Gerizim. Place of Abraham’s Offering of Isaac, c. 1915

In the Stereoview is
Ab-Hisda b. High Priest Jacob, is the
father of today's High Priest Aaron b. Ab-Hisda b. High
Priest Jacob
Photo of as the young priest on page 15 from the article ,
The Last Israelitish Blood Sacrifice,
by John D. Whiting
The National Geographic Magazine,
January 1920, vol. XXXVII, No. 1
Upcoming Festivals
Sacrifice - Sunday, April 17, 2011
Pesach Festival - Monday, April 18, 2011
The Festival of
Unleavened Bread - Sunday. April 24, 2011
The Sinai Assembly Day - Wednesday. June 8, 2011
The Festival of Weeks - Sunday, June 12, 2011
Update on the Letter by the Editor
In the last Samaritan Update, we had a section on a Letter of the Samaritans of India
to those of Nablous found in the book,
Journal of a Tour in the Holy Land in May and June, 1840
Lady Francis Egerton.
We decided to find out more information, asking Benny Tsedaka
for his help. He was very interested and responded with the
following email. We understand that he is a busy man and as soon
as we learn more we will post the information.
Dear Larry, I saw once a letter from "The
Samaritans in Bombay", India written in Hebrew letters.
It is part of the Library of the late
High Priest Yusef b. Ab-Hisda whose brother is the
High Priest Aaron. I hope to find it for you. The article
attached which I see for the first time is very important. Thank
you for sending the Samaritan reference.
It is p[art of the efforts of scholars to have Samaritan
Manuscripts as it done before 1840 by European scholars. These
efforts [and from
Bombay as well] continued till the beginning of the
20Th century. Till 1840 they succeeded to have by this
cheating way 40 Samaritan Manuscripts. After then started the
big sale of Samaritan Mss that increased the number to almost
4000[!] Since the 1960's with the great change for good in the
economical life of the Samaritans they stopped to sell
Handwritten Mss. Fondly, Benny Tsedaka
Biblical Archaeology Review announces its
March/April 2011 Issue
There’s even
more on our Web site ( ) as scholars respond in
droves to debates about the authenticity of “Secret Mark,” the dating
of the Samaritan temple on Mt. Gerizim, the origins of the alphabet,
and more in the Scholar’s Study section. We also feature a fascinating
E-Feature about Amelia Edwards, a 19th-century pioneer of Egyptology, to
compliment our story about the Oxyrhynchus Papyri.
Alan D.
Crown Ph.D. (1932–2010)
Alan D.
Crown, was emeritus professor of Semitic studies at the
University of Sydney (Australia), died last November 2010,
after suffering a stroke at age of 78.
Alan Crown,
born in Leeds, England 9/28/1932 studied Talmud Torah to age 18. His
Masters Thesis on Samaritan Studies was prepared under Professor
John Bowman. Crown trained as a teacher, instructor in the Royal
Army Educational Corps, a schoolmaster at Bramley County Secondary
School, Leeds. Migrating to Austria, he taught at Mount Scopus
College, Melbourne, Appointed as a lecturer in the Department of
Semitic Studies at Sydney University in 1962 under Prof. E.C.B.
Maclaurin. He earned his B.A. in Leeds and his Ph.D. in Sydney in
1967. He was professor and head of the Department of Semitic Studies
at the University of Sydney.
Crown retired in 1996, still
continuing to inspire, encouraged and wrote. He held many scholarly and
honorary appointments. His books, translations, chapters and
contributions to books and articles will always be with us. Among his
greatest works were The Samaritans (Edited by Alan Crown),
Samaritan Scribes and Manuscripts, A Bibliography of the
Samaritans (continued today by friend Reinhard Pummer).
Alan was the husband of
Sadie, loving father of Aviva and Jacqui, and father-in-law of David and
Kevin. Adored grandfather of Carolyn, Stacey, Richard, Julia, Emma and
Ben, and Michael.
Professor Emeritus
Alan Crown
We will miss this man, a
such dedicated, and inspiring scholar! We are all appreciative of his
work that has educated us of so much in the past and that will live on
for future generations.
The Editor
Shemaryahu Talmon (1920-2010)
Prof. Shemaryahu
Talmon (1920-2010) passed away on Dec. 15th. Prof. Talmon (90) was the
chief editor of the Hebrew University Bible Project for many years.
Prof. Shemaryahu Talmon, renowned for his Biblical study, was born
in Germany in 1920.
A detainee at Buchenwald concentration camp during the Holocaust,
his parents and two sisters tragically killed, he managed to
escape and made aliyah as soon as the war ended. He was already
participating in public affairs, and was appointed supervisor of
the educational system at Cyprus before the State of Israel was
even established.
Talmon spent time pursuing research on the Samaritans at Leeds
with John Bowman, a field of research that interested him greatly
in his early career. This led him later to undertake the edition
of Sepher ha-Shomronim, a comprehensive study of the
Samaritans begun by the late Yitzhak Ben-Zvi.
We extend deepest sympathies to his wife, Penina Talmon, and to the entire
family. He is a great loose! Cont'd reading:
also see
also see

Israelite Samaritan Version of the Torah: First English
Translation Compared with the Masoretic Version
Sharon Sullivan (Editor),
Benyamim Tsedaka (Translator),
James H. Charlesworth (Introduction),
Emanuel Tov (Foreword)
Pre-order now for $61.75 List
Price: $100.00
Wm. B. Eerdmans
Publishing Company (June 15, 2011)
GEO International Spanish Article & Photos
A New Samaritan Website
Guy Joshua from the Samaritan community in
Israel has 2 web
sites, one in Hebrew and one in English about the Samaritan community.
ANCIENT HEBRAIC WRIT : Boston Evening Transcript,
Feb 4, 1903, Page 11
Recent Discovery in Egypt of
One Passage of the Manuscript
It Differs from the Present Hebrew
Additional Passage Immediately
Follows the
Cairo, Feb 4- The extraordinary Biblical find,
the discovery of which already has been reported, is a manuscript of
four books of the Pentateuch, written in Samaritan characters on
parchment. The manuscript contains 255 folios in excellent state of
preservation with the exception of the first page, which has been
restored. The folios are 38 centimetres long, containing twenty-four
lines to a page. A page containing the date, 116 Moslem era, which is
equivalent to A.D. 735, is well preserved. The manuscript is the oldest
of any of the Hebrew manuscripts of the Bible yet discovered. The owner
is reported as already negotiating the sale of it to Mr. Ayer of Chicago
Comparing the present Hebrew Bible with this
manuscript there are found several notable differences. Immediately
after the Decalogue there is a passage of some fifteen lines not in the
actual version. These lines translated into English are as follows:
“It shall come to pass when the Lord your God,
shall bring you into the land of Canaan, whither ye are journeying and
which ye are to inherit, that ye shall set up for yourselves large
stones, built together with lime, and shall write upon these stones all
the words of this book, and it shall come to pass that after the passage
of the River Jordan ye shall also set up the same memorial as I have
already commanded you on Mount Gerizim, and ye shall build there to the
Lord your God an altar of stones rough hewn and not touched with iron
George Zeldan, a member of the Royal Asiatic
Society, a noted author and historian, is temporary custodian of the
manuscript, which belongs to Khale el Sabra. Pending its final
disposition Biblical scholars are offered all opportunity to study it.
The use of numbers, imported from India, was known in
late eighth century Baghdad, spreading to Muslim Spain by the end of the
tenth and from there into the Christian world.
Samaritans Separation?
'When the Samaritans
separated from the Jews during the 5th -4th century ...' This
statement has been written over and over again. Another phrase used, is
Samaritan Jews" Another typical sentence, 'The Samaritan
faith and that of other Jews diverged over a millennium ago.' And let us
not forget the most used words,, "Samaritan schism."
Are there any truths to
these statements?
First, the Samaritan
never have and never will say they were once Jews. Since the Jews
originated from the southern kingdom known as Judea, it would therefore
be incorrect to say that the origins the Samaritans were Jewish, since
the Samaritan beginnings derived from the Northern Kingdom of Israel. In
the fourth century CE most all of Israel belonged to the northern
kingdom except for the territory of Judea (see the The Survey of
Western Palestine from the Palestine Exploration Fund 1881).
at this time there was over 1,200,000 people of the Northern Kingdom.
The division of Israel
1st come about with Eli, this is the most important issue on the
splitting of Israel. Israel has been split from this time, even under
Solomon there were those that apposed the original location of the
Tabernacle. It is therefore can be said since the Northern Kingdom
remained faithful to the location where Joshua pitched the Tabernacle
and built the Altar as instructed. If this location was incorrect then,
would not the God of the Israelites informed him or the High Priest?
Since the Samaritan can prove that they are of the Northern Kingdom,
then there cannot be a schism that came from them!
The Jewish version of say
in 2 Kings 17 that the Samaritans intermarried with foreigners. There
were only 27, 290 people taken from the Northern Kingdom, a small
percentage of the populous of the land. One must admit that there were
some pagans living in the land at the time and even some Jews in the
north. But still today the Samaritans do not marry outside of the faith
except when taking Jewish wives that convert to their faith.
Most scholars other than
Samaritan Scholars and many authors do not investigate when making
statements concerning the Samaritans but revert to old statements made
by uninformed age old articles.
By Shomron
Samaritan Resources
New Articles
Modern Samaritans
Sacramento Daily Record-Union -Monday July 10, 1882
At the
Congregational Church yesterday Rev. H.E. Jewitt, of Redwood City,
officiated in the absence of Rev. Dr. Dwinell, the pastor. In the
evening a missionary concert was held, and on that occasion Mr. Jewitt,
who has the advantage of extended personal observation in Palestine,
spoke of “The Modern Samaritans, as Seen by an Eye-witness.”
Record And Weekly Market Review 1891
are at Neapolis two very ancient copies of the Samaritan Bible which
were written before the time of Solomon. We happened to arrive there
on Saturday, and therefore were enabled to attend their services and
to see these copies of the Old Testament. The Scripture parchment is
rolled on two round sticks covered with carved silver.
(1839) Printed by Leonard Seeley, Thames Ditton, Surrey.
48d) With respect to the Samaritans, Mr. Elliott states that, at
Nablus, they are reduced to eighty persons, and in their physiognomy
exhibit proofs or not being of the same blood as Israel. Yet the
remains of Jewish opinions were very discernible in the requisition
that a party entering the Temple should take the shoes from their
feet, and in their veneration of the burial-place of Jacob and
Joseph. Two copies of the Pentateuch were shown to Mr. Elliott; but
we have doubts whether the ancient Samaritans, as it is
commonly reported, received no other part of the Sacred Books:
Cradle of Christianity: Chapters on Modern Palestine by Rev.
D. M. Ross, M.A. Hodder and Stoughton (1891)
In the
time of our Lord the Samaritans occupied parts of the central
district of Palestine between the Plain of Esdraelon and Judaea, and
must have numbered many thousands. The feud between the Samaritans
and Jews was fiercer than that between Romanists and Orangemen in
Ireland. The Jews of Jerusalem could think of nothing more
contemptuous to say to Christ than this: “Thou art a Samaritan.”
Fringe of the East a Journey Through Past and Present Provinces of
Turkey by Harry Charles Lukach (1913)
In the
south-west part of the town is the little Samaritan quarter. There,
in a small whitewashed house which contains synagogue, school, and
High Priest’s residence, we were received by the High Priest and his
family. The High Priest’s name was Jacob, the son of Aaron, the son
of Solomon; he was a tall, thin man of 70, whose sad and dignified
mien betrayed weariness and dejection.
sometimes gets the best of me by the Editor
recently found some information on a Samaritan and conversion in the
Inventory of the of Oriental manuscripts of the Library of the
University of Leidon, vol 1, compiled by Jan Just Witkam,
Ter Lugt Press, Lieden 2007.
the manuscripts, some Samaritan, is an Arabic manuscript, Or. 789 (page
330) arranged with collections of letters with questions and answers. (29)
ff 104b-154 a gives "a question and answer on 'a Samaritan who had
freely converted to Islam and then continued with his former ugly religion',
as it says.
It would be
interesting to read more about this section!!!!
Gaunbaum, M. Einige Bemerkungen in Bexug auf
die mitgetheilten Aufsatze Uber die Samaritaner. (In Zeitschr. D. D. morg
Ges., v16. 1862
Nachtrage zu den ‘Bemerkungen unber die
Samaritaner’ In Zeitschr.d. D. morg. Ges., v. 23, 1869