“Mount Gerizim,
All the Days of Our
May / June
Vol. XVI - No 5
In This Issue ·
Congratulations ·
5 Shehadeh articles ·
Commentary ·
Summer Tour ·
Understanding book ·
Tsedaka post ·
Links ·
Asher Post ·
Ebay items ·
Sassony Post ·
Auction Results ·
Publications ·
Future Publications ·
On January 1, 2017, the Samaritan Community
numbered 796.
Future Events
It has been 3655 years
since the entrance into the Holy Land
(Samaritan’s typical calendar)
Day of the Sinai Assembly Wednesday May 31, 2017
Last Day of the Counting of the Omer/ The Festival of Weeks (Shavuot)/ Second
Pilgrimage Sunday June 4, 2017
of the 1st Day of the 7th Month Wednesday Sept. 20, Day
of Atonement Friday Sept. 29, 2017
of Sukkot/ third Pilgrimage Wednesday Oct. 4, 2017
of the Eighth Day Wednesday Oct. 11, 2017
[Calculated by: Priest
Yakkiir ['Aziz] b. High Priest Jacob b. 'Azzi – Kiriat Luza, Mount Gerizim]
A New Baby Girl - Meshe d. of Ofra and Yaron Cohen - Holon
Monday, 3.7.2017; 13:20
to the Newlyweds
Mallie and Tsedie Yehoshua:
A New Couple of the Israelite-Samaritan
Night – June 27, 2017
Five New
Articles from Haseeb Shehadeh
Read more at: https://shomron0.tripod.com/articles/the_award_of_who_puts_his_nose.pdf
Read more at: https://shomron0.tripod.com/articles/a_basket_of_unleavened_bread.pdf
Read more at: https://shomron0.tripod.com/articles/a_bright_light_on_the_passover.pdf
Read more at: https://shomron0.tripod.com/articles/a_sudden_visit_to_the_cave.pdf
Read more at: https://shomron0.tripod.com/articles/a_secret_visit_to_the_cave.pdf
A Complete Commentary On The Torah
We are pleased to announce that A.B. Institute of Samaritan
Studies is completing preparations for the publication of my fourth major life
project, A
Complete Commentary On The Torah, based on the Israelite
Samaritan Version of the Torah as it has been delivered for the past 125
generations, since it was originally written by Mooshee Ban ’Aamraam [Moses ben
‘Amram] the Prophet of all prophets.
Each hardcover volume relates to a book of the Torah, and is
divided into three sections:
(1) A complete commentary based on the rich wisdom of the
Israelite Samaritan Sages, and the humble opinion of the commentator Benyamim Tsedaka. This part is written
in Modern Hebrew.
(2) The original text in Ancient Hebrew.
(3) The original text in modern Aramaic script, with the commonly
accepted chapter and verse numbers to make it easier for the reader to follow
the commentary.
The price for the whole series of five hardcover books is $400
including worldwide delivery.
Fondly, Your friend Benny
The complete commentary on the Torah was published
based on the Version of the Torah among the Israelite-Samaritans – June 7, 2017
At last after ten years of writing, research and
study, the commentator Benyamim Tsedaka, the head of the A.B. Institute of
Samaritan Studies”, published the whole series: "The complete Commentary
of the Torah based on the Version of the Torah that has been handed down from
generation to generation, for thousands of years, among the Israelite-Samaritans - Keepers of the Torah.
The commentary is published in five volumes, a
volume for each Fifth: Genesis, Exodos, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy.
Each volume is divided into three parts. The first
is a complete commentary on Fifth according to the order of the portions. The
second part - the original text in ancient Hebrew; The third part - the Aramaic
text ["Modern-Hebrew"], divided into chapters and verses that have
been in use since the 13th century. Each volume has two introductory pages in
At the end of Deuteronomy, the commentator added
selected essays based on his analysis of special topics in the Torah.
The entire series was distributed to every Isralite
Samaritan family of the 210 families of the community as of today - 2017
The series is published with the assistance of the
Ministry of Culture of the State of Israel, by the “A.B. - Institute of
Samaritan Studies”, Holon - Mount Gerizim.
The price of the series is $400 including mailing.
It is possible to deposite the sum through Pay Pal in “Donations” in the web
site: israelite-samaritans.com.
I am grateful to all readers and seekers of
Samaritan Studies.
Benyamim Tsedaka
Tsedaka 2017 Tour
June and July I plan a European Tour to promote Samaritan Studies and Research
June - 17 June 2017 London, England
June - 29 June 2017 Paris, France
June - 5 July 2017 Budapest, Hungary
The website shows the latest updates in the itinerary.
Please contact us if you would like to arrange a lecture, workshop or
meeting during my visit.
Lecture subjects are listed
on our website, with the addition of my books A
Complete Commentary of the Torah and The History of the
Israelite Keepers Based on Their Own Sources
The Israelite-Samaritans
The first publication in English - concentrated
information on the Israelite Samaritans - From Ancient to Modern by Benyamim Tsedaka
The Publishing Company "Carta Jerusalem"
specializes in historical and contemporary information books with maps proving
existence and spectacular images, published resenting the new publication in a
special series UNDERSTANDING - "Understanding the Israelite Samaritans -
From Ancient to Modern - Written by Benyamim Tsedaka, The head of "A.B. -
Institute of Samaritan Studies", Holon, Israel
The publication is in English and includes 19 topics
typical to the Israelite Samaritans. The publication opens a focused window to
the readers of English about the Israelite-Samaritans, their history, culture,
traditions, literature, belief and the current development of the community on
all regards characterize this development. The Israelite Samaritans are described
as seekers of peace and a model of living together with all the entities of the
Middle East and welcoming all the guests who come to visit the community from
around the world.
The publication is aimed at spreading among the
English-speaking world that will be aware through it to the existence and
development of one of the oldest communities of the civilized world and to the
tourist centers in Israel and abroad in places connected with the history of
the community.
The CEO of "Carta Jerusalem", Mr. Shai Hausman, informed me that the
price of each copy of the publication is NIS 55 [or $ 14.95], including VAT for
a single purchase of up to 4 copies.
Carta, Jerusalem
POB 2500, 11 Rivka St.
Jerusalem 9102401, Israel
Tel: 972-2-678-3355 Fax: 972-2-678-2373
It is requested that the purchaser's request be made
from Israel and around the world to Carta,
Benyamim Tsedaka
A Facebook post from Benyamim Tsedaka while in Paris
Yitzchak Schwartz.
RPC 2220 var The twice-published unpublished coin June 6, 2017 by Jim
On Ebay there is an ‘Antique original Samaritans copper handmade thin
amulet (m1534)’ for sale. But. It does not appear real. Copper was either
cleaned and looks new, no folds or creases in copper.
Share your thoughts. Waiting for saler’s provenance. http://www.ebay.com/itm/Antique-original-Samaritans-copper-handmade-thin-amulet-m1534-/252978458574?
For sale on
Rare Signed
CDV Jewish Samaritan High Priest Yaacov ben ben Aaharon Shalma 1880
The Samaritans offer the paradox of being both one of the smallest populations
in the world, since they amounted to 712 in 2007 and is one of the oldest with
a written history, since their existence is attested to millennium BC Samaria.
They dominated the area until the sixth century, in the north of present
Their religion is based on the Pentateuch, such as Judaism. However, unlike the
latter, they refuse religious centrality of Jerusalem. Although they appeared
before the development of rabbinic Judaism, and that difference is therefore
not the cause of their divergence, they do not have rabbis and do not accept
the Talmud of Orthodox Judaism. The Samaritans also refused the books of the
Hebrew Bible post-Pentateuch (books of the prophets and hagiographers pounds).
They do not consider themselves Jews, but as descendants of the ancient
Israelites from the ancient kingdom of Samaria. Conversely, Orthodox Jews
consider themselves the descendants of foreign populations (settlers Assyrians
of antiquity) have adopted an illegitimate version of the Hebrew religion, and
as such refuse to consider them as Jews, or even as descendants of ancient
Israelites. They are recognized as Jews by the State of Israel.
The Samaritan High Priest is the high priest (kohen gadol) of the remaining
Samaritan community in the Levant. According to the Samaritan's tradition, the
office has existed continuously since the time of Aaron, the brother of Moses,
and has been held by 132 priests in the last thirty-four centuries. However,
the historicity of this claim is disputable; the office itself may go back into
the Hellenistic period, which would still make it the oldest, constantly
occupied, religious office in the world. One account by Josephus suggests that
its office holders are an offshoot of the Zadokite high priests of Jerusalem
from around the time of Alexander the Great.
The continuous lineage of Samaritan High Priests, descending directly from
Aaron, through his son Eleazar, and his son Phinehas, was however disrupted in
the early 17th century. In 1624, the last Samaritan High Priest of the line of
Eleazar son of Aaron died without male succession, but descendants
Size: 6.5 x 10.5 cm approx.. Free Worldwide Shipping Price: GBP 750.00 (Approximately
US $955.35) or appear the UK company will take an offer. See
the page.
Place of Burned Sacrifices, Mt. Gerizim, Shechem, Vintage Magic
Lantern Glass Slide
Glass Magic Lantern
A Glass Lantern slide miss labled for sale on ebay
Glass Magic Lantern Slide
Most likely taken in 1904
sale on Ebay (6/5/2017)
Post Card: Samaritains Sacrifice de Pâques Nablus
Naplouse Cisjordanie Israël Samaritans
sale on Ebay (6/5/2017)
Priests names
Izhar Sassony posted on his Facebook,
June 22, 2017, a photo from an old paper that has the names of the eligible and
great priests in birth order.
Results from the Kedem Public Auction House Ltd May 9, 2017, 4:00 PM GMT Jerusalem, Israel
As shown in the last issue of the Samaritan Update https://shomron0.tripod.com/2017/marchapril.pdf
Lot 89: Five Books of the Torah (Codex) - Samaritan
Manuscript - from the Collection of Chacham Rabbi Yitzchak Binyamin Yehudah NOT SOLD
Lot 90: Samaritan Manuscript - Prayers for Sukkot and
Simchat Torah Holidays NOT SOLD
Lot 91: Six Volumes - Samaritan Manuscripts - Torah Portions
Publication of
Azusa Pacific University’s Dead Sea Scrolls to Enhance Biblical
Azusa Pacific University announces the long-awaited formal publication of
rare Dead Sea Scroll (DSS) manuscripts from its Special Collections library.
The highly anticipated official publication of these rare and fragile
antiquities will appear as a volume in the prestigious Princeton Theological
Seminary Dead Sea Scrolls Project series. http://www.prweb.com/releases/2017/05/prweb14358390.htm
[PDF]Ibn Abī
Uṣaybiʿa, History of Physicians, trad. L. Kopf - Robert Alessi
26, 2017 - Translated for the National Library of
Medicine, Bethesda, Maryland, under the .... 16* [A Samaritan who
converted to Islam.] 1) cf. part II, ..... [lacuna in all mss].
Library, Italy
Established in 1701, Cardinal Girolamo Casanata
ensured that this monastery library, completed the year after the Cardinal’s
death, was always open to the public. Even after the library was taken over by
the Italian government in 1872, the library has remained available to all
Romans. Included in the library’s collection are 64 Greek codices and 230
Hebrew texts, including 5 Samaritan
codices. There are over 2000 books printed before 1500 and 6000
manuscripts. –
See more at: http://mentalfloss.com/article/31607/9-more-gorgeous-european-libraries#sthash.TVEfOiYU.dpuf
by Schorch, Stefan
ISBN: 978-3-11-040410-4
Type: Books Format: eBook (PDF)
Also available as Hardcover, Print/eBook, eBook (EPUB)
by Schorch, Stefan
ISBN: 978-3-11-032454-9
Type: Books Format: eBook (PDF)
Also available as Hardcover, Print/eBook, eBook (EPUB)
Tibĺt Mĺrqe, The Ark of Marqe Edition, Translation, Commentary
Ed. by Tal, Abraham Approx. 700 pages;
Language: English, Hebrew
Tibĺt Mĺrqe is a
collection of midrashic compositions, which, in the main, rewrites the
Pentateuch, expanding its sometimes laconic presentation of events and
precepts. Most of it aims at providing the reader with theological, didactic
and philosophical teachings, artistically associated with the passages of the
Torah. Here and there poetic pieces are embedded into its otherwise prosaic
text. Tibĺt Mĺrqe is attributed to the 4th century scholar, philosopher and
poet, Mĺrqe.
This publication of Tibĺt Mĺrqe follows the monumental Hebrew edition of Ze’ev
Ben-Hayyim, Tibĺt Mĺrqe, a Collection of Samaritan Midrashim (Jerusalem 1988),
based on a 16th century manuscript. Though he recognized the precedence of an
earlier manuscript, dated to the 14th century, Ben-Hayyim was compelled to
prefer the former, given the fragmentary state of the latter. He printed
its fragments in parallel with the younger one, to which his annotations and
discussions chiefly pertain. With the recent discovery of a great portion of
the missing parts of the 14th century manuscript, this edition endeavors to
present the older form of the composition. The present book may be relevant to
people interested in literature, language, religion, and Samaritan studies.
The Land Beyond: A Thousand Miles on Foot Through the Heart of the
Middle East
Leon McCarron, I.B. Tauris & Co Ltd. Aug 29, 2017 [See
article: Exclusive extract from 2017 RGS Neville Shulman Challenge Award winner
Leon McCarron’s ‘The Land Beyond’]
Bement, R.B.
Tyre; the history of Phoenicia, Palestine and
Syria, and the final captivity of Israel and Judah by the Assyrians. Alton, Ill., Printed by Parks & Ennis,
Upon the top of
Mount Gerizim stood Gothem, when with a loud voice, he hailed the men of
Shechem, in this valley, and gave them the parable of the trees, holding a
consultation for the election of a king. In this valley of Shechem before me,
occurred the wars between Alimeleck and the men of Shechem.
Nablous is a town of
about six thousand inhabitants. They are the most robber-like and ungovernable
people in all Palestine. We avoided the inhabitants and did not enter the town.
Its name is the Arabic of Neapolis, one of the titles of Vespatian, the father
of Titus, who destroyed Jerusalem in the year seventy. In a Samaritan synagogue
is a copy of the pentateuch, which tradition asserts to be as old as the day of
Moses. As we did not see this manuscript, I will give a description from
another writer:
proved to be a large roll, kept in a brass cover, and adorned with various
costly coverings of crimson silk, and embroidered in letters of gold. We
examined the manuscript with all the care we could, and noticed, besides its
antiquity, that it was written in columns of about five, by fourteen inches,
and three of these to what may bo termed a page.
were permitted to touch the valuable manuscript, to look as closely as we chose
at the various peculiarities it possesses—the color of the ink, the size,
shape, and character of the alphabet, the arrangement of the words and
sentences, &c, and, in short, to enter upon any examination which our time
or our wishes allowed us. The old rabbi was very obliging in every way, and in
answer to our inquiries as to the probable age of the manuscript before us, did
not scruple to declare that it belonged to the period of Moses.
This was more than
we could credit, though we entertained no sort of doubt that the Samaritan
Pentateuch is of an age that entitles it to the very great consideration of
Biblical questions.
Lloyd, William (Bishop of Worcester)
An Answer to a Letter to Dr. Sherlock [by William Lloyd, Bishop
of Worcester] written in vindication of that part of Josephus's History which
gives the account of Jaddus's submission to Alexander: against the answer [by
Thomas Wagstaffe] to the piece [by Zachary Taylor] entituled: Obedience and
Submission to the Present Government. London, 1692.
Zsengellér, József
‘Kutim or
Samarites: A History of the Designation of the Samaritans’ in Société d'études
samaritaines. International Congress (5th : 2000 : Helsinki) Proceedings of the
Fifth International Congress of the société d'études
samaritaines : Helsinki, August 1-4, 2000 : studies in memory of Ferdinand
Dexinger / international congress of the société d'études
samaritaines ; edited by Haseeb Shehadeh & Habib Tawa ; with the
collaboration of Reinhard Pummer. Paris : Geuthner, 2005.
“Templom és szent szöveg: zsidó és samaritánus kontextus”, in Szécsi J. szerk.: Keresztény-Zsidó Teológiai Évkönyv 2003, Budapest,
2003, 176-185
“A teremtéstörténet a samaritánus vallásban” in Szécsi József szerk.: Keresztény-Zsidó Teológiai Évkönyv 2006,
Budapest: Keresztény–Zsidó Társaság, 2006. 401-415. "A teremtéstörténet a
samaritánus vallásban” ATF Szemle 2006/2 5-16.
The Samaritan Update is open to any
articles that are relative to Samaritan Studies. Submit your work to The Editor
TheSamaritanUpdate.com, is a Bi-Monthly Internet Newsletter
Editor: Larry
Rynearson. Contact: The Editor
© Copyright 2017 All Rights Reserved