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The Largest Archive of Samaritan Research
Materials Found on the Net.
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last updated March 1, 2013
N -represents new articles that were
previously updated Dec. 19, 2012
see the following pages for further articles/books that are not posted here!

archive is dedicated to my friend,
wise and honorable Israel Sedaka (1932- 2010).
the Blessings rest upon him)
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Bibliography of the Samaritans accessible from web page, PDF page
references below are included.
numbers (#) are given for the latest issue of
Bibliography of the Samaritans, Third Edition, Revised, Expanded, and
Alan David Crown and Reinhard Pummer, ATLA Bibliography, No. 51,
Scarecrow Press, Inc. Lanham, Maryland, Toronto, Oxford. 2005
Samaritan Religion and Beliefs
Brief Theoritical
Points Of View About The Samaritan Sect Of Nablus By
Atef Nagi-
Samaritan Priest & Yusef Abu-El-Hasan-Cohan
Mount Gerizim Bet El and
Jerusalem by Israel Sedaka -
Holon - Israel
Mount Gerizim, The One True
Sanctuary, by Jacob, son of Aaron
Circumcision Among the Samaritans by Jacob, son of
Aaron 1908
The Celebration of Passover
by the Samaritans by Yaaqov
Ben Uzzi Ha-Cohen
Differences between the Jews
and Samaritans by Shomron
religion by Shomron
Responses to the False Myths
of the Samaritans by Shomron
· The Samaritans Walking Between The Israeli, Palestinian and Jordanian Raindrops
By Efrat Tsedaka, Translation by Shadi Sirhan and Stephen Kaufman
· The Impurity and the Purity Laws among Samaritans, by Osher Sassoni 2008
To Let the Different
Authorities to Hear What is Pleasing Then is the Worst Politics That Will
Effect the Samaritan Community in the Long Run Samaritan News 2011
Seven Stations From the Reed Sea to Mount Sinai- The Common Point By: A.B.
- Samaritan News Services 2011
Samaritan Calendar
The Samaritan Calendar
Samaritan Books
Book of Enlightenment For the Instruction of the Inquirer By Jacob, Son
of Aaron, High Priest of the Samaritans, Nablous,
Palestine. Translated by A. Ben Kori
[Pacific University] Edited by William E. Barton.
The Messianic Hope Of The Samaritans by Jacob, son
of Aaron, High Priest of the Samaritans Translator
from the Arabic by Abdullah Ben Kori,
Professor of Arabic at Pacific University Edited with an Introduction by William
Eleazar Barton, Reprinted from the Open
Court, May and Sept, 1907
The Samaritan Chronicle Or The Book of Joshua, the son of Nun. Translated by Oliver
Turnbull Crane, 1890
Circumcision Among the Samaritans by Jacob, son of
Aaron 1908
The History and religion of
the Samaritans, by Jacob, son of Aaron pp. Photo before no pg #, 385-426, (see cover) Bibliotheca Sacra, Volume 63, July, Oberlin, Ohio, London: Kegan
Paul, Trench, Trubner and Co., 1906
Mount Gerizim, The One True
Sanctuary, by Jacob, son of Aaron pp. 489- 518, Bibliotheca Sacra, Volume 64, July, Oberlin, Ohio, London: Kegan
Paul, Trench, Trubner and Co., 1907
The Samaritan Sabbath, by Jacob, son of Aaron pp. 430- 444, Bibliotheca Sacra,
Volume 65, July, Oberlin, Ohio, London: Kegan
Paul, Trench, Trubner and Co., 1908
A Critical Edition and Translation of the Ancient
Samaritan Defter (i.e.liturgy) and a Comparison of
it with Early Jewish Liturgy. Translated by Solomon Brown, PhD thesis, University of
Leeds. 1955 (Sabbath day prayers)
Literature and Scholarly Translation
Amitay, Ory
The Use and Abuse of
Argumentum Silentio- Case of Alexander in Jerusalem
Anderson, Robert T.
[Michigan State University]
The Michigan State
University Samaritan Collection 1984
The Elusive Samaritan Temple
The Keepers 2002
with Giles, Terry
Bowman, John [Melbourne]
The Samaritans and the Book
of Deuteronomy 1958
Samaritan Decalogue
Inscriptions 1951
Brindle, Wayne A. [Grace Theological
The Origin and History of the Samaritans 1984
Charlesworth, James
What is a Variant?
Announcing a Dead Sea Scrolls Fragment 2010
Cogan, Mordechai
We, Like You, Worship Your
God: Three Biblical Portrayals of Samaritan Origins 1988
Conder, Claude R.
Samaritan Topography
(Palestine Exploration Fund) 1875
The Survey of Western
Palestine w/ Charles Warren 1878
Corinaldi, Michael
The Problem of the Patrilineal or Matrilineal Decent and Inter-Marriage
According to the Samaritan and Rabbinic Halakah 2001
Cowley, Arthur
The Samaritan Doctrine of
the Messiah (The Expositor) 1895
Crown Alan
Samaritan Literature and Its
Manuscripts 1994
Manuscripts, Cast Type and
Samaritan Palaeography 1991
The Morphology of Paper in
Samaritan Manuscripts 1990
Studies in Samaritan Scribal
Practices and Manuscripts 1986
The Rate of Writing
Samaritan Manuscripts 1984
Samaritan Minuscule Palaeography 1981
Problems in Epigraphy and Palaeography: The Nature of the Evidence 1980
Samaritan Majuscle Palaeography II
The Abisha
Scroll of the Samaritans
The Samaritan Diaspora To The End of the
Byzantine Era 1974
New Light on the
Inter-Relationships of Samaritan Chronicles 1972
Deutsch, Emanuel
Literary Remains of the Late
Emanuel Deutsch- On Samaritan Pentateuch 1874
Deutsch, Robert
A Note on a Medallion of
Antonius Pius 2010
Eliasov, Rabbi Monty [Austin,
Texas, USA]
The New Twelve Tribes of
Israel 2008
Everson, Michael
& Mark Shoulson
Proposal to add the
Samaritan alphabet to the BMP pf the UCS
Eyer, Shawn [John F.
Kennedy University]
Kadosh Samaritan 2003
Feldman, Louis H.
Josephus' Attitude Toward
the Samaritans 1990
Franz-Klauser, Von Olivia
Samaritanerforschung im
19 2008 (German)
Fryer, Alfred C.
An Enscribed
Stone From Shechem, 1895
Gaster, Moses:
N The Asatir the Samaritan book of the "Secrets of
Moses" 1927
A Samaritan Scroll of the
Law 1901.
Buch Josua
in Hebraisch-Samaritanischer 1908
A Samaritan Book of Joshua
Popular Judaism at the Time
of the Second Temple in the Light of Samaritan
Traditions 1908
The Asatir [microform]
the Samaritan book of the "Secrets of Moses"" 1927
The Samaritan Hebrew Sources
of The Arabic Book of Joshua 1930
Rites and Beliefs of the
Samaritans relating to Death and Mourning
N Massoretisches im Samaritanischen 1906
Giles, Terry
The Keepers 2002
with Anderson, Robert T. [Gannon
Lester L.[University of Hull]
The Samaritans in the Hasmonean Period
Frederick T. (Publisher),
Samaritan and Hebrew
Pentateuch. 1826
Samaritan Polemics Against
the Jews 1936
The Biblical Problem of
Hyssop 1954
Harvianinen, Tapani
How did A. Firkovich Acquire
the Collection of Samaritan Manuscripts 1994
The Acquisition of the
Samaritan Collection by A. Firkovich in Nablus 2003
Ingrid [University of Copenhagen]
The Samaritans in Josephus
Jewish History 2000
Shiloh and Shechem: Competing Traditions?
Samaritans 2008
Ireton, Sean
The Samaritans: Strategies for Survival of an Ethnoreligious Minority in the Twenty First Century
Jamgotchian, Haroutun
N The recently discovered and other unpublished Arabic
fragments of the Samaritan Pentateuch from the collection of the Russian
National Library (Saint Petersburg) 2001
Karagiannis, Christos G.
The Expansion
of Mediterranean Judaism and the Synagogue at ...Delos 2011
Anne, de Hemmer Gudme
Before the God in this Place
for Good Remembrance 2011
Kaufman, Stephen [ Tel Aviv
Samaritan Political Identity
- Part I
Samaritan Political Identity
- Part II 1998
Knoppers, Gary N. [The
Pennsylvania State University]
Gerizim and Mt. Zion: A Study ... 2004
Kosinski, Rafal
Samarytanie W Cesarstwie
Rzymskim W Drugiej Polowie V Wieku
2011 (Polish Article: Samaritans in the Roman Empire on the Second Half
of 5th century
Landau, David
Ancient Synagogues in the
Holy Land - What Synagogues?
Levinson, Bernard,
Textual Criticism,
Assyriology, and the History... 2001
Lipiński, Edward [Brussels]
Governors and High Priests
of Samaria and Jerusalem in the Persian Period 2010
MacDonald, John [University of
An Unpublished Palestinian
Tradition About Muhammed 1969
Pentateuch, Samaritan
Marag, Dan
Samaritan Writing and
Writings 2009 (see chapter 12)
Matassa, Lidia
Unraveling the Myth of the
Synagogue on Delos 2007
Nevin, John W.
A Summary of Biblical
Antiquities....The Samaritans 1849
Powels-Niami, Von Sylvia
Die Samaritaner
ihre Geschichte, Religion und Literatur
Reinhard [The University of Ottawa]
The Samaritans In Egypt
How to Tell a Samaritan
Synagogue from a Jewish Synagogue. (off site)
Purvis, James D. [Boston
The Sanctuary and Holy
Vessels in Samaritan Art
Robertson, Edward
Notes and Extracts From the
Semitic Manuscripts in John Rylands Library
Rynearson, Larry
The Days of Passover with
the Samaritans on Mount Gerizim 2000
The Last High Priest and a
Pentateuch of 1624 CE 2012
Schattner-Rieser, Ursula
The Samaritan Pentateuch in the light
of präsamaritanischen 2009
Schorch, Stefan [Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg]
Determination and the Use of
the Definite Article in the Samaritan... 2003
The Origin of the Samaritan
Community 2005
The Latent Masorah of the Samaritans 2010
The Samaritan Version of
Deuteronomy 2011
Schur, Nathan [Tel
The Return of the Diaspora
Samaritans to Nablus at the End of the Middle Ages
The Tsedaka
Schreiber-Humer, Monika
The Comfort of Kin:
Samaritan Community, Kinship, and Marriage 2009
Seri, Ahikam
Les Samaritains
(photos) 2006
Shehadeh, Haseeb
[University of Helsinki]
Book Review New Catalog for One and Sixty Samaritan Manuscripts 2012
Samaritan Tales 2011
On a Manuscript of 'Kitab al-Hulf' by Hadr (Finhas) b. Ishaq al-Hiftawi
The Samaritan High Priest 'Imran ben Salama
and His Poem Against Mubarak al-Mufarragi, Who
Became a Convert to Islam in 1841, 2011
The Synopses from Haseeb Shehadeh 2010
One Fifth of the Tiny
Samaritan Community in Nablus Died in Plague of 1786
The Samaritan High Priest Shalma [1784-1855] And the Arab Tailors of
A Case of Palestinian Arab
Justice between Minority and Majority (see above)
Sema and not YHWH and its
Brothers in Samaritan Arabic Literature
The Acquisition of the
Samaritan Collection by A. Firkovich in Nablus 2003
Salameh B. Ghazal, The High Priest
& Hussein' Abd U-Hadi,
Governor of Nablus 2002
How did A. Firkovich Acquire
the Collection of Samaritan Manuscripts 1994
The Torah: Jewish and
Samaritan Versions 2006 (preview of book)
Proposal to add the
Samaritan alphabet to the BMP pf the UCS
2008 Everson, M.
Etelvino Richardo da
Os Samaritanos,
Quem Eram E O Que Criam 2008
(Dufour), Sharon
Variants in the Samaritan
Pentateuch of the Hebrew Bible as Compared to the Masoretic
Text 2009
Samaritan Passover 2011
Interview with Sharon
Sullivan 2011
The Samaritan Oil Lamps From
Apollonia-Arsuf 1983
Secular and Religious Life
in the Holy Land in the Roman... 2003
Oren [Tel Aviv University]
A Winepress at Apollonia-Arsuf: More Evidence on the Samaritan Presence in
Roman-Byzantine Southern Sharon. 2009
A Re-Appraisal of the
Archaeological Findings 2010 and Taxel,
Socio-Political and Economic
Aspects of Refuse Disposal in 2012 and Taxel,
Fehrullah [Ankara University,
The Samaritans (al-Samiriyyun) and Some Theological Issues
Between Samaritanism and Islam
4Q372 1 and the Continuation of Joseph's Exile
W. M.
The Land and the Book,
Tov, Emanuel
Rewritten Bible Compostions 2008
Tsedaka, Benyamim
The Samaritan News, Holon]
The High Priesthood and the
Israelite Samaritan Priests 2012
The Jewish and Samaritan
Legends About the Lost Tribes 2012
The Samaritan Households at
the Present 2012
Ratson b. Benyamim
Tsedaka 2012
From Our Heritage 2012
Truth of the Samaritan
Version of the Pentateuch is Becoming Clearer 2012
The Division of Authority
Amongst the Leadership of the Samaritan People Helped Their Survival 2011
The Third Publication of the
Comparative Text of the SP and MT, Not Recommended for Use 2011
What is the Difference
Between Priests of Rhuta to Priests of Fanuta 2011
Shifman: "The Language of the
Shelved Dead Sea Scrolls, which were revealed in Kumran,
is later then the language of the known versions of the Torah.
["A.B-The Samaritans News"]
How The Israelite Samaritans
Pronounce The Name of God?
Authentic Inscriptions on
Mount Gerizim vis-vis Forged one in Jerusalem
The Israelite-Samaritans
The Division of Authority
Amongst the Leadership of the Samaritan People Helped Their Survival
[A & B Editorial] Issue no. 1090-1091 15.7.2011
To Let the Different
Authorities to Hear What is Pleasing Then is the Worst Politics That Will
Effect the Samaritan Community in the Long Run Samaritan News 2011
Seven Stations From the Reed Sea to Mount Sinai- The Common Point By: A.B.
- Samaritan News Services 2011
Tsedaka, Roey - Holon
The Honesty of Moses
Warren, Charles
The Survey of Western
Palestine w/ Claude Reignier Condor 1878
Weis, P. R.
Abu'l-Hasan Al-Suri's
Discourse On The Calendar In The Kitab Al-Tabbakh, Rylands Samaritan
Codex IX
Wilson, Captain
Charles William
Picturesques Palestine 1881 2
vols in article
Wilson, Capt. and R. E. Warren
The Recovery of Jerusalem, A
narrative of Exploration.... (on Jacob's Well 1871)
Underground Jerusalem:
Visit to the Samaritans By Charles
Warren 1876
Yousef, Hussein Ahmad
& Barghouti, Iyad
Minority Under Occupation,
The Sociopolitics of the Samaritans in the Palestinian
Occupied Territories 1996
Travels Articles
& Misc.
Exercitationes anti-morinianae de Pentateucho samaritano by Johann
Heinrich Hottinger 1644
The Life & Death
Usher by Nicholas Bernard 1656
A Complete History of the
Canon L.E. Dupin 1699
De Samaritanis, eorumque
templo in monte Garizim aedificato, ... Andreas
Conrad Werner, Justus Friedrich Wilhelm Zachariae 1723
The Religious Ceremonies
Jean F. Bernard 1731
Journey From
Aleppo to Jerusalem By Hen. Maundrell
The Jewish Spy by
Marquis DArgens 1766
The Evangelical Magazine
A Journal From Aleppo to
Jerusalem by Henry Maundrell 1812
The Jewish Expositor,
Antoine Isaac Silvestre
De Sacy 1816,
The History of the Jews,
By Hannah Adams,1818
Travels in Palestine, By J. S. Buckingham 1821
Italy by Lady Sydney Morgan 1821
American Missionary Register
Rev. Mr. Connor 1821
The Christian Herald and
Seaman's Magazine: By
Mr. Wolff 1822
The Religious World
Displayed by Robert Adam 1823
Missionary Journal and
Memoir of Rev. Joseph Wolf, Missionary to the Jews. 1824
The Religious Intelligencer,
Journal of Mr. King. 1824
The Missionary Herald,
Mr. Fisk 1824
The Modern Traveller by James Duncan; 1824
N Pilgrimages in the East, In
the Years 1815 and 1816 by Otto Frederick von
Richter 1825
Christian Researches in
Syria and the Holy Land by William Jowett, J. Greaves 1826
Christian Researches
by Rev. William Jowett 1826
The Samaritans by
Thomas Hartwell Horne 1827
Memoir of the Rev. Pliny
Fisk, by Alvan Bond, 1828
Samaria and Samaritans
The Correspondence of Isaac Basire by W.N. Darnell 1831
Scripture Natural History
by W.M. Carpenter 1833
Origines Hebręę:
By Thomas Lewis 1835
Illustrations of Jerusalem
and Mount Sinai by Francis Arundale
Incidents of travel in
Egypt, Arabia Petraea & Holy Land,
by John L. Stephens 1837
Travels in the Three Great
Empires by C.B. Elliot 1838
Lectures on the Criticism
By Herbert Marsh 1838
The Churchman
Thames Ditton, 1839
Bibliotheca Sussexiana by Thomas Joseph Pettigrew 1839
The Samaritan Pentateuch
in The Christian Examiner 1840
Journal of Rev. S. H.
Calhoun 1840
Journal of a Tour in the
Holy Land by Lady Francis Egerton 1840-1
The American Eclectic:
Epispistol Samaritanae By Elihu
Burritt, 1841
Biblical Researches in
Palestine by E. Robinson and E. Smith 1841
Original Letters of Eminent
Literary Men By Sir Henry Ellis 1843
Travels in Egypt, Arabia Petraea, and Holy Land by S. Olin 1843
Mediterranean Sketches
By Lord Francis Egerton 1843
Narrative of a Mission
Bonar & M'Cheyne1843
Syria and the Holy Land By Walter Keating Kelly 1844
Palaeographia Sacra Pictoria
Poetry of the Samaritans
by Stephen M. Vail, 1846
The Christian in Palestine
by Henry Stebbing 1847
The Lands of the Bible
Visited by John Wilson 1847
Travels in the East
by J. Hawes 1847
Samaritan Text of the
Septuagint By the Rev. W. Fitzgerald 1848
A Summary Of Biblical
Antiquities, by John W. Nevin,
A Pilgrimage to the Land of
My Fathers by M. Margolioth 1850
Hebrew Records:
By John Allen Giles 1850
The East: Sketches of Travel
in Egypt and the Holy Land By
J. A. Spencer 1850.
The use of the Samaritan Language by the Jews by Richard Sainthill 1851
Lands of the Moslem: By El-Mukattem 1851
The Communion of Saints. By
H. B. Wilson, Oxford. 1851
A tour in South Africa
by Joseph John Freeman. 1851
The Numismatic Chronicle
Edited by John Younge Akerman,
Yusef; Or The
Journey Of The Frangi: A Crusade In The East
J. Ross Browne. 1853
Narrative of a Journey Round
the Dead Sea and in the Bible Lands in 1850 and 1851 by F. De Saulcy. 1853
Discoveries in
Egypt, Ethiopia,... By Dr. Richard Lepsius, 1853
The Journal of Sacred
Literature Edited by John Kitto
Journal of a Deputation sent
to the East, Lay Member 1854
Christian Advocate
Samaritans and their Pentateuch unknown 1855
The Lands of the Saracens by
Bayard Taylor 1855
The Popular Biblical
Educator The Remnant of the Samaritans 1855
Christian Advocate and
Journal, Samaritans and their Pentateuch 1855
The Methodist The
Samaritan of Nablous.1855
A Diary of a Journey to the
East: of 1854, By William Beamont,1856
The Friend of Israel
(Samaritans) by W. Richie 1856
Syria, and the Syrians;
By Gregory M. Wortabet, 1856
The Evangelical Repository;
Edited by Joseph T. Cooper, 1856
The Holy Places,
By Hanmer Lewis Dupuis 1856
The Samaritans by
George Williams 1857
Tent Life in the Holy Land
by William C. Prime 1857
The Tent and the Khan
by Robert Walter Stewart 1857
Egypt and the Holy Land
By Jesse Ames Spencer 1857
The Land of Promise
by Horatius Bonar 1858
Heathen and Holy Lands
by Captian J. P. Briggs
Architectura Numismatica
by T. L. Donaldson, 1859
Wall-Street to Cashmere
by John Ireland 1859
Palestine, Past and Present,
By Henry Stafford Osborn, 1859
Accounts and Papers
Evangelical Christendom
Egyptian Sepulchres
and Syrian Shrines by E. Beaufort 1861
Hals Travels by Alexander
R. Wiggs, 1861
Travels and Adventures of
the Rev. Jofeph Wolff,; 1861
The Dublin Review 1861
A Pictorial Tour in the Holy
Land by Albert Isaacs 1862
Friends Review (Samaritan
Passover) by J. P. Newman 1862
The Handwriting of God
by Rev. D. A. Randall 1862
The History of the Jews
By Henry Hart Milman 1863
Travels in Palestine.
From Dan to Beersheba
by J. P. Newman 1864
The Quarterly Journal of
Prophecy by unknown 1864
Sacred Scenes;
By Rev. Fergus Ferguson 1864
Wesleyan Methodist Magazine
The Land of Israel
by H. B. Tristram 1865
A Hundred Days in the East
By Pollok Black 1865
Domestic Life in Palestine
By Mary Eliza Rogers, 1865
The Land of the Gospel:
By Edmond Dehault de Pressensé
Philip in Palestine
by M.A. Edwards 1865
Stones Crying Out
by L. N. R. (Ellen
Henrietta Ranyard) 1865
A Winter in the East
by F.M. 1866
The Comparative Geography
by Carl Ritter 1866
Palestine Exploration Fund 1866
A Fortnights Ride East of
Jordan 1866.
Travels in Egypt and Syria
by S.S. Hill 1866
The Theological Eclectic
by unknown 1867
Innocents Abroad: Mark Twain
visits Palestine in 1867 by
Mark Twain, 1868
Books and Book-Binding
by Mary Eliza Rogers 1868
The Scattered Nation,
Edited by Carl Schwartz. 1868
Bible Animals by J.G.
Wood 1869
The Children's Jewish
Advocate. part by J. Bardsley
The Land and Is Story
by N.C. Burt 1869
The Monthly Religious
Magazine (Sketches) by J. De Normandie
The Old World in its New
Face: By Henry Whitney Bellows 1869
Letters from Egypt, Syria,
and Greece, By Richard Allen, 1869
The Samaritan Passover
Discovery of a New Manuscript (articles)1860-70
N Discovery of a New Manuscript of the Pentateuch.
Harpers Weekly: Reading The
Pentateuch At Nablus, Jan 15th, 1870
Help-Book for Travellers to the East By Rev. Jabez Burns 1870
Two Months in Palestine
by James Monteith 1870
Notes of a Tour in the East,
by D. Y. ? 1871
Mr. Tyrwhitt Drakes Reports
by Drake 1872
Gath to the Cedars
by S. H. Kent, 1872.
The Alps of Arabia: By William Charles Maughan 1873
Une Nouvelle Chronique Samaritaine by Clermont Ganneau 1873
A Journey to Egypt and the
Holy Land, By Henry M. Harman, 1873
N The Samaritan Stone at Gaza
by J.G. Pickard 1873
The Journal of the Royal by
Royal Anthropological Institute 1874
A Lawyer Abroad: What to see
and How to see By Henry Day 1874
That Goodly Mountain &
Lebanon By Thomas Jenner 1874
The Colonial Church
Chronicle From English Churchman 1874
The Journal of the Anthropolgical Institute 1874
Backsheesh! By Thomas
Knox 1875
N The Samaritans by Charles H. Brigham 1875
Correspondence of Palestine
Tourists by
.. 1875
The Nation On a
Fragments of a Samaritan Targum
The Unitarian Review
by Charles H.
Brigham 1875
Sacred Biography and History
The Inner Life of Syria,
Palestine, and the Holyland, by
Isabel Burton 1875
The Sunday Magazine
The Samaritans By James Finn.1875
Zur Sprache, Literatur und Dogmatik der Samaritaner: by Samuel Kohn - 1876
Two months in Syria in 1875
by Charles Hugh Berners
Visit to the Samaritans by Charles Warren 1876
Syrian Sunshine
By T. G. Appleton 1877
The Christian Treasury
The Lives of the Saints
by Sabine Baring-Gould, 1877
Stirring Times or Records
from Jerusalem Consular Chronicles By James Finn, 1878
Concerning a Samaritan in
Egypt by Dr. Charles Beke 1878
Sacred Cities by
John S. Lee 1878
The Oriental World
by Thomas Knox 1878
To the East by Way of the
West by E. M. Marvin 1878
Jonas King, Missionary to
Syria and Greece, By Mrs. Haines 1879
Society of Biblical
Archaeology, By A Lowy 1879
From Egypt to Palestine
Through Sinai By S.C. Bartlett 1879
An Eastern Afterglow: By W. S. Wood 1880
Ballou's Monthly Magazine
by Unknown 1881
Picturesque Palestine, Sinai
and Egypt by Charles William Wilson 1881
Samaritans Passover Feast in
1880 1881
The Ride through Palestine
By John W. Dulles 1881
The World: Round It and Over
It by Chester Glass 1881
Memoir of Henry Venn
by William Knight 1882
Modern Samaritans
Sacramento Daily Record-Union -Monday July 10, 1882
Samaritans Passover Feast in
1880 1882
On a Manuscript Fragment
by Isaac Hall 1882
Our Holiday in the East
by Mrs. George Sumner 1882
The Samaritans in Syria. unknown
author 1882
Travels in the Holy Land By
Dr. Freese 1882
Egypt, Palestine and
Phoenicia by Feliz Bovet 1883
Joseph Barclay,
By J B Courtenay 1883
Lectures on the History of
the Jewish Church by Arthur P. Stanley 1884
Among the Holy Hills By
Henry M. Field, 1884
Worship in Heaven: Samaritan
Passover by J. G. Norton 1884
The Samaritan Passover, 1861 by Joseph
Hammond 1884
A Land March From England to
Ceylon Forty Years Ago by E. L. Mitford 1884
Half Hours in the Holy Land
by Norman Macleod, 1885
The Scottish Geographical
Magazine, by H. Webster & A. White, 1886
Samaritan Customs
by C. R. Conder 1886
Christian Thought.... Edited
by Charles F. Deems 1886.
The Marriage of Near Kin,
By Alfred Henry Huth 1887
Haifa: or, Life in modern
Palestine By Laurence Oliphant 1887
Walford's Antiquarian Magazine
Edited by G. W. Redway, 1887
The Oldest and Smallest Sect
in the World By the Rev. John F.
Hurst, 1889.
Under Ten Flags, An Historical Pilgrimage By Z. T.
From Sinai To Shechem By Edward L.
Wilson. 1889,
Palestine Under
the Moslems, a Description of Syria and the Holy Land from A.D. 650 to 1500
By Guy Le Strange. 1890
The Cradle of Christianity:
Chapters on Modern Palestine by D. M. Ross, 1891
Pharmaceutical Record And Weekly Market Review 1891
The Land of Sacred Story By John Lemley 1891
The Thinker there
are 5 articles with different authors 1892
A Picnic in Palestine
By H. M. Wharton, 1892
The Biblical World A.
Walker 1893
The Newbery House Magazine
The Texas Doctor and the
Arab Donkey: By Joseph Marstain Fort
Littells Living Age The Samaritan Passover by Alex R. Macewen 1894
St. Martins-Ie-Grand by unknown 1894
Travels in three continents,
Europe, Africa, Asia by J. M. Buckley 1894
In Scripture Lands
by Edward L. Wilson 1895
Die Sudrussischen Juden
by Dr. S. Weissenberg,
1895 (little on Samaritans)
The Life and Correspondence
of Thomas French by Herbert Birks 1895
The Land and the Book Or Biblical Illustrations Drawn From The Manners And
Customs, The Scenes and Scenery of The Holy Land by W.M.
Thomson, 1896
N Notes of Recent
Discoveries, Progress, by Elizabeth Reed 1896
The Augustana
Journal by Unknown 1897
Planets and People
Days in Galilee and Scenes
in Judaea: By Alexander Alfred Boddy
The Standard, The Well Between Two Mountains. Arthur Kempton 1900
Travelling in the Holy Land
by Jesse L. Hurlbut 1900
Samaritan Passover
by Elihu Grant 1901
Samaritan Passover
by Curtiss, Samuel Ives 1902
Lectures on the History
by Arthur Penrhyn
Stanley, 1902
Salvation (Samaritan
Remnant) by L. Zeckhausen 1903
The Samaritan Passover. By Roland G. Stafford 1903
The Samaritan Passover by Warren J. Moulton 1903
The Samaritan Passover
by J. Eadie Reid 1903
The Samaritan Passover
by Roland G. Stafford 1903
The Samaritan Pentateuch
by William Barton 1903
by A. Cowley 1904
Four Samaritan Manuscripts
By A.E. Cowley 1904
Samaritan Pentateuch in London. Manuscripts from Damascus R. W.
Rogers 1904
The Samaritan Pentateuch
by Rev. Canon Garratt 1904
The Samaritan Passover
by G. Robinson Lees 1905
Journal of American Oriental
Society by Hans H. Spoer 1906
Modern Observation of the Levitical Passover Unknown author 1907
Samaritan Annals and the
Mystic Name, by Daniel H. Ayers, 1907
Tent and Testament
by Herbert Rix 1907
The Peasantry of Palestine
by Elihu Grant 1907
The Collection
By Cyrus Adler and I. M. Casanowicz 1908
The Homiletic Review-
The Date of the Samaritan Pentateuch by W. Everts
The Advocate by
unknown 1909
The Samaritan Passover
by Albert Edward Bailey 1909
N A Memoir of Augustine Heard Amory,by Arthur W. Moulton 1909
Records of the Past,
The Samaritan Passover by J. Zimmerman 1910
The Jews: a Study of Race and Environment by Maurice Fishberg 1911
The Holy Land,
By Lydia Dunford Alder 1912
The Reform Advocate
(Samaritans) by S. Weissenberg
The Fringe of the East a
Journey by Harry Charles Lukach 1913
Gaza, A City of Battles
by Theodore Edward Dowling1913
Life, Letters and Addresses
of John Craig Havemeyer 1914
Missionary Journeys
By Frederick George Smith, 1915
The Spell of the Holy Land
By Archie Bell 1915
The Origins of the Islamic
State by Philip Khuri Hitti 1916
The Ancestry of Our English
Bible By Ira Maurice Price, 1920
The Lutheran Companion
Record of Christian Work
by unknown 1921
The Work's Work (All in a
Life Time) by H. Morgenthau 1921
A Samaritan Passover
Manuscript by Irving P. Wood 1921
The War and the Samaritan
Colony by William E. Barton 1921
Record of Christian Work,
The Samaritan Pentateuch. 1921
Sacrifice of the Passover
by Wolfgang von Weisl
The Samaritan Passover
By Owen Tweedy, 1928
Picture Post by Cecil Roth 1943
Josephus' Attitude Toward the Samaritans by Louis H. Feldman
Journal of My visit
Mount Gerizim By: Tsafon
Etzion, 2011
Bonus web pages
The Internet Resource for Samaritan Manuscripts and
Inscriptions Including Internet Website Locations by Shomron
The Samaritan/English
Vocabulary by Shomron
Samaritan Findings From The
Village of Antasyon In The Byzantine Period
by The Archaeological Kfar-Saba, Museum
of Kfar-Saba Municipality
Bonus: Original Scanned Books from & other online sources, FREE
in PDF
De originibus seu de hebraicae linguae [et]
Guillaume Postel 1538
De Etruriae regionis, by
Guillaume Postel 1551
De Foenicum literis, by
Guillaume Postel 1552
Itinerarium Hierosolysnitanum
by Joannes Cotovicus
Exercitationes ecclesiasticae
in utrumque Samaritanorum
... by Jean Morin 1631
Eclogae chronologicae by Samuel
Petit 1632
Exercitationes anti-morinianae
de Pentateucho samaritano
ejusque By Johann
Heinrich Hottinger 1644
N Introductio ad lectionem linguarum orientalium, hebraicae,
Chaldaicae, Samaritanae,
Brian Walton 1655
Walton's Ployglot
(download only, very large file) by Brian Walton 1657
Opuscula Hebraeo-Samaritica by
Jean Morin 1657
N De Linguarum Orientalium, praesertim Hebraicae, Chaldaicae, Syriacae,
Arabicae & Samaritanae
praestantia, necessitate & untiltate
quam & theologies praestant & philosophis. By William
Beveridge 1658
N Dissertatio: in qua de linguis orientalibus, Hebraica, Chaldaica,
Samaritana, Syriaca, Persica, Aethiopica, Armena, Copta. Et de textuum quae in Complurensibus
by Brian Walton 1658
N Scholae syriacae libri III; una cum dissertatione de literis et by Johannes Leusden 1658
N Promtuarium, sive bibliotheca orientalis
by J. Hottinger
Umbra in luce, sive
consensus et dissensus religionum
by Christian Hoffmann 1667
N Umbra in luce, sive consensus et dissensus religionum profanarum, Judaismi, Samaritanismi, Muhammedismi, Gingis-Chanismi, Atque Paganismi, Preaeciplue Moderni, Cum Veritate
Christiana by
J.E. Gerhardi 1667
De Proseuchis
Samaritanorum by Wilhelm
E Tentzel, Johann F. Lübegk
N Andreae Acoluthi
Vratislaviensis by Andreas Acoluth
Orthodoxiae Hebraeo-biblicae disp. I, de Samaritanarum literarum by Heinrich Opitz, Johann Georg Weitzmann 1683
Epistolae Samaritanae,
Sichemitarum by Jobi Ludolf 1688
Epistolae Samaritanae
by Christoph
Cellarius 1688
Collectanea historiae
samaritanae quibus Christoph Cellarius 1688
N Orbis eruditi literatura, a charactere Samaritico deducta by Edward Bernard
N Canaan. Sive:
Palaestina. Oder: Das Gelobte/
Jüdische/ Samaritanische
und Galliläische oder: Heilige Land Mit seinen Städten/ Vestungen/ Seen/ Flüssen/ Gebürgen/ Früchten/ Thieren/ Vöglen/ Fischen/ Antiquitäten/ und Heiligthümern, by Johann Jakob Senfftel 1689
N Kiryat sefer by Carlo
G. Imbonati 1693
Utrum Pentateuchus
a Samaritano sacerdote
sit conscriptus by Sebastian
Edzardi, and Hermann Pfingsten 1695
Synopsis institutionum
samaritanarum:... by Georgius Otho 1699
A Compleat History of the Canon and Writers of...vol 1 by Louis E. Du Pin 1699
Synopsis institutionum samaritanarum, rabbinicarum, arabicarum,
by G. Otho 1701
Dissertation préliminaire ou Prolégomčnes sur la Bible by Louis E. Du Pin 1701
Dissertatio de Inscriptione
Nummorum quorundam Samaritanorum by Adriani Relandi, Jacobum De Wilde 1702
Palaestra linguarum
orientalium by Georg Otho 1702
Hadriani Relandi
Dissertationum mis.. Vol. 1 by Hadreianus
Relandus 1706
Hadriani Relandi
Dissertationum mis.. Vol. 2 by Hadreianus
Relandus 1707
N Brevis Institutio linguae
Arabicae by Justus Helfrich Happel 1707
N Temherta lesāna geʻez hoc est Grammatica aethiopica by Johann
Pilipp Hartmann 1707
N Dissertation sur l'antiquite de la monnaye by Jacques Basnage 1709
N Bibliotheca sacra: seu syllabus omnium fermč sacrae scripturae by
Jacques Le Long 1709
N Nummorum Ebraicorum
Inscriptionsbus Samaritanis by C.
C. Clodius 1712
N Antiquitez Judaļques,
ou Remarques Critiques sur la République des Hebreux by Jacques Basnage
N L'history des sectes"
by Jacques Basnage
Synopsis Institutionum Samaritanarum by Jacob Alting 1717
De Samaritanis,
eorumque templo in monte Garizim by Andreas
Werner 1723
N [Resp]
De Samaritanis eorumque templo in mount Garizim by Just F. W. Zachariae 1723
N De Iureiurando
Per Deum in Dan Et Uiam Beersebae
Samaritanis Solenni
by Christain Weisii
Diss. crit. de
Samaritanismo et Hebraismo
Iustini M. by Johann Rehling 1729
N Chronicon orientale ¬Petri ¬Rahebi ¬Aegyptii: Accessere ad ipsius by Abraham
Eccellensis 1729
N Fundamenta punctationis linguae sanctae, cum ... by Jacob Alting 1730
N The Religious Ceremonies and Customs of the Several Nations Jean F. Bernard 1731
N Samaritana Eusebiana by Johannes Christoph
N De Lingua
et Literis Samaritanorum Dissertatio Philologica
Magnus Ericander 1733
Synopsis institutionum samaritanarum, ... by Gregorii Othonis 1735
N Dissertatio Octava De Pentateucheo Samaritano pp. 59- 67 Philologus hebraeo-mixtus, vna cum spicilegio philologico: ...
by Johannes Leusden
N Chronological Antiquities
by John Jackson 1752
N Biblia Hebraica,
cum Notis Criticis et Versione Latina ad Notas Criticas Facta. by Carolo-Francisco
Houligeant 1753
Exercitationes Historico-Criticae In Utrumque Samaritanorum by Friedrich
Immanuel Schwarz 1753
Exercitationes Historico-Criticae In Utrumque Samaritanorum
by Friedrich Immanuel
Schwarz 1754 vol. 5
Exercitationes Historico-Criticae In Vtrvmqve Samaritanorum
by Friedrich
Immanuel Schwarz 1755
De praestantia et usu utriusque pentateuchi Samaritani by
Friedrich Immanuel Schwarz 1755
Exercitationes historico-criticae
in utrumque Samaritanorum
by Fridericus Immanuel Schwarzius 1756
Nouveaux éclaircissemens
sur l'origine et le Pentateuque by Maurice
Poncet 1760
The Hebrew text of the parallel prophecies of Jacob and Moses by David Durell
N Dissertanio Secunda
Super Ratione Textus Hebraici, Trans. By W. A. Teller 1765
N Commentatio philologico-critica de Pentateucho LXX: interpretum graeco non ex Hebraeo, sed Samaritano textu converse, by Johann Matthaeus Hassencamp 1765
Historische und geographische Beschreibung von Palästina by Wilhelm Albert Bachiene 1766
Vindiciae vocis Garizim Deut. 27,4 contra Cel.
Kennicotum institutae
by Johann
Friedrich Stiebritz, J. S. Zeffel - 1766
Alphabetum Hebraicum: Addito
Ten Annual Accounts of the Collation of Hebrew MSS of the Old Benjamius Kennicott 1770
Et Rabbinico . by Joannes Christophorus Amaduzzi
N Alphabetum Hebraicum: Addito Samaritano Et
by Joannes Christophorus Amaduzzi 1771
Alphabetum Hebraicum: Addito Samaritano Et Rabbinico. Edited by Kennicott 1771
Letters of mr. the abbot of *** ... to mr. Kennicott [criticizing
... by Joseph Adolphe Dumay, Benjamin Kennicott 1772
N Des titres primitifs de la révélation
ou considérations critiques sur la Vol.
1, 1772 by Gabriel Fabricy
N Des titres primitifs de la révélation ou
considérations critiques sur la Vol.
2, 1772 by Gabriel Fabricy
Commentatio historico-philologica de montibus Ebal et
Garizim: . by Johann Michael Lobstein 1773
N Ueber die Samaritanische
Handschrift in der Barberinischen Bibliothek, II. Von der Samaritanischen
Triglotte pp. 84-102, Repertorium für biblische und
morgenländische Litteratur, by Jacob Jonas Bjornstahl 1778
Briefwechsel by Christian Fredrich Schnurrer 1781
N Dissertatio Generalis
in Vetus Testamentum Hebraicum by Kennicott 1783
Pentateuchi Hebręo-Samaritani By Johann Andreas Eisentraut 1783
Pentateuchi hebraeo-samaritani Praestantia Alexius ą Sancto
Aquilino 1783
Miscellanea Philologico-Critica, Eaque
Hebraica, Samaritana, by Johann Heinrich Haner, Johann Simon Hoe 1774
N Monumenta Antiquissimae Historiae Arabum by Johann Gottfried Eichhorn 1775
Nachricht von den jüdischen insgemein genannten samaritanischen
Münzen by Eberhard David Hauber 1778
Die Unächtheit der jüdischen Münzen mit hebräischen und ..
by Oluf G. Tychsen 1779
Vetus Testamentum Hebraicum cum variis lectionibus,
Benjaminus Kennicott, 1780
Specimen versionis Arabico-Samaritanae Pentateuchi by André C. Hwiid 1780
hebraeo Samaritani praestantia by J. A. Eisentraut 1783
N De
weigering der Joden om de Samaritaanen deelgenootschap te geven aan den
Hebrouw van hunnen temple, verdeedigt, pp. 418-442, Verhandelingen
van het Provinciaal Utregtstsch Genootschap van Kunsten by Y. van Hamelsveld 1784
Repertorium für biblische und
morgenländische Litteratur by J.G. Eichborn 1785
Collectanea de Rebus Hibernicus, By Charles
Vallancey 1786
Observationes criticae in loca Pentateuchi illustria
by Johann Lobstein 1787
Lectiones Syro-Arabico-Samaritano-Aethiopicae
by Johann G. Hasse 1788
N The Monthly Review B.
Kennicott 1788
Pentateuchus hebreao-samaritanus, charactere hebraeo-chaldaico by Benjamin Blayney 1790
Numorum Hebraeo-Samaritanorum ... by Franciscus Perezius Bayerius 1790
Allgemeine Bibliothek der biblischen
Litteratur by Johann Gottfried Eichhorn 1790
N Numorum Hebraeo-Samaritanorum
by Barthelemy,
D. Jacob 1790
N Praktischer Unterricht über die
gesammten orientalischen Sprachen by Johann
Gottfried Hasse 1791
Legitimidad de las monedas hebreo- samaritanas
by Francisco Perez Bayer 1793
Allgemeine Bibliothek der bibl. Litteratur:
by Johann Gottfried Eichhorn - 1800
The oriental geography of Ebn Haukal: an Arabian traveller by W. Ouseley 1800
N A Short History of the Ancient Israelites; With an Account
of Their Manners, Customs, Laws
By Claude Fleury 1802
Specimen philologicum continens descriptionem codicis ms
by Gulielmus Van Vloten 1803
Mémoire sur la version arabe des Livre de Moļse ą l'usage
des .. by Antoine Isaac Silvestre de Sacy
N The Sacred and
Profane History of the World: Connected
by Samuel Shuckford 1810
N Histoire des Sectes réligeuses -
Volume 1 by Henri Baptiste Gregoire, 1810
N Histoire des Sectes réligeuses -
Volume 2 by Henri Baptiste Gregoire 1810
Miszellen für die neueste Weltkunde: Vol 5
by Heinrich Zschokkw 1811
Heidelbergische [afterw.] Heidelberger
Jahrbücher der Literatur Review by W.C. Umbreir
The Samaritan and Syriack Alphabets by Thomas Burgess 1814
De Pentateuchi Samaritani origine by Friedrich H W Gesenius
The North American Review, Volume 22, by Gesenius, Wilhelm 1815
De versionis Pentateuchi
samaritanae indole dissertatio by Georgius
Winer 1817
Discussionum de christologia
Samaritanorum by Johann Christoph Friedrich 1821
Memoirs of the Life and Writings of the Reiht Rev. Brian Walton in Two Volumes, Vol. I, London; R. Gilbert, 1821
N Memoirs of the Life and Writings of
the Reiht Rev. Brian Walton in Two Volumes, Vol. II, London; R.
Gilbert, 1821
Lectures in Divinity, Delivered in the
University of Cambridge by John Hey 1822
Einleitung in das Alte Testament by Johann Gottfried
Eichhorn 1823
Einleitung ins A. T. by Johann Gottfried Eichhorn 1823
Carmina Samaritana e codicibus Londinensibus by W. Gesenius 1824
The expectations formed by the Assyrians By Frederick Nolan
Bibliotheca Sussexiana By Thomas Joseph Pettigrew 1827
Briani Waltoni, S.T.P. Biblia Polyglotta Prolegomena,
Specialia Recognovit Dathianisque et Variorum Notis suas Immiscuit Franciscus
Wranham by Franciscus Wrangham 1828
N Lectures on the criticism and
interpretation of the Bible by
Herbert Marsh 1828
N Popular Lectures on Biblical Criticism
and Interpretation by William Carpenter 1829
Dissertation sur l'origine, l'āge et l'état critique du
... by Casimir Mazade 1830
N The
Biblical Repository Samaritan Pentateuch by M. Stuart 1832.
Aanmerkingen over de
Samaritanen, en hunne briefwisseling met eenige Europesche geleerden: ter
gelegenheid der uitgrave van eenan nog onbekenden Samaritaanschen Brief, pp.
1-56, Archief voor kerkelijke geschiedenis, inzonderheid van
Nederland, by H. A. Hamaker, 1834
Palästina by Karl von Raumer 1835
N The Biblical
Companion by William Carpenter 1836
Institutiones Linguae Samaritanae: Vol. 2 By Friedrich
Uhlemann 1837
Institutiones linguae Samaritanae by Friedrich G.
Uhlemann 1837
N Porta Linguarum Orientalium 1840
The Samaritan Pentateuch
by T. W. 1840
Biblical Researches in Palestine.... , By Edward
Robinson 1841
Palästina, und die südlich angrenzenden Länder: Vol 3 By Edward
Robinson 1841
N Historisch-kritische Studien zu der Septuaginta,
by Zecharias, Frankel 1841
Storia degli Ebrei e delle loro sette e dottrine religiose by Aurelio Angelo Bianchi-Giovini 1844
N A survey of the Holy Land: its
geography, history, and destiny by J.
T. Bannisterm 1844
Commentarii in historiam gentis Samaritanae by Theodor W. Juynboll 1846
Commentatio de versione arabico-samaritana by Theodor W. Juynboll 1846
samaritanum: arabice conscriptum by Theodor
W. Juynboll 1848
N Samaritan,
Specimen of the Samaritan Version from Waltons Polyglot. Pp. 28-30, The Bible of Every Land. A History of the
Sacred Scriptures in Every Language and Dialect into which Translations
have been made: by Samuel Bagster 1848
Wochenbände für das geistige und materielle Wohl des
deutschen Volkes: Volumes 17-19 - Page 27 1851
elucidated: a new translation, from the
Hebrew compared ... John Jervis, White Jervis 1852
Reise in das heilige Land: im Jahre 1851 unternommen
und beschrieben by Joseph
Schiferle 1852
Die Erdkunde im Verhältniss zur Natur
und zur Geschichte des ... by Carl Ritter, Georg Friedrich Hermann Müller 1852
Reise nach Ostindien über Palästina und Egypten, Vol 1
by Karl Graul 1854
Reisen durch Syrien, Palaestina, Phoenicien. by Ulrich J. Seetzen 1854
Notices of the modern Samaritans: illustrated by incidents in the
by Yakūb (al-Shalabī) 1855
Meine Reise im Orient: Von Alexander Ziegler: Vol 2
by Alexander Ziegler
Reise durch Syrien und Palästina in den Jahren 1851 und
1852: Vol 2 by Charles
William Meredith van de Velde 1856
N Das Buch der Jubiläen und sein
Verhältniss zu den Midraschim by Bernard Beer 1856
Der Zions-Pilger by
Eduard Ohnesorge 1856
Biblical Researches in Palestine..., By Edward
Robinson 1856
Later Biblical Researches in Palestine..., By Edward Robinson 1856
N Bei den Samaritanern Nach Jerusalem by Ludwig August Frankl 1858
N Grammatica linguę Hebręę
by James Robertson 1758
Dekalog in einer samaritanischen Iscrift aus dem Tempel des Gariaim, pp. 275-281, Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft by O. Blau 1859
Jerusalem, Beschreibung meiner Reise nach dem heiligen
Lande, 1858 by F. N.
Lorenzen 1859
Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen
Gesellschaft: Vol 14 by Deutsche Morgenländische Gesellschaft 1860
Das Heilige Land und die heiligen staẗten: Ein
Pilgerbuch in ... by J.
A. Messmer 1860
N Des Origines du Gnosticisme, by Michel
Nicolas 1861
Ueber einige samaritanisch-arabische
schriften die hebräische by Theodore Noldeke 1862
Jerusalem und das Heilige Land: Pilgerbuch nach Paläestina,
Syrien Vol 2 by Johann Nepomuk Sepp 1863
N Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft by Rosen (Rosenberg) 1864
Notice sur deux fragments d'un Pentateuque hébreu-samaritain
by Jean Joseph Léandre Bargčs 1865
Samaritan Chronicle (see
page 303) by R. Payne Smith 1865
De Pentateucho Samaritano ejusque cum versionibus antiquis by Samuel
Kohn 1865
Kitāb al-ta'rīkh
mimmā taḳaddama 'an al-ābā:
by Abū al-Fat ibn Abī al-hasan
(al-Sāmirī), Eduardus Vilmar - 1865
N De Pentateuqho Samaritano ejusque
cum versionibus antiquis nexu. Diss. Inaug. Quam in Universitate
Viadrina . . defendet auctor Sameul Kohn, Hungarus. Lipsiae 1865- 68 Seiten
in Octav., By Th. Noldeke pp. 1304-1313, gottinggische gelehrte anzeigen unter
der Aufsicht der Konigl. Gellschaft der Wissenschaften, 33. Stuck, 16, August
Studien: Beiträge zur samaritanischen
... Samuel
Kohn - 1868
N Versuch einer hebraischen Formenlehre
by Julius H. Petermann 1868
Reise nach Jerusalem über Wien, Constantinopel, Ägypten
und zurück by Johann
Kränzle 1868
Das Targum ur Chronik pp.
236-271 Jüdische Zeitschrift für Wissenschaft
und Leben 1870 by M. Rosenberg & K. Kohler
N Il Pentateuco Volgarizzato E Commentato
by Samuel Davide Luzzatto 1871
Chronique Samaritaine:
by Adolph
Neubauer 1873
Hellenistische Studien: Volumes 1-2 - Page 97
by Jacob Freudenthal 1874
Targum Shomroni 'al hatorah by Adolf Brüll 1875
Zur Sprache, Literatur und Dogmatik der Samaritaner
by Samuel Kohn 1876
Das samaritanische
Targum zum Pentateuch: by Adolf Brüll - 1876
N Horae Samaritanae; Or, A
Collection of Various Readings of the Samaritan Pentateuch Compared with the
Hebrew and Other Ancient Versions, pp. 79-88, Bibliotheca Sacra
by B. Pick 1877
The Survey of Western Palestine
by Sir
Charles. Warren, Claude R Conder 1878
Eine Wallfahrt nach Jerusalem: Bilder ohne
Heiligenscheine by Moritz
Busch 1881
Zur Differenz zwischen Juden und Samaritanern, Zeitschrift - Volume 35 pp.
132-138, by Julius Furst 1881
Der Orient by Amand Schweiger-Lerchenfeld (Freiherr von)1882
N Il Pentateuco Samaritano 1883
Ein Brief des Hohenpriestersa der Samaritaner Jakub ibn
Harun, pp. 149- 154, Vol.7,
by Emil Kautzsch 1884
Christian Thought by Elliot Shepard 1886
Deutsches litteraturblatt ...: Volume 8 - Page 192
by Wilhelm Herbst, Karl Heinrich Keck, Rudolf
Pfleiderer 1886
Geschichte und Bedeutung der Stadt
Sichem by Adolf Eckstein 1886
Das heilige Land und seine Heiligthümer Vol 3 by
Liévin (de Hamme, pčre.), P. Franz Joseph Costa-Major 1887
N An Introduction of the Holy Scriptures by John Ayre 1887
Collection of Pamphlets and Articles on Samaritan and
Karaite Law 1888
Traditionen: by Dr. Leopold Wreschner 1888
N Die Kuthäer als beobachter
des gesetzes [microform] ; nach talmudischen quellen, nebst berücksichtigung
der samaritanischen correspondenz und liturgie by Israel Taglicht 1888
Durch Italien und Griechenland nach dem Heiligen Land
by Gerhard
Rath 1888
Orientalische Tageblätter: nach der Natur und by Sophie
Christ 1888
Durch Italien und Griechenland nach dem Heiligen Land
by Gerhard Rath 1888
N Short life of Christ: for old and
young, by Cunningham
Geikie 1888
N Nabloos
and the Samaritans (in 1861), pp. 241- 258, The Narrative of an Explorer in
Tropical South Africa by
George Grove 1889
On Assyrian and Samaritan in JAOS 13
by Morris Jastrow 1889
N Eldad ha-Dani, seine Berichte uber die
X Stamme by
Abraham Epstein (Hebrew)
Wanderungen durch das heilige land - Page 280
by Konrad Furrer 1891
History of Printed Edition of the Old
Testament by B. Pick 1892
A Critical Copy of the Samaritan
Pentateuch by Scott Watson 1892
A Critical Copy of the Samaritan
Pentateuch by Scott
Watson 1893
Ein samaritanisches Fragment uber den Taeb oder Messias
by Adalbert Merx 1893
Dibre emeth, oder Stimmen der Wahrheit an Israeliten
und Freunde by Stimmen der Wahrheit an Israeliten und
Freunde Israels 1893
N Samareitikon
und Septuaginta by Samuel
Kohn 1894
The Samaritan Liturgy, and
Reading of the Law, pp 121 -140, The Jewish Quarterly Review, by Arthur Cowley 1894
Studien uber zwei Blatter aus einer
alten Samar. Pentateuch.. by Wilhelm Anton Neumann 1896
The Oldest Manuscript of the Hebrew Bible by Scott Watson 1896
Genenius Hebrew Grammar, by Emil
Kautzsch 1898
Samar Pentateuch-Handschrift by Scott
Watson 1899
Das Siegeslied: ..Samaritaners Marquah by Levi Emmrich 1897
"Ein samaritanischer Brief an Konig Oscar in
Faksimile by Herman
Almkvist 1897
Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft by G. Margoliouth 1897
N C. G. - G. Revue Critique d'histoire et de littérature, 1898
Die Zarāath-Gesetze der Bibel nach dem Kitāb al-kāfi des
Jūsuf Ibn ... by Naphtali Cohn 1899
N A Samaritan Copy of the Samaritan
Pentateuch by Scott Watson 1899
La liturgie samaritaine: office du soir des fetes by
S. Rappoport 1900
Die samaritanisch-arabische Pentateuchübersetzung,
Deuteronomium I-XI by Josef Bloch 1901
N Notes on a Newly Acquired Samaritan
Manuscript by J. Skinner 1901
N Review: The American Journal of Semitic
Languages and Literatures A Samaritan
Grammar Richard Gottheil 1902
Mischpātīm: ein samaritanisch-arabischer by Ibrahim ibn Ya'kub (al-Shamiri), M. Klumel 1902
Old World in the New Century: Being the Narrative of a Tour
W. E. Barton 1902
N Review: The American Journal of Semitic
Languages and Literatures A Samaritan
Grammar Richard Gottheil 1902
Das Festgesetz der Samaritaner nach Ibraĥim̂ ibn
Ja'ḳub̂: by Ibrahim ibn Ya'kub
N Das samaritanische Passahfest
by Warren J. Moulton 1904
Torah Nevi'im u-Khetuvim. G. Beer [et
al.] Edidit Rud. Kittel, 1906
N Revue Biblique Internationale, Inscription samaritaine de Gaza by Abel, Felix-Marie 1906
N Recueil d'archéologie orientale
Inscription samaritaine de Gaza by Charles Simon Clermont-Ganneau, 1906
Zur Geschichte der Entstehung der Samaritanischen
Gemeinde: by Solomon Joseph Rubinstein
Les Samaritans dans le Coran, by J.Halevy pp.
419-429, Revue Sémitique d'épigraphie et
d'histoire Ancienne,
Juden und Samaritaner: by Johann Wilhelm
Rothstein 1908
The Samaritans The Open Court, Vol. XXII (no. 8) August 1908, No. 627. Pp.
488-491 by Paul Carus
N Dating of their Manuscripts by the
Samaritans by Richard
Gottheil 1906
N History of the City of Gaza by Martin Abraham
Meyer 1907
N La Misasa, pp. 23-28, by Ignaz
Goldziher, 1908
N Zum samaritanischen Josua, p. 754, Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen
Gesellschaft, by A. S. Yahuda, 1908
Uber die Unechtheit des samaritanischen Josuabuches
by A. S. Yahuda 1908
P. S. B. A.: Vol. 30 Notes New Samaritan Inscriptions by H. H.
Spoer, 1908
Juden und Samaritaner: die grundlegende Scheidung von
Judentum und by Johnann Wilhelm Rothstein 1908
The Samaritan Liturgy: Volume 2 by Arthur Ernest Cowley 1909
N An introduction to the Pentateuch
Thomas Chapman 1911
The Karaite Halakah: And Its Relation
to Saduccean, Samaritan and . by Bernard Revel 1913
N Traktat vom Samaritanermessias
[microform] : Studien zur Frage der Existenz und Abstammung Jesu, by Heinrich
Hammer, 1913
N specimina codicum orirntalium by Eugčne Tisserant 1914
Der samaritanische Pentateuch und die
Pentateuchkritik by Ed. Konig 1915
N Catalogue of the printed
books and of the Semitic and Jewish mss. in the Mary Frere Hebrew library at
Girton College, Cambridge
by Herbert Loewe 1916
N The Historical Criticism of the Pentateuch. A Reply to Dr. Koenig,
pp. 83- 153, Bibliotheca sacra
by Herold M. Wiener 1915
N The Origins of the Islamic State, by Aḥmad ibn Yaḥyį
Der Hebraische Pentateuch der Samaritaner, August
Freiherrn von Gall,Verlag von Alfred Topelmann, Giessen, 1918
Greek Genesis, the Graf-Wellhausen Theory, and the Conservative Position,
pp. 41-60, Contributions to a New Theory of the Composition of the
Pentateuch (III) pp. 193- 220, The Bibliotheca sacra by Harold M. Wiener 1919
The National Geographic Magazine The Last Israelitish Blood Sacrifice, How the Vanishing Samaritans Celebrate the
Passover on Sacred Mount Gerizim By John D. Whiting, 1920
N Review: The Samaritans: Their
Testamony to the Religion of Israel, By the Rev. J. E. H. Thomson, D.D.
Edinburgh and London: Oliver and Boyd, 1919. pp. 355- 358, Bibliotheca sacra
by George L. Robinson, 1920
The Samaritans Laurel G.
Cole, Ensign, Dec 1974, 40
Catalogue Des Manuscrits Samaritans by Jean-Pierre Rothschild 1985
"Reconstruction of Patrilineages and Matrilineages of
Samaritans and Other Israeli Populations From Y-Chromosome and Mitochondrial
DNA Sequence Variation" Shen, P; Lavi T,
Kivisild T, Chou V, Sengun D, Gefel D, Shpirer I, Woolf E, Hillel J, Feldman
MW, Oefner PJ (2004).
The New Samaritan High Priest, The Cohen Gene
Y Chromosomal Aaron
Good Genes: How Science Helped the Samaritans Find Their
Roots Maggie Koerth-Baker
Sounds of Samaritan Music
Music of the Forefathers and the Roots of the People of Israel
Samaritan Singers Ensembles Of Gerizim
Mountain and Holon in the Holy Land
& Conductor: Benyamim Tsedaka
the Samaritan Singers music for your relaxing listening entertainment. You
have never heard anything like it in your life!
"ELAEE THAR GARIZEM"-"The god of mount
Gerizim and the master of the world "
"EH ABRAHAM"- "Hooo Abraham and his
righteousness "
"ELA RAB U LIT KABATE"-"The greatest god
who is none as him"
"LEHELUWEM ASHLEMET" -"The glory is for
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