Samaritan Update
the Days of Our Lives”
/ June 2018
Vol. XVII - No 5
In This Issue ·
Sasoni Post ·
4 Shehadeh articles ·
Stolen Torahs ·
Passover Articles ·
Orhof Photos ·
Pilgrimage Articles ·
Pilgrimage Photos ·
Newlyweds ·
Benny’s Tour ·
From the Editor ·
Tahini Award ·
SLA Poland Visit ·
Articles ·
SBL Meetings ·
Recent Publications ·
2018, the Samaritan Community numbered 810.
In 1786, Samaritan numbered approximately 100
Future Events
It has been 3656 years since the entrance into the
Holy Land
(Samaritan’s typical calendar)
has been 6447 years since the counting of Creation
Samaritan Holy Days
Festival of Weeks (Shavuot) / The Harvest Festival June 24, 2018
The Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur) Thursday
Festival of the Eighth day Tues. Oct. 30, 2018 Oct. 18, 2018
The Festival of Sukkot Tues Oct. 23, 2018
[Calculated by: Priest
Yakkiir ['Aziz] b. High Priest Jacob b. 'Azzi – Kiriat Luza, Mount Gerizim]
Post by Ortal Sasoni May 5, 2018 (Photo by Ori Orhof)
reading at
reading at
reading at
reading at
Who Stole The Torahs?
Ancient Sect, A Brazen Theft And The Hunt To Bring The Manuscripts Home
By Daniel Estrin, April
29, 2018 NPR
dawn on March 21, 1995, someone broke into a synagogue in the Palestinian city
of Nablus.
thief — maybe it was a band of thieves — crossed the carpeted sanctuary, pulled
back a heavy velvet curtain, and opened a carved wooden ark. Inside were two
handwritten copies of the Torah, the Five Books of Moses. One was a sheepskin
scroll written around 1360 and kept in a slender copper case. The other was a
codex, a thick book, probably from the 15th century and bound in a maroon
leather cover. The thief or thieves snatched the manuscripts, escaped through
the synagogue's arched doorway, discarded the copper case in a stairwell, and
were no ordinary texts. They were perhaps the most ancient Torahs stolen in the
Holy Land since the Crusaders pillaged Jerusalem. And they belonged not to Jews
but to the Samaritans, one of the world's oldest and tiniest religious sects.
Known from the New Testament parable of the Good Samaritan, the group has
barely survived. Centuries ago, it numbered more than 1 million; today,
according to the last count, there are only 810 Samaritans left.
reading at
Can’t Get Back Page From Torah Book Because They Live in Palestinian Territory
legal battle has centered around two medieval gems that were stolen from a
Nablus synagogue in 1995 and were later found by Israel's customs authorities
Nir Hasson Apr 29, 2018 Haaretz
For five years, Israeli authorities have been
holding on to a page from a 14th-century Torah book that was stolen from the Samaritan
synagogue in Nablus, but the small community can’t get it back because its...
reading at
Inside the
Samaritans' Quest for What Is Theirs
Torahs were taken from a synagogue, launching an international hunt for them
Kate Seamons, Newser Staff
(NEWSER) – The Good Samaritan still exists or, at least, his people
do. The religious sect adheres to the word of God as written by Moses—they
still slaughter sheep on Passover, for instance—and was once 1 million people
strong. The current count has them down to 810 members, who straddle both
Palestinian and Israeli territory. The crime that Daniel Estrin documents
for NPR happened in the former, in the city of
Nablus in the early hours of March 21, 1995: a Torah and a codex were stolen
from a synagogue, "perhaps the most ancient Torahs stolen in the Holy Land
since the Crusaders pillaged Jerusalem." And thus began a convoluted
international quest to bring them home. Estrin met Benyamim "Benny"
Tsedaka, a 125th-generation Samaritan who has been following leads in the case.
reading at
The Intrigue
of the Samaritan Scrolls
Passover News Articles
West bank
neighbors flock to Mt. Gerizim for Samaritan Passover sheep slaughter
Jacob Magid
Palestinians Samaritans Passover May 11, 2018
samarytańska uroczystość poświęcenia [GALERIA]
A Good
Samaritan Sacrifice
A Samaritan
يحيون عيد
الفسح على قمة
جبل جرزيم
כ׳זע אַ
מיט די אייגענע
Seeing a Samaritan Passover Sacrifice With My Own
Ori Orhof
Recent Photos of the June 2018 Samaritan Pilgrimage
take part in pilgrimage for Passover near Nablus
Xinhua| 2018-05-06 21:15:01|Editor: Shi Yinglun
festival" celebrated atop Mount Gerizim near Nablus
manager of Wafa's Nablus bureau (senior correspondent of WAFA News Agency) · September 2001 to present · Nablus, posted
on his Facebook page on June 23.
Jameel while there during the Samaritan
pilgrimage also took short videos, also posted on this Facebook page.
Wajed Nobani posted on
his Facebook Page photos of the pilgrimage June 27, 2018 along with short
videos. His photos are used by XINHUANET:
to the Newlyweds
Ziv Denfi recently
married Natasha Natasha from the
Ukraine (image below)
Riva &
Saluach b. Tmima finalized their married vows on Wednesday, June 27, 2018
to the newlyweds.
Benny’s 2018
Lecture Tour
be announced - Italy, Catania, Sicily
8-14 – Malan, Italy
15-21 – Rome, Italy
22- 28 – Paris, France
29 – August 5 – London England,
(July 31 20.00 Niran-Basoon-Timan House,
Edgware, Middlesex)
to be announced - South America, Toronto Canada, USA.
you wish to contact Benyamim Tsedaka about this Lectures and dates: contact him
From the
some interesting notes:
Memar Marqa:
Ein samaritanischer Midrasch zum Pentateuch by David Rettig
Verlag von W. Kohlhammer, 1934, 74 pages, in German
now online
N. Miller, “A Philologist, a Traveller and an Antiquary Rediscover the
Samaritans in Seventeenth-Century Paris, Rome and Aix: Jean Morin, Pietro della
Valle and N.-C. Fabri de Peiresc,” Gelehrsamkeit als Praxis: Arbeitsweisen,
Funktionen, Grenzbereiche, eds. Helmut Zedelmaier and Martin Mulsow, Tübingen,
2001, 123-46.
Antiquary Between Philology and History: Peiresc and the Samaritans” in History
and the Disciplines. Ed. Donald R. Kelley, Rochester: Rochester University
Press, 1997, 163-84.
of Biblical Literature, The History and Fate of the Sacred Writings
The Arabic version found in the Tritaglot Pentateuch,
preserved in the Barberini collection at Rome, is probably one of the oldest
now extant. J. J. Bjornstahl has described this very valuable MS. in a letter
subjoined to Fabricy's Titres Primitifs, tom. i. and a specimen of the Version
has been presented to the public by And. Christ. Hwiid, in a small work
entitled, Specimen ineditae versionis Arabico Samaritanae Pentateuchi e codice
manuscripto Bibliothecae Barberinae. Romae. MDCCLXXX. From these it appears
that this important MS. was purchased at Damascus, in 1631, for Nicholas
Fabricius Peiresc, by whom it was bequeathed to Cardinal Barberini, nephew to
Pope Urban VIII. It was transcribed at Damascus in 1227, for the use of the
public synagogue of the Samaritans in that city. It is written on parchment,
and forms one volume in large folio. Each page is divided into three collateral
columns. The Hebraeo Samaritan occupies the column on the right, the Arabic
version is in the middle, and the Samaritan version on the left. The Arabic
version is made from the Hebraeo-Samaritan text, to which it exactly
corresponds, sentence for sentence, line for line, and as nearly as possible,
word for word. Both the versions, as well as the Hebræo-Samaritan text, are in
the Samaritan character. The specimen adduced is the 49th chapter of Genesis.
Jac Samri (General Manager) posted an award for Har Bracha Tahini won the gold medal by the chefs of the
chefs for 2018
Har Bracha
Tahini, made on Mount Gerizim is sold even in the US and Europe.
their website at
short recipe video:
trip to Poland was one which we’ll never forget
It was an intriguing experience
It was absolutely honorable to be able to talk about our religion in front of
important people and in important places such as the Palace Of Science and
Culture and The University Of Warsaw
the thanks goes to our Samaritan Legend association which is delivering our
voice to the whole world’
He returned home safely to the delegation of legend assembly
after a successful visit to the polish capital Warsaw. Held through its at
Warsaw University and at the polish culture palace and also visiting tourist
attractions in Warsaw and kraków
All thanks to those who provided help and
support and also those who have been with us in constant communication, thank
you to the Palestinian Ambassador in Poland for his interest and facilitation
of technical matters and to friend Abd Matar and to all participants on the
journey and who were International.
With Greetings Family Association Legend
which took place on Monday, 28 May, at
18.00-20.00 in room 1222 Collegium Civitas (XII floor of the
Palace of Culture and Science).
Samaritans is an ancient sect of
over 3,000 years. Despite the popularity of the parable of the Good Samaritan,
which is contained in the New Testament, history, social beliefs and traditions
are little known. Once – large, today – it has shrunk to less than 800 members.
The Samaritans live only in one region in the world – on Mount Garizim in the
city of Nablus, which is their holy place.
Ultimatum to a Revered Palestinian Principal and Agent of Change
a principal of a Nablus school that's regarded as a model of academic
excellence became an illegal alien after three decades in the West Bank
Amira Hass (Nablus) Jun 02, 2018
NABLUS - When the now-grown children of Manal Cohen, a member of
the Samaritan community of Nablus, were in high school, she joined them in
studying the assigned material. She would wake them early in the morning to
study and repeated the process in the afternoon, until she was certain that
they’d understood everything. “Now,” she relates, “with the little ones – Ward
and Izz – there’s nothing like that. They come home from school and they say
they understand everything.”
The reason for the difference that Cohen cites resides not in
the children but in the school. The older ones attended a government
institution with a short school day. “How much can you learn in four hours,
anyway?” Cohen says. But her younger daughter and son go to Pioneers
Baccalaureate School, which began operating in the West Bank city
in 2007, and, as Cohen says in fluent Hebrew, “They’re in love with it.”
Continue reading at
SBL 2018 International Meeting
Helsinki, Finland, July 30 - August 3
Denver, CO |
Meeting Begins: 11/17/2018
Meeting Ends: 11/20/2018
Script, Hybrid Torah, and Contested Identity in Epiphanius' On Gems
Unit: Jewish Christianity / Christian Judaism
Matt Chalmers, University
of Pennsylvania
the last few decades, scholars have used language of “borders” and “hybridity”
to explore identity and difference between late antique Jews and Christians.
According to this approach, Christianness or Jewishness are not complete
packages from the start. Rather, they shifted, changed, and developed over
time, and established well-delineated borders only by extensive interaction and
negotiation. In tandem, the idea of “hybridity” has drawn useful attention to
the in-betweens and interstices with respect to which stability was
constructed. This paper explores the usefulness and limits of figuring identity
using borders by testing how well this heuristic works for a little-studied but
remarkable case: an alternative origin narrative of the Samaritans in
Epiphanius of Cyprus’ exegetical treatise On Gems. In this narrative,
Samaritans are rendered ethnically distinct from Jews by the intervention of a
priest who gives them the Torah written in Samaritan characters. In scholarly
discussion of late antique identity, “Jewish” and “Christian” often act as the
prototypic terms to which all other identities point. We can test the language
of hybridity and borders more thoroughly, however, by thinking with the
Samaritans, who are frequently represented in ancient Jewish and Christian
literature as hybrid, only part way “converted,” or otherwise ambivalently
foreign. The group, active throughout late antiquity, claimed continuity with
ancient Israel as well as to be true guardians of the books of Moses—but their
interaction with Jews and Christians, as well as with “Jewish” and “Christian”
identities, has often been overlooked. Epiphanius, likewise offers a
particularly fruitful opportunity, since scholars like Young Richard Kim,
Andrew Jacobs, and David Maldonado-Rivera have recently paid close attention to
how his work interfaces with identity in late antiquity—but without close
attention to the role of the Samaritans. This paper has three parts. First, I
introduce Epiphanius’ exegetical treatise On Gems, particularly the alternate
history of Samaritan origins which ends the Old Georgian text (the most
complete surviving version). This text portrays an Ezra (explicitly not the
Ezra of Ezra-Nehemiah) using a Torah in Samaritan script, deliberately
truncated from the Hebrew Bible/“Old Testament” used by Jews and Christians, to
consolidate ethnic difference between Samaritans and Jews. An Israelite priest
seeks the disambiguation of “Samaritan” identity using a hybridized scripture.
Writing is difference and difference is scripted. Second, I argue that by
paying specific attention to the material form of Samaritan script, Epiphanius
resembles rabbis of his own time. He shows interest primarily in Samaritan
distinctiveness vis-à-vis Jews, more so than any borderline separating them
from Christians. Third, I ask what this alternate history of the Samaritan past
means for modelling Jewish and Christian identity, and what it reveals of
Epiphanius’ conceptualization of Jewish-Samaritan difference. What clarity does
thinking in terms of “borders” or “hybridity” bring to our modern scholarly
understanding of how this text delineates identity? What risks does a reliance
on these terms introduce? How might a model of Jewish and Christian identity
with space for such Samaritans look different?
a Beautiful Day in the (mostly empty) Neighborhood: Settlement Patterns at Mt.
Gerizim and Early Second Temple Jerusalem
Unit: Archaeology of the Biblical World
Baylor University
the tradition of Gary Knoppers’s investigation into cultural indicators of the
communities of Samaria and Yehud in the Persian period (Jews and Samaritans:
The Origins and History of Their Early Relations), my paper presents an
analysis of both archaeological and textual evidence of settlement patterns
around the temple sites of the two groups, at Jerusalem and Mt. Gerizim.
Knoppers argues that the similarities between the communities of Yehud and
Samaria are strong enough that a common origin cannot explain their continued
parallel development if the two groups identified as separate communities.
Rather, Samaria and Yehud must have had “substantial and persistent” contact
with one another to explain this development (Knoppers, 133). Knoppers reaches
this conclusion through comparisons of cultural indicators like language,
cultic paraphernalia (or lack thereof), names, sacrificial animals, and
religious stigmas. My investigation into settlement patterns adds yet another
cultural indicator to Knoppers’s list of similar practices. In both Jerusalem
and Mt. Gerizim, the site of the temple was sparsely populated in the Persian
period and became more heavily settled only in the Hellenistic period. At Mt.
Gerizim, residential space in the Persian period is limited to a few rooms for
the priests and some courtyard space for visiting worshippers. In Jerusalem in
the Persian period, the archaeological evidence is limited, but provides no
evidence of occupation at the Temple Mount. The earlier materials of the book
of Nehemiah do provide some evidence of limited occupation in the temple itself
(Neh 13:4-9) and some priestly occupation near the temple mount (Neh 3). Even
assuming these texts accurately reflect Persian period Jerusalem, this limited
occupation is a good parallel to the few residential spaces at Mt. Gerizim. It
appears likely that the priestly communities of both Samaria and Yehud followed
some sort of priestly rotation, like that mentioned in Ezra 6:18. The bulk of
the priestly communities likely lived in nearby towns, Shechem for the Samarian
priests and the City of David for the Yehudite priests. This examination of
settlement patterns therefore adds another piece of evidence that although the
communities of Samaria and Yehud may have identified as separate and maintained
some minor distinctions, their similarities on many issues indicate
communication and shared development of practice during the Persian period.
Scripture: The Use of the Samaritan Pentateuch in the Catholic-Protestant
Unit: Use, Influence, and Impact of the Bible
Joseph Kyle
Gulf Coast State College
century before the arrival of any manuscripts of the Samaritan Pentateuch to
Western Europe, the Reformation was being fueled by a zealous endeavor for
biblical research and originality of the written word. At the heart of this
tension was the debate concerning which manuscript tradition was ultimately
profitable for Christian teaching and practice in Christendom. On one side of
the debate were Roman Catholic scholars who believed that the Greek manuscripts
of the Septuagint were the only inspired and approved translation of the Hebrew
Scripture available for Church doctrine. On the other side, were the newly
emerged Protestant thinkers who believed that the original Hebrew manuscripts
of the Jewish community were more accurate than their Christian counterparts and
that they were closer to the scriptures that were used and read by Jesus and
the Apostles. And as a natural outcome of these debates, the necessity for an
intimate knowledge of the biblical languages and the subsequent collection of
ancient biblical manuscripts became paramount for scholars as the two sides
fought each other for supremacy in Christendom. It is in this context that the
re-discovery and the following arrival of the Samaritan Pentateuch to Europe
thrust these documents into the fray. This paper seeks to trace the early
history of the Samaritan Pentateuch in the context of the Reformation in
Western Europe and demonstrate how these manuscripts were used by early
scholars, on both side of the debate, to further supplement their rooted view
of scripture. Throughout this paper, I will extrapolate how early attempts at
textual criticism was employed upon these texts to not only to validate a
particular side of the debate but to show how these efforts spurred a renewed
interest by Christian academics to study not only the Samaritan Pentateuch but
the Samaritans and their traditions themselves that had been lost to the West
for a thousand years. I will conclude my discussion by summarizing the
scholarship of Wilhelm Gesenius concerning the Samaritan Pentateuch and how his
suppositions proved detrimental for the study of the Samaritan Pentateuch in
biblical criticism for decades to come. It would take until the discovery and
ensuing study of the Dead Sea Scrolls to re-vitalize the field once again for the
Samaritan Pentateuch in biblical scholarship.
Full Land: Writing Biblical History amidst Contestations
Unit: Historiography and the Hebrew Bible
College of William and Mary
the familiar biblical vision of the history of ancient Israel continued to take
shape in the Persian period, we are now fully aware that its shapers were not
the only ones pursuing this type of project. The discrediting of the “Myth of
the Empty Land” reveals a multiplicity, both in Persian period Yehud and across
the first true diaspora. It now seems increasingly likely, for example, that
the Samaritans, or perhaps the Samarian ancestors of the Samaritans, long
dismissed as the descendants of foreigners brought in by the Assyrians in the
8th century B.C.E., were likely instead Israelites whose ancestors had not been
deported, and that the temple on Mt. Gerizim was not constructed in the
Hellenistic period but in the fifth century B.C.E. This paper explores what it
means for how we tell the history of biblical history that the narrative likely
appeared in its familiar dimensions only in competition with other
interpretations of the same past. I will argue that typical models of its
development presume a representativeness for its constituent traditions over
time that recent evidence countermands, and that we must begin to write new
kinds of histories of narrative development in response.
Stefan Schorch (Editor)
critical edition of the Samaritan Pentateuch is one of the most urgent
desiderata of Hebrew Bible research. The present volume on Leviticus is the
first out of a series of five meant to fill this gap. The text from the oldest
manuscripts of the SP is continuously accompanied by comparative readings,
gathered from the Samaritan Targum and the oral reading, as well as MT, the
DSS, and the LXX, creating an indispensable resource for Biblical research.
Length: 251 pages
De Gruyter
Date: July 2018 Language: English, Hebrew
Languages, Texts, and Traditions
Studia Samaritana 8Studia Judaica 75
by Schorch, Stefan
volume collects studies in the linguistic, exegetical and historical traditions
found in Samaritan texts or pertaining to our understanding of the Samaritans,
from antiquity to the present. Apart from the Hebrew Pentateuch, a special
focus is laid on sources in Samaritan Arabic and Samaritan Aramaic.
De Gruyter
Date: Sept. 2018, 330 pages, English,
The Bible,
Qumran, and the Samaritans
Studia Samaritana 10
by Kartveit, Magnar / Knoppers, Gary N.
and Scope:
on Mount Gerizim and in Qumran demonstrate that the final editing of the Hebrew
Bible coincides with the emergence of the Samaritans as one of the different
types of Judaisms from the last centuries BCE. This book discusses this new
scholarly situation.
working with the Bible, especially the Pentateuch, and experts on the
Samaritans approach the topic from the vantage point of their respective fields
of expertise. Earlier, scholars who worked with Old Testament/Hebrew Bible
studies mostly could leave the Samaritan material to experts in that area of
research, and scholars studying the Samaritan material needed only sporadically
to engage in Biblical studies.
is no longer the case: the pre-Samaritan texts from Qumran and the results from
the excavations on Mount Gerizim have created an area of study common to the
previously separated fields of research. Scholars coming from different
directions meet in this new area, and realize that they work on the same
questions and with much common material. This volume presents the current state
of scholarship in this area and the effects these recent discoveries have for
an understanding of this important epoch in the development of the Bible.
De Gruyter
Date: July 2018, 214 pages English
Books by
Benyamim Tsedaka
A Complete Commentary On The Torah
the Israelite-Samaritans
The first publication in English - concentrated information on
the Israelite Samaritans - From Ancient to Modern by Benyamim Tsedaka
his selection of Samaritan writings
Subscribe to the A.B. The Samaritan News
details at
Selected Modern Hebrew Texts with Exercises
(author) : Haseeb Shehadeh
Press (Feb. 20, 2018)
textbook is an attempt to offer a comprehensive representation of Modern Hebrew
to the student of Hebrew language and culture. It consists of three major
Seeking out
the Land: Land of Israel Traditions in Ancient Jewish, Christian and Samaritan Literature
(200 BCE - 400 CE)
Jewish and Christian Perspectives Series, Volume: 32
Ze'ev Safrai
Date: 24 May 2018
Abraham Tal (Editor)
Mårqe is a collection of midrashic compositions, which, in the main, rewrites
the Pentateuch, expanding its sometimes laconic presentation of events and
precepts. Most of it aims at providing the reader with theological, didactic
and philosophical teachings, artistically associated with the passages of the
Torah. Here and there poetic pieces are embedded into its otherwise prosaic
text. Tibåt Mårqe is attributed to the 4th century scholar, philosopher and
poet, Mårqe.
publication of Tibåt Mårqe follows the monumental Hebrew edition of Ze’ev
Ben-Hayyim, Tibåt Mårqe, a Collection of Samaritan Midrashim (Jerusalem 1988),
based on a 16th century manuscript. Though he recognized the precedence of an
earlier manuscript, dated to the 14th century, Ben-Hayyim was compelled to
prefer the former, given the fragmentary state of the latter. He printed its
fragments in parallel with the younger one, to which his annotations and
discussions chiefly pertain. With the recent discovery of a great portion of
the missing parts of the 14th century manuscript, this edition endeavors to
present the older form of the composition. The present book may be relevant to
people interested in literature, language, religion, and Samaritan studies.
De Gruyter
Date: January 15, 2019, 700 pages English
Ali, Fuad
zur Kenntnis der Hebräisch-samaritanischen Sprache. Nach Kitabu al- Tawi'h fi
Nahw al-Lugati al-Ibranijah. Cairo, Fouad I Univ. Press, 1947, XXI, 68 pp.
Abadi, Omri
script, archeology and the Samaritan community in the Late Roman and Byzantine
Bemaale-HaHar, Vol.7, A. Tabger et al. (eds.), 2017 (Hebrew)
Brethren or Strangers Samaritans in the Eyes of Second Century ʙ ᴄ
Jews Biblica
Destruction of the Samaritan Temple by John Hyrcanus: A Reconsideration
Reviewed Work: Memar Marqa, ein samaritanischer
Midrasch zum Pentateuch Heft 8 by David Rettig, P. Kahle, W.
Kirfel in Monatsschrift
für Geschichte und Wissenschaft des Judentums
Jahrg. 79 (N. F. 43), H. 3 (Mai/Juni 1935), pp.
Evans, Jane
From Mountain
to Icon: Mt. Gerizim on Provincial Coins from Neapolis, Samaria
JHWH-Heiligtum am Garizim: ein archäologischer Befund und seine literar-und
theologiegeschichtliche Einordnung, in: Vetus Testamentum 68/1 (2018)
Die Bedeutung
Samarias für die formative Period der alttestamentlichen
Theologie-und Literaturgeschichte, SJOT 32.1 (2018), 20-48
A Request for
Blessing and Prosperity in an Inscription from Samaria, in I.D.
Wilson and D.V. Edelman (eds.), History, Memory, Hebrew Scriptures. A
Festschrift for Ehud Ben Zvi, Winona Lake 2015, 91-101
script, archeology and the Samaritan community in the Late Roman and Byzantine
Bemaale-HaHar, Vol.7, A. Tabger et al. (eds.), 2017 (Hebrew)
Altar on Mount Gerizim (Deuteronomy 27:1-8): Center or Periphery?" Pages
197-214 in Centers and Peripheries in the Early Second Temple Period. Edited by
Ehud Ben Zvi and Christoph Levin. FAT 108. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2016.
Otto, Eckart
Deuteronomium auf dem Garizim. Altarbau und Bundesdeklaration in Dtn 27,1-26 (Herder
und Hexateuch jenseits von Jerusalem und Juda? Die "Endredaktion" von
Pentateuch und Hexateuch in Samaria und Diaspora. Zu einem
Buch von Dany R. Nocquet (Zeitschrift für Altorientalische und Biblische
Rechtsgeschichte 23, 2017)
Porto, Vagner
Neapolis, Palestina Romana - o Monte Gerizim como espaço do sagrado
Rettig, David
Ristau, Ken
Review of
Ingrid Hjelm, Jerusalem’s Rise to Sovereignty: Zion and Gerizim in Competition Biblica 88, 2007, 1-5
Is a qibla a
qibla? Samaritan Traditions About Mount Garizim in Contact and Contention 2018
Origin or
Origianlity of the Torah. The Textcritical Value of the Samaritan Pentateuch (2009)
Rewritings: The Toledot in Samaritan Literature (2014)
The Samaritan
Day of Atonement (2012)
Samaritan Update is open to any articles that are relative to Samaritan
Studies. Submit your work to The Editor, is a Bi-Monthly Internet Newsletter
Editor: Larry
Rynearson. Contact: The Editor
© Copyright 2018 All Rights Reserved