablus, Gassan ElShakah and public activist, 'Abd ElAillah ElAttireh that is also
a member of the Samaritan Medal Foundation. Both expressed their willing to live
in peace with Israel and be part of the peace talks.
We have met the Samaritan committee
member Ovadia Cohen in his Nablus office and the secretary of the committee
Yitzhaq Altif both members of the Samaritan Medal Foundation. They were so
happy to meet Ralph Benko again. Yitzhaq Altif the secretary also organised the
meeting with the former Mayor Advocate ElShaq'ah, who will meet soon Mr. Benko
in Washington D.C. to meet with seniors of the new American administration
after the elections.
Above all, this morning at 5:30 AM,
before we left the Mountain, Ralph Benko and I met the High Priest in his
house, where after a short talk and very tasty breakfast Ralph Benko received
the blessing of the Priests from the High Priest Abedel who wished him success
where ever he turns his handsome face. You can't find today a happier
personality then our guest the advocate Ralph Benko.
Benko receives the High Priest’s Blessing March 10, 2016
Ralph says on his
Facebook Post: ‘Of many highlights on my snap trip to the Holy
Land the most magical was receiving the Blessing -- that all to which I turn my
hand will succeed -- of Abedel, the Biblical High Priest of Israel, predawn
this morning in Samaria on the Mountain of Blessings.... Photo by Ben Sedaka.
The Minister Zeev Elkin shows growing interest in the
Israelite-Samaritans And the development of the Israeli-Samaritan site on the
top of Mount Gerizim
The author
granted the Minister MK Zeev Elkin, Absorption Minister and Minister for
Jerusalem Affairs and heritage, his new book, at a meeting in his office in the
Knesset to discuss the Israelte-Samaritan site development on the summit of
Mount Gerizim managed by the National Parks and Nature.
The meeting was
coordinated and fulfilled with the author's brother, Yefet Ben Ratson Tsedaka,
community activist for years to enhance the bond between the community and the
Israeli government.
The Minister thanked the author for the book "The
History of the Israelite Samaritans according based on their own sources",
Book No. 107 of the author, published since 1971, and the first in 2016.
The Minister
Elkin discovered that he has researched in the recent past the Samaritan
Studies. Minister Elkin has a particular interest in heritage budgets to be
given for extensive development of Mount Gerizim site, with an emphasis on
explaining the issue as the Samaritan Israelis see it.
The site on the
summit of Mount Gerizim in the recent months had extensive development work,
including building a small auditorium for lectures, with the aim to attract
domestic and foreign tourism to Mount Gerizim, which will also benefit members
of the Israelite-Samaritan community.
The visit to the
site is free for each member of the community. Other visitors - a nominal
entrance fee [NIS 23 single, 19 shekels for a single in a group]
It is possible
to get the new history book, from the days of Joshua until 2015CE, in the A.B.
-Institute of Samaritan Studies, in Holon and Mount Gerizim, price: $200
including shipping.
Author Benyamim
Minister Z. Elkin with the new book.
Benyamim Tsedaka (3-29-2016)
Samaritans recognized
at Likud Party by Prime Minister Netanyahu
The distribution of the history book, ‘The History of Israelite Samaritans Based on their own sources, from the days of Joshua till the year 2015 ‘still continuous
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu thanked again for awarding him the medal and the book of history: “I'm a seeker of the history of our nation”.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu ordered a toast ceremony last night, April 17, for Passover, by the Likud Party, which he heads. The ceremony was attended by thousands of members of the party.
The ceremony was also attended by Yefet Ben Ratson Tsedaka,
a senior bureau member of Likud. Mr. Netanyahu was glad to see him and
immediately accepted a joint photo with Yefet and especially with the first
Samaritan medal for peace and human achievements, and the book of History of
the Israelite
Mr. Netanyahu thanked again for the honor of awarding of the medal and a book of history: “I'm a seeker of the history of our Israelite People, it's my favorite theme all” - said Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
Attending the ceremony was Prime Minister's wife, Mrs. Sara Netanyahu, who expressed enthusiasm for the proposal to introduce her to a group of Samaritan women, as she met frequently with women from all communities and sectors. The meeting will be arranged soon.
The book of History, that given as a gift by the A.B. - Institute of Samaritan Studies on Mount Gerizim and Holon, at the end of 2015 for all 210 families of Israelite-Samaritan community, continues to be distributed in Israel and Samaria for price value of $150 including shipping, or $ 200 price for abroad including shipping, by A.B. - Institute of Samaritan Studies, Holon, PO Box 1029, Holon 5811001. The book can be purchased through the web site: Israelite-samaritans.com
Benyamim Tsedaka, 18.4.2016
Pictures: Yefet b. Ratson Tsedaka, a member of the Samaritan Medal Foundation with Israeli Prime Minister Mr. Benjamin Netanyahu, and the book the medal awarded to Mr Netanyahu.
Traditional Passover sacrifice, Mount
Gerizim- 20 April, 2016 Rexfeatures.com
Members of Samaritan sect participate in
traditional sacrifice nex.xinhuanet.com
Samaritan’s Passover Offering. Photos inthetravellab.com
Samaritans Sacrifice Sheep in ‘Hardcore’
Passover Celebration by Naomi Zeveloff forward.com
In Pictures: Samaritans perform
sacrificial Passover ritual jpost.com
How the BBC’s Knell censored a report on
the Samaritan Passover festival BBCwatch.org
Samaritans hold Passover ceremony on
Mount Gerizim by AFP
The Pentateuch
Wrap Discovered in the London, Retuned to the Samaritans
See Rance’s website: http://rugrabbit.com/profile/2103
Rance had thought it would go in the
Samaritan Museum, but he said that it will hang in the Samaritan Synagogue.
The cloth and a short article can be
seen in a past issue of the Samaritan Update, May/ June 2015, Vol. XIV, No. 5 on
page 19-20.
A Drone
A drone view over the
Samaritan Sacrifice location. (Image from Ovadia Alteef, Facebook April, 7, 2016. Photo by Tomer Altef, Nablus)
Altef used his drone to capture the late afternoon
of the Samaritan Passover Sacrifice on April 20, 2016.
Orhof Witnessed the New Year Prayers
Ori Orhof (Phd)
is the owner of Orhof Consulting, a Consultancy for Project Management and Airports
Operational Readiness Projects (ORAT and HBS).
A video of the
Samaritan by Ori Orhof
Ori Orhof witnessed the
New Year Prayers at the Samaritan Synagogue on Mount Gerizim on April 6, 2016.
He has posted some wonderful photos of the event.
Below are some of his photos, see his album of the Samaritan event at https://www.flickr.com/photos/oriorhof/albums/72157666777817551
Auction Results of the Jewish and
Israeli History and Culture by Kedem Public Auction House Ltd March 16, 2016,
Jerusalem, Israel
Lot 346: Collection of Documents and Letters concerning the Samaritan Community Sold: $800
Lot 347: Collection of Samaritan Manuscripts; unavailable
Lot 348: Collection of Samaritan Printed Materials - Torah and Prayer Books; unavailable
Lots were shown in the last issue of the Samaritan Update: https://shomron0.tripod.com/2016/janfeb.pdf
A Museum Exhibit Samaritan Artifacts in the Samaritan Museum
An Antique collections in the
Samaritan museum, demonstrates that the ancient civilization Samaritan, and
many different civilizations of the world, and the occupation of the holy land
through the ages.
Oxford Centre for Late Antiquity:
Late Antique and Byzantine
Archaeology and Art Seminar
Thursdays of
Weeks 2–8, 11am–12:30 pm in Trinity Term
St John’s
College, New Seminar Room
19 May (Week 4)
Simon Ford:
Gerizim and the Christian Conversion of Jewish and Samaritan Holy Sites in Late
A Samaritan book that was posted
my Osher Sassoni years ago online
See: http://the-samaritans.tripod.com/indexabs.html#/2
Special and Rare
Items by Jerusalem of Gold Ltd.
April 19, 2016, 8:00 PM EET Jerusalem, Israel, Israel Live Auction
Lot 41: Album with More than 150 High-Quality, Beautiful Photographs of a French
Photographer - Jerusalem and the Land of Israel, 1925 - Includes Extremely Rare
Photographs of the Arabic Response to Balfour's Visit to Israel and the Opening
of the Hebrew University.
Description: Beside many of the photographs there are French inscription
explaining what can be seen in them. The Balfour declaration expressed the
great truth of Shivat Zion after two thousand years of exile. The declaration
that the British government, which then ruled the Land of Israel, "views
with favor the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish
people" was a constitutive document of the establishment of the Jewish
State. Millions of Jews perceived the declaration as the voice of the Messiah.
In 1925, Lord Balfour, who represented the miracle of the revival of the Jewish
nation, came to Israel for the grand opening of the Hebrew University. He
visited Tel Aviv and Jewish settlements around the country and of course,
attended the grand opening of the university. For the Arabs, the Balfour
declaration had been a cause for grief. Therefore, Balfour's visit to the
country and the opening of the university were perceived as a great victory of
Zionism and they flew black flags as a symbol of their mourning. The album
before us contains extremely rare photographs of the Arabic mourning and the
flying of black flags. One of the photographs is that of the house of "the
Defense Committee of Islam" ("le comit? de d?fense de l'islam")
which was headed by the Mufti Amin al-Husseini, one of the bitterest enemies of
Jews in the 20th century. The house, in the Morasha (Mussrara) neighborhood in
Jerusalem, still exists and serves as a photography school. On the same page,
there is a photograph from the grand opening of the Hebrew University showing a
British soldier securing the event. A few pages forward there is a photograph
of an Arab with a black flag in his hand riding a horse and photographs of the
"Nabi Musa" celebrations. The photograph shows masses of Arabs with
black flags in their hands. Another interesting photograph shows a long line of
people waiting near the house of the "Supreme Moslem Council". The
album also contains many high-quality photographs of various sites in
Jerusalem, among them: the Golden Gate, the Jaffa Gate, the allies of the Old
City, David's Citadel and many more as well as beautiful the remnants of the
ancient synagogue of Caperneum and more. Additional interesting photographs:
Arab and Bedouin families in Nazareth, the
Samaritan high priest, the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, the Mosque of Omar
on Temple Mount and monks in the yard of the convent. There is also a
photograph of a Jewish funeral, which we have no knowledge of and photographs
from Beirut and Alexandria. All the photographs are of high quality and
well-preserved. Album with original cloth cover.
[Many of these photographs were taken by two Dominican
priests, Raphael Savignac and Antonin Jaussen.]
Elagabalus, 218-222 AD,
bronze of 22 mm, 14.13 grams.
Obverse: Laureate
bust Elagabalus right, countermark A in square on face.
Reverse: Temple
and shrine of the Samaritans upon Mt. Gerizim.
Neapolis, AE 20, Elagabalus 218-222 AD. Mount Gerizim on reverse. For sale on ebay
35 mm slide Israel Egypt Jerusalem Bethlehem
Nablus Samaritans ancient thora for
sale on ebay
sale in Israel
Palestine and Near East Annual -
Vol. 1, No. 2 - Including; Transjordan, Syria, Cyprus, Rhodes, Iraq and Persia
Edited by Reid, A.
There is supposed to be an article on the Samaritans in this issue (shown right). http://www.abebooks.com/Palestine-Near-East-Annual-Vol-Including/751159093/bd
the Editor
Recently I received and email from a friend. He said the following;
“I thought you might find this interesting to share-- these are
some findings I made long ago at a Lubavitch synagogue:
While reading Talmud books at the Orthodox synagogue, with a
lot of commentary, I made a couple of findings relevant to the Samaritans:
1) It seemed to be saying that most of the Samaritans
did not worship the dove. I cannot remember if it was in the footnotes
or the Talmud itself. Either way, it said the statement about
Samaritans worshipping a dove was using a principle regarding minorities.
It was saying that since even minorities count, they use the wording that
the Samaritans worship the dove, even though they knew most did not.
2) It said that after the tabernacle was in Gilgal for a
particular number of years during the wars of Joshua, the tabernacle was
then in Shiloh. It said that in Shiloh the walls were made of
stone, and were not the walls from the Tabernacle of Moses itself.
Some rabbis, I believe the Rambam, maintained that the coverings above
were original parts of the Tabernacle.
Unfortunately I cannot refer to the exact sources since I do not
remember where these were said.”
Oh yes, I have ran across the dove before but
the tabernacle is for sure new to me
My understanding of Samaritan chronicles is that
the Tabernacle was placed in a cave, so it could not have been taken to Shiloh
and I would also think that the remaining Israelites would have fought anyone
that would have taken the original tabernacle away, even parts of it, had they
known. Samaritans say that Eli constructed his own, he even made his own Ark,
which may have been different, since how could he have seen it since it was in
the Holy place and he was not allowed in, all he had was the Torah to go by.
This is interesting because I have never heard anyone say this before,
anywhere, and I had not thought of it before now. Wow
One thing that always seems to amuse me, is when
someone finds an artifact in Samaria, they call it Samaritan. An example is a Samaritan
terracotta oil lamp that will be auctioned.
This particular oil lamp, so they say dates from the late 3rd – 5th
century C.E. The description says the lamp has ‘a swastika, a common Samaritan
motif’ on it. A swastika is a roman motif! Just because they may have found
this oil lamp in Samaria does not mean that it is a Samaritan oil lamp. If they
have found it in Jerusalem, would they have called it a Jewish oil lamp? Now,
if the Samaritans did not use a Roman motif on their lamps, why would it be
called a Samaritan oil lamp? If someone found a Roman statue of a Roman man or
woman in Samaria, would it be called a Samaritan statue? I think not!
Recently, I looked up the stats for the
Samaritan Update, and was surprised at the results;
Daily unique visitors was 49 people
Monthly unique visitors was 1,470 people
Yearly unique visitors was 17,885 people
Daily Page views was 196 pages
Monthly page views was 5,880 pages
Yearly page views was 71,540 pages
ben Aaron—A Samaritan High Priest
Di Segni, Leah (Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
‘Early Christian Authors
on Samaritans and Samaritanism: A Review Article’ [Reinhard Pummer] Journal
for the Study of Judaism, XXXVII, 2, Brill NV, Leiden, 2006
Leith, Mary Joan
Papyri," Encyclopedia of Religious and Philosophical Writings in Late
Antiquity, Jacob Neusner and Alan J. Avery-Peck, eds. 2007
Papyri," Oxford Encyclopedia of the Bible and Law, Brent Strawn, Editor,
Pummer, Reinhard
‘The Samaritan Pentateuch
and the New Testament‘ New Testament Studies 22 (1976) 441-443
Rosenthal-Heginbottom, Renate
‘The curtain (parochet)
in Jewish and Samaritan synagogues (bibliography)’ In A. De Moor and C.
Fluck eds. Clothing the House. Furnishing
textiles of the 1st millennium AD from Egypt and neighbouring countries
(Proceedings of the 5th conference of the research group ‘Textiles from the
Nile Valley’
Antwerp, 6-7 October 2007. Tielt 2009, pp.
Zewi, Tamar
'Proper Nouns in the
Samaritan Version of Saadya Gaon's Translation of the Pentateuch,' J Semitic
Studies (Spring 2016) 61(1): 139-155.
Abstract: The article examines the methods of
rendering personal names and place names in the Samaritan version of Saadya
Gaon's translation of the Pentateuch in MS BL OR7562. The examination is based
on examples from Genesis 11 to Exodus 1, which are part of the first hand stage
in the manuscript. The renderings are compared to those found in various
manuscripts and printed editions of Saadya Gaon's translation of the Pentateuch
in Hebrew and Arabic script, in the Samaritan Arabic translation of the
Pentateuch, given in two different versions, the old one and its later
revision, in Shehadeh's edition, and in pre-Saadyan Arabic translations.
The Samaritan Update is open to any
articles that are relative to Samaritan Studies. Submit your work to The Editor
TheSamaritanUpdate.com, is a Bi-Monthly Internet Newsletter
Editor: Larry
Rynearson. Contact: The Editor
© Copyright 2016 All Rights Reserved